Looking at the top of the ladder, it's very easy for him to climb the top of the ladder

"The most important thing is that when the blood demons came here, they saw the ghost on the ladder. Now they are trying their best to catch up with the ghost, climbing up the stairs unprepared. In this way, they will easily run out of energy."

"They want to climb to the top of the ladder in this state, even if it's the half step ancestor god seven heaven guy can't do it!"

Of course, the ghost ha Tuo mentioned by the ancestor of Heitian is Tang long after displaying his magic power.

After hearing these words, uncle sun thought it over and thought it was very reasonable.

He knew that he had climbed the ladder because he was unprepared.

If he is well prepared, adjust his state, even if he can't climb to the top of the ladder, at least he can climb many more layers.

Next to a demon clan strong man looking at the black sky ancestor worried: "Heitian ancestor, what if they don't go down the stairs for a while? If they don't come down and wait on that ladder, we'll hardly be their rivals? "

Heitian Laozu glared at the Warrior: "fool, can't you use your brain?"

He was too lazy to explain to the warrior.

Looking at the warrior, uncle Sun explained: "we can think of the best way to climb the top of the ladder. Of course, they will also think of it. After thinking about the method, how can they not choose to rest? If they stay there, sooner or later, they will be crushed to death by the force of pressure. When they are half dead, can they still not come down? Can't we kill them in that situation? "

"That's true." The strong man nodded repeatedly and felt that uncle sun's stick was very reasonable.

Looking at Uncle sun's stick, Heitian Laozu said: "we have to recover our vitality as soon as possible. Those guys were attracted by the ghost Ha Mo that boy just now, so they would hurry to climb the stairs. When they climb to the difficult place, they may think that we are resting here. If they go down the stairs in advance to prepare, we will be very dangerous. Therefore, the faster we recover, the faster we will be The more advantageous they are! "

Hearing the words of Heitian Laozu, uncle sun didn't dare to say more and tried his best to recover his vitality.

After exerting the power of domination and exerting the power of divine power, Tang Long on the ladder quickly climbed up many levels because he felt that the force of the pressure suddenly weakened.

He is less than 50 meters away from the top of the ladder!

However, as he gets closer and closer to the end point, the pressure he bears has become stronger and stronger. Even though he has exerted the power of domination to the limit, he is still a little unable to withstand the pressure.

"I'm going to reach the end soon. I have to stick to it. If I can't hold on, I'll have to stimulate the power of the universe!"

"However, the power of domination is obviously very good for resisting the force of pressure here, and at this time, the powerful enemy behind me is watching. I must try my best to retain my vitality. I still have to continue to insist on it, because I can still insist on it again!"

Tang long thought in his mind and explored the situation behind him.

On the stairs behind him, the warriors of the blood demon clan have been climbing up the stairs rapidly, but as they climb up, the pressure they bear is becoming more and more powerful.

So in a short period of time, a total of 15 warriors of the blood demon clan, and the four high-level warriors of dizu were far behind.

Next, the strong Tianzu of those blood demons began to fall behind.

The fastest way to climb up is of course the warrior of the blood demon family, the half step ancestor god, and the seven heaven warrior.

This warrior climbs up faster than other warriors.

However, as the warrior continued to climb up the ladder, the force he was subjected to became more and more powerful, and the climbing speed had gradually slowed down.

Tang Long is still working hard. He has heard the threatening voice of the warrior of the blood demon family half Bu Zu God qichongtian: "the devil people in front of me, stop right now, or I will catch up with you and kill you!"

When Tang long heard the threat of the warrior, he couldn't help but feel disdain.

By virtue of his own spiritual power and the power of domination, he obviously has a good advantage on this ladder.

If he went down this ladder, wouldn't he have killed himself?!

He could not help thinking: "if there were only me and the warrior here, I would stop on the ladder and wait for him for a while. In such a place, I obviously have more advantages than him. I can make him angry and make his mood confused, and my advantage will be greater."

"However, there are many warriors of the blood demon clan below, and there are also warriors of the demon clan. After these guys are killed, there are their spirits. Whether it is the spirit of the devil or the soul of the blood demon, there is still a great threat.""My ultimate goal here is to climb to the top. I have to preserve my strength. I must be careful. I can't take risks. I can't consume with them."

Thinking of this, Tang Long still turned his head to the warrior of the half step ancestor god qichongtian below, and said in a disdainful voice: "elder of the blood demon clan, you are the strength of the half step ancestor god qichongtian. I only have the strength of Tianzu's six levels. Are you too incompetent to fall behind me now?"

After a pause, he tried to bear the pressure and continued to shout: "if you have the ability, then catch up with me and kill me!"

The warrior of the blood demon clan, who was a warrior of the half ancestor god qichongtian, heard Tang Long say such a slight remark on him. His eyes were filled with blood red light.

"Little bastard, I'll kill you if I catch up with you!"

With a roar of anger, his blood Demon power suddenly broke out in a crazy way. Suddenly, he climbed tens of meters and several dozens of steps in one breath!

Tang Long explores that this guy's breath is suddenly strong and much stronger. He approaches him quickly and is also startled.

He yelled at the warrior behind him in order to anger the warrior, so that the warrior could quickly gather his energy and climb up, lose his square inch, and then consume a lot of energy. In this way, the warrior will soon lose his strength and eventually have to return to the bottom of the steps.

Now the warrior is obviously infuriated by him, but climbing up so fast makes Tang Long fear in his heart!

"Don't catch up with me

Thinking of this, Tang Long was biting his teeth, supporting the explosive body that seemed to be bombarded and pressed at any time, and climbed up several layers in a hurry.

Feeling the power of the energy coming from heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger, Tang long already wants to sit down and have a rest.

But he didn't dare to sit down. He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to get up again.

By then, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get down the stairs!

He had climbed for such a long time before, although he has tried his best to adjust his state, although his vitality is still very abundant, at this time, it is a little too much to eat!

Behind him, the warrior of the blood demon clan, who was a warrior in the seventh heaven of the ancestor god, climbed up for a long distance quickly, and his energy consumption became more and more intense, and he had to stop.

Tang Long is always exploring the situation behind him. Knowing that the warrior stopped, he felt a little relieved.

He knew that the warrior was still a long way from him, more than 100 meters.

At such a distance, it is obvious that the warrior can not catch up with him in a short period of time.

The blood demons, the warrior of the half ancestor god qichongtian, are still gnashing their teeth and trying to climb up. They stare at Tang Long's eyes and show a fierce killing opportunity.

He also can't think of it. Tang Long's strength is so far behind him. How can Tang long climb so high now?

"Does this boy know any special means and secret methods that can suppress the powerful force here? Explore the momentum of this boy. It seems that there is a powerful power in his momentum That should be the power of divine power

"This boy knows how to use the power of divine power, and has the power of domination

After exploring the situation of the Tang dragon for a while, the warrior of the blood demon clan, the half ancestor god of qichongtian, suddenly found that he had neglected a problem.

He has been here only to see Tang long, a demon group of people, this situation makes him feel a bit wrong.

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