"Chaos heavy water!"

Tang long had already noticed something bad in the moment when the Vajra mask was bombarded by a blood red energy tiger. He knew that this time, the power of the warrior in the half step God's seventh heaven was so powerful that he could not resist it.

Therefore, he quickly before the cover broke, he had already displayed the magic power of chaos heavy water to protect himself.

He used the cold force of nine hell, which gathered the power of the devil, directly frozen himself.

After the Vajra mask was broken, he was bombarded by powerful energy.

The powerful shock wave of the blood demon's power was so powerful that it flew tens of meters out of Tang Long's bombardment, and even the frozen ice mass of Tang Long was shattered by the bombardment!

After flying several tens of meters, Tang Long suddenly fell to the ground. The pain between his chest and abdomen was incomparable. His whole body was extremely painful, and even his eyes were blackened!

He spewed out a mouthful of blood, and restrained the black situation in front of him, and tried not to faint.

A moment later, he managed to recover from his lethargy, and had heard an earth shaking roar!

"Lucky, I didn't get killed by that guy!" Tang Long breathed gently.

Lying down on the ground and calming down, his heart surged with ecstasy!

Although his whole body was still in sharp pain, and even his bones seemed to be broken, he didn't feel the extremely terrible force at this time, and the force between heaven and earth seemed to disappear!

"What happened just now..."

Thinking of the situation in which he had just been blown up, Tang Long made great efforts to gather strength and endure the endless pain. He turned his head and looked down the stairs!

He saw the warrior of qichongtian, the half step ancestor of blood demons, who was still on the stairs.

The warrior was staring at him with rage.

Tang Long once again swept a meter or so in front of him, and immediately he was completely relieved: "this time you really helped me a lot!"

The place he saw was the last level of the steps that had come up.

That is to say, Tang Long is already at the top of the steps. Although he was blown up just now, he was bombarded and flew over the extremely difficult steps and landed on the flat ground at the top of the steps!

"Is it a blessing in disguise? It should be, haha, I was blown up. It's no wonder that this guy from qichongtian, the half step ancestor god, would be angry and roar there. He helped me a lot! "

"The most important thing is that he is so far away from me that even if he can use the powerful attack just now, he can not pose a threat to me!"

"What's more, this guy's attack just now obviously used secret arts, and even burned his life. The attack power at that time was very powerful, and the attack like that must be very exhausting."

"In his current state, can he really use such a powerful attack several times?"

Tang long thought in his mind, trying to bear the sharp pain in his arm and took out a healing elixir.

And then he's lying here, rallying his strength and recovering from the internal injury.

He felt that all his bones were going to be broken. It was really painful, but he didn't care.

You know, he has long cultivated into a chaotic body, and for a long time his physique has been constantly improving, and his recovery ability is even more powerful terror.

Even though his bones are broken now, it is not very difficult to recover.

Not to mention that he has a healing elixir with good recovery effect, but also can use huangquan Shenzhen to treat himself.

"In order to recover as soon as possible, I have to use the tower of time here!"

"These guys haven't seen my tower of time. Even if I use it here, they can't see its mystery, and they can't recognize me from it!"

Tang long thought in his mind, exploring the distance, he didn't find the warriors of the demons coming. At this time, the warrior of the seventh heaven of the ancestor god on the steps was already sitting on that step, obviously unable to continue to climb up.

The warrior is more than 50 meters away from Tang long.

Such a long distance, in the present state of the warrior, it is obviously impossible to cross.

"I have enough time to recover from internal injuries."

Tang Long explored the surrounding situation, and directly moved his mind. He took back the broken Vajra mask, and then he would offer a magic weapon, the tower of time.

But at this time he remembered that his tower of time was not here at all!

The tower of time was left behind by him in the ninth emperor's mansion. Shenlongwei and Tangmen tiannu are practicing in the tower of time, absorbing the power of those blood pool potions. This time, it will take a long time for the shenlongwei people to practice in seclusion!

Tang long had no choice but to give up the idea of using the tower of time.The warrior of the blood demon clan, who is staring at Tang long in great anger.

The warrior is fuming with anger.

He didn't expect that his attack on Tang long just now helped Tang long. He hit Tang long to the top of the steps easily.

He glared at Tang Long angrily and did not attack Tang Long again.

He knew that he was here, so far away from Tang long, in such an environment, even if he used the previous means to attack Tang long, it was no use at all.

"I can only bear with it. When I climb up, I will kill the boy immediately."

He thought in his mind that the blood devil's power broke out wildly. He wanted to make the secret method and burn his life again. He wanted to improve his fighting power and climb up a little more. But he saw that Tang long tried to get up from the ground and sit down with his knees crossed. He began to practice like this!

"Damn you, you're going to recover. Do you think I'll let you do it?"

"I must climb up and kill you!"

Thinking of his own attack, he directly "sent" Tang long to the top of the steps, and his heart became more and more angry. Suddenly, he bit his teeth fiercely. The power of the blood demon swept out of his body. He puffed up his breath and even tried to climb up several layers.

Although he wanted to climb to the top as soon as possible, he was helpless. At this time, he felt that his whole body would be blasted by the force of the earth and the earth, and it was extremely difficult to move his feet.

Moreover, before he attacked Tang long, he used the forbidden technique which consumed vital energy, which had a great influence on him.

The most important thing is that before he came here, he had already consumed a lot of energy when he broke through the front hurdles. After coming in, he directly climbed the stairs, and at this time his vitality had been exhausted!

He must go down the steps to recover his vitality. Otherwise, if he continues to stay here again, he may not have the strength to go down the steps, and he will be crushed to death on the stairs by the force of explosion.

"Damn it, I can't stay here any more. I have to go down and rest!"

He thought in his mind, and took a look at Tang long, who was practicing and was trying to recover his strength and injury.

Then he turned his head and was about to leave the ladder. He wanted to go down and recover the consumed blood demon's power as soon as possible. He was fully prepared to climb up and kill Tang long. At this time, he saw a strong atmosphere coming towards this side in the distance below the ladder!

These quick warriors, one by one, burst out of a powerful demon power.

These warriors have been flying to the stairway soon!

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