The city of engulfment doesn't seem to belong to the blood temple on the surface, but it is actually one of the most important places in the blood temple!

People from the blood heaven land often go to devour the city, and they will go to the blood soul world by swallowing the city.

Tianxue continent needs some extremely precious medicinal materials of divine animal variation. These medicinal materials are strictly managed by the blood god hall and stored in the blood soul world!

Therefore, after a period of time, there are special people in xueyunling who take special pass token to devour the city. They go to the blood soul world through the blood devil gate of the devouring city to get all kinds of precious medicinal materials.

Binghuo had caught the souls of those blood demons in xueyunling before. After that, he interrogated them for a long time. At this time, he had obtained the important information of devouring the city from one of the blood demons with high status.

He already knew that the door of the blood devil leading to the blood soul world was in the city of devouring.

The door of blood demon is a very secret place in the city of devouring. This place is in charge of Muheng demon owl!

Muheng demon owl is a member of the blood demon clan, a member of the blood god temple. He was a super power of the blood demon clan a long time ago!

Muheng demon owl is a very important subordinate of the blood demon ancestor.

Before the old man arrived at the city of engulfment, he had already made the necessary costumes. He had used his mysterious means to make dantai Shuya and Zhong Li Xueyan, as well as the generals and ministers, so that all three of them were possessed with a spirit of blood demon.

With the help of the old man of ice and fire, the generals and ministers have successfully changed their appearance into the appearance of the other three warriors.

At this time, they all looked like warriors in the blood temple. All of them were dressed in blood robes. Their faces were cold and evil.

Their own breath of life has been covered by the spirit of possessed blood demons and will not be detected.

It is very exhausting for the old man of ice and fire to use this method, and it is very difficult to perform it. Because the spirit of the old man has not been fully recovered, so he needs to rest for a long time when he uses this method once.

After completing the identity hiding of the generals and the three of them, Binghuo old man recovered for two hours.

It was two hours before he recovered.

At this time, they had arrived at the city of engulfment, and they had to go to the city Lord's house to find Muheng demon owl. At this time, four or five hours have passed since the generals and ministers were possessed by the spirit of blood demons.

Their spirit possessed effect will soon disappear!

Before this effect disappears, they must enter the blood soul world smoothly. When they get to the blood soul world, they have to find a place to hide first and not be found.

Binghuo old man has not been with the generals and ministers. He acts alone.

Hiding in a place far away from the city of engulfment, pay close attention to the general and the officials.

At this time, Binghuo old man is also extremely cautious, far away quietly follow the generals and ministers, to prevent them from any accident.

The generals and officials with Dan Tai Shuya and Zhong Li Xue Yan have arrived at the gate of the city Lord's house of devouring city.

They took out three tokens.

The people at the door saw the token in their hands and immediately let them go.

Their token is the one that can pass through the blood demon's gate.

They got this token on the land of heavenly blood.

When they went into the city Lord's house, they saw the information manager of the city Lord's house, and there was no accident.

The chief information officer believed their identity and did not question them.

The chief information officer didn't expect that someone could come here by using the method of spirit possessed body. This method was created by the old man Binghuo, and the information manager had never heard of it before.

The most important thing is the breath of life of the three men in front of him. He is very familiar with the life breath of generals and ministers. He is a warrior who often comes here to deliver news.

The generals and ministers were well prepared before they came here, and their identities were carefully prepared and arranged. The people of the blood demon clan dressed up by the generals and ministers are the people who are specially responsible for delivering important news to the blood soul world and receiving important medicinal materials at the same time.

The general and the minister are similar in stature to this man. They are possessed by the old man of ice and fire with the spirit of the blood devil. After careful face changing, they seem to be no different from the warrior himself.

Dan Tai Shuya and Zhong Li Xueyan follow the generals and ministers without much talk. They look like two small followers. They are not impressive at all, but they all have the spirit of blood demons, and they also carry the necessary identity cards.

The message manager looked at the ID card, and directly arranged for people to take the three of them to the blood demon gate.

The door of blood demon is in a secret room of the Lord's house of devouring city.

Ordinary people are not allowed to come to this chamber.

A large transmission array was arranged in the secret room. Through this transmission array, the generals and ministers would arrive at a very open place.

Here, they were identified again.The chief manager of the news was with them, and they did not make any mistakes in all aspects, so the inspection here was relatively smooth and was not suspected.

Most of all, there has been no mistake since its establishment.

Through the investigation, they went to a place in front of them. There were a total of 108 blood red pillars around it. There were hundreds of blood god temple warriors guarding the safety of this place seriously.

The weakest force of these guards is dizu realm, and the absolute part is Tianzu realm.

In the circle surrounded by these pillars, in the center of the circle, there is a space-time gate with a diameter of more than 15 meters, and the blood red energy condenses. This is the door of blood devil to blood soul world!

Generals and ministers did not dare to delay their time. After all, the condition that they possessed the spirit of blood demons could not last too long.

In an hour at most, their blood demon possessed condition will disappear.

Things went well. They safely passed through the door of the blood devil and arrived in the blood soul world, a big and prosperous city in the blood soul world.

This city is called bloodthirsty Tiancheng, also known as Zhongtian city!

At present, the generals and ministers are in the big square of Zhongtian City, and the door of blood demon is above the square.

There are extremely tight defenses around the blood demon's gate.

When the generals explored the surrounding area, they immediately found that there were more than 20 warriors with five levels of strength around Tianzu!

There are even two extremely powerful existence, should be the top nine of Tianzu!

"The defense around the blood demon gate is really strict enough. There are so many strong Tianzu people, and there are also strong people at the peak of Tianzu who are responsible for guarding. It is really too easy for ordinary people to get into the blood soul world!"

"Fortunately, the ice fire old man's method is very good, which can temporarily cover us with the breath of the blood devil's soul!"

The generals thought, dare not delay a bit of time, with Dan Tai Shu Ya and Zhong Li Xue Yan, with a token, soon left the big square of Zhongtian city.

Outside, the three immediately explored the surroundings and found no danger.

But when they got here, they all frowned.

Around those who passed by them, many of these people are very strange, some people have seven or eight hands, some people have many heads, pig head, cow head, mouse head!

Even, many people have many kinds of tails!

Although the three of them have the spirit of blood demons, they are all normal ordinary people.

This kind of appearance is very conspicuous here, at least they feel very conspicuous!

Fortunately, not all the people in the city of Zhongtian are such strange people, but there are a few people who look like generals and ministers.

Generals and ministers looked around and could see a few long and normal people scattered.

"The environment of this place is too strange, and we don't have much time left. In 20 minutes, we must find a suitable place to settle down!" she whispered in a low voice behind the general

Zhong Li Xueyan worried: "the breath diffused between heaven and earth in this place is cold and evil, and the breath from these people is also extremely cold and evil. Once we are here, once the state of being possessed with souls disappears, I am afraid we will be concerned soon!"

The general frowned and said, "we have to find a way to get out of the city as soon as possible. This city has the door of blood demons. The management will be strict and sensitive to some things. We must go to the places where the management is relatively loose."

The city of Zhongtian is very big. At this time, they are not short from the gate of Zhongtian city. If they do not fly outside quickly, they will not be able to leave the city within 20 minutes.

If they don't go out of the city, the spirit of blood demons on them will disappear after 20 minutes.

At that time, the spirit of blood demons on them will disappear completely!

It's a pity that the old man of ice and fire can't learn the method of spirit and spirit, because it requires the strength of a warrior to reach at least half the level of zushen, and he must also know several very powerful laws.

If the generals and ministers can use this method of spirit possession, they will be much safer here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!