The space energy man was just bombarded by the annihilation Thor, and there were countless cracks in his body. At this time, he was bombarded by Tang Long again. Moreover, the power of Tang Long's fist was very powerful. The space energy man was directly broken by the bombardment.

"Finally, we have solved this space energy man!"

Tang Long is very satisfied with his attack this time, and he is also very satisfied with the strategy of dealing with space energy man.

In any case, he has now found some rules for dealing with this space energy man.

The most important thing is, this space energy man's combat power is much weaker than him.

After solving this space energy man here, he used the sea realm and explored his divine sense to 2000 meters away. At that time, the warrior of the demon family Tianzu jiuzhong had been killed by bombardment, leaving only one demon soul.

The spirit of the devil is still under joint attack by the five space energy men!

"I'm going to go now. I have to find a way to kill two or three space energy people. Otherwise, after the five space energy people have destroyed the spirit of the devil, they will come and attack me together. I'm sure I can't carry it then!"

Thinking in his mind, Tang Long with the destruction of the Thunder God toward that side of the rapid.

One reason is that he doesn't want to expose them here, so as not to be known by the warriors of the demon clan here. The other reason is that he is afraid that if they come out, there will be more space energy people here.

The reason why he called out the God of doom was that he was actually his own incarnation, but this one was very special and was tempered by him very much.

They are all completely independent beings.

There won't be another space energy man here.

Tang Long with the destruction of the God of thunder, in a twinkling of an eye has been to the Tianzu nine heavy demon soul next to the attack on the demon soul of one of the space energy man launched an attack.

At this time, he has more and more experience in using the law of space, and the speed of application becomes faster and faster.

Although he can't use the law of space to achieve the instant speed of space energy man, it is not much different.

"Once I leave here, I will use the law of speed that I have mastered for a long time and use it together in the laws of space. With the speed of applying the law which is not too slow now, I believe that I can basically achieve the instant release of the law!"

"If I can use the law of space in an instant, my combat power will certainly be greatly improved!"

Tang long thought, of course, he did not dare to provoke more space energy people to attack himself, only very carefully provoked one to come.

The remaining four space energy people are still surrounding the demon spirit in the war, and these four space energy people have already played the demon spirit extremely passively.

In a hurry, five minutes passed.

With his previous experience in dealing with the space energy man, Tang Long solved the space energy man who was attracted by him in five minutes together with mieshi Raytheon.

Then he went to attract a space energy man.

When he killed two space energy people one after another to attract a third space energy man, the demon soul finally couldn't resist the attack of the remaining space energy people. The spirit of the devil was destroyed by the bombardment and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Tang Long has also successfully eliminated the third space energy man.

There are still two space energy people left here.

Two space energy men attack Tang Long together. Tang Long finally knows that the attack power of these two space energy men is many times stronger than that of one space energy man!

Tang Long spent more than half an hour to deal with the attack of these two space energy men!

Finally, more than half an hour later, when he became more and more proficient in the use of space laws, he finally cooperated with mieshi Raytheon to destroy one of the two space energy men.

It took only about two minutes to solve the last space energy.

When the last space energy man is killed by Tang Long and mieshi Raytheon, the place where the space energy man explodes and disappears, a space there directly produces an extremely violent spiral distortion.

Then in the center of this spiral twisted space, there is a door of space!

"At last, this level has passed. What will happen next?" Tang long thought in his mind, his body flashed through the door of space.

Beyond the door of space, he has arrived at another place.

There is no more danger here, it seems very calm, and at this moment, the door of space where Tang Long came in has disappeared.

Tang long looked forward to the front, and his heart was suddenly alert.

He saw the demons.

There are five demons here.Three of these five people are not strong, they are just the strength of dizu's advanced realm.

The other two warriors of the demon clan are very strong. One is the strength of the Ninth Heaven of Tianzu, and the other is the strength of the fourth heaven of banbuzu God!

"These two most powerful people should be the warriors of the two most powerful demons who have entered the temple of extermination. Among them, the most powerful warrior of the half step God and the four heaven should be the ancestor of Heitian!"

Tang long thought.

The place where he is now is not completely empty. It is a large square. However, in this square, in addition to the place in front of Tang Long and behind him, there are also left and right directions of him. The ground is very flat.

On the ground, there are white jade stones glittering with silver.

There are various mysterious runes carved on the stone, and there is a strange light energy flowing between heaven and earth.

This energy makes Tang Long feel relaxed and even has a very kind feeling.

In front of Tang long, there is a long ladder. The ladder is higher and higher. It extends thousands of kilometers above the void. There are endless void spaces on both sides of the ladder!

At the end of the steps, there is a high stone tablet.

The stone tablet is silvery white, emitting silvery light, and there are various mysterious runes constantly appearing on the stone tablet. The runes are flying freely in the air. From a distance, the situation there is very amazing.

"What secret should exist on the stone tablet? I have to go and see it!" Tang long thought in his mind and walked quickly towards the stairs.

The starting position of the ladder is 100 meters in front of him, and the ladder is very wide, more than five meters.

The warriors of the five demons are all on the steps, climbing up.

They climb very slowly!

Tang long watched them climb up the stairs. He could easily see that they were struggling!

Heitian Laozu, the warrior of the demon clan of the half step ancestor god and the four fold heaven, is the strongest among all the people here. Now he has climbed more than half of the ladder and is less than 400 meters away from the stone tablet.

In addition, the warrior of the demon clan in the peak state of Tianzu is about 600 meters away from the stone tablet!

The last three warriors of the demon clan climbed down the stairs less than 100 meters. These three warriors are still far away from the stone tablet.

Now these three warriors have fallen to the ground, it is obviously difficult to continue.

Tang Long has reached the entrance of the stairs.

When he stepped on the first step of the ladder, he immediately felt that an extremely heavy force suddenly burst out from the ladder, and directly hit him.

And a kind of powerful spiritual power is also directly shrouded in his body!

"No wonder these warriors of the demon clan took such a long time to climb up the ladder so close, and it seems that they are all struggling. Even the strong man of the half step ancestor god has already stopped there, and it takes several minutes to move one step. Obviously, they continue to climb up, and they have more and more difficulty. Obviously, the ladder is obviously There are very strong prohibitions

Tang long thought in his mind, and quickly gathered his strength to protect himself.

He doesn't care about the pressure of the spiritual force here. Now his strength of spiritual strength is very strong, which is the level of the five grade heaven level Danzu.

For now, at least, it is not difficult for him to resist the mental pressure that has erupted in this place.

But the power of the force was so powerful that he couldn't bear it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!