Tang Long got to know the details of this place by contacting the spirit of ghosts. He frowned and told them about the situation. Then he said, "there is no exit here. Can anyone who comes in here really can't go out?"

"It's impossible. At least I'm sure that the people who come here don't stay here all the time."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen followed: "the people who arrived here did leave at last, because the ghost explored all the places here, but there was no discovery, proving that the whole space was empty!"

The devil of death said: "didn't you say that many people have come to the temple of exterminating the world before? If those people come here, and they never leave after being hurt, at least there will be corpses and utensils in this place. Now there is nothing here, which means there must be an exit here! "

Tang long felt that the devil of death said something very reasonable, and even said, "since there is an exit here, let's look around carefully to see if we can find an exit or something like that."

They agreed to use their own means to find possible exits here.

They are on the top of this place, on the surrounding walls, on the ground, looking for any trace that might be an exit. Even they have applied the law of space, looking for the existence of organs and the like in the air here.

An hour later, they didn't find any exit at all.

But they're not completely unprofitable.

They explored the ground, the surrounding walls, and the dome, and found that they were all connected, and that the walls and the floor, including the top, were always spreading strange energy.

The energy in the wall here is exactly the same as that in this space, which is a very special force of space.

Because of the continuous diffusion of this energy around, the energy in this space is becoming stronger and stronger.

However, it is strange that Tang long did not feel any sense of oppression.

They don't feel any discomfort here.

They also feel very puzzled about the situation here. They continue to look for the exit to leave here. After searching for a while, vatian suddenly becomes aware of it.

He said strangely: "the walls around here are very strange. This is not a space barrier. It seems to exist naturally. It is formed by the aggregation of energy."

Xuanyuan sky array frowned, and he also had this discovery: "the surrounding walls, including the ground and the top, are indeed very special. They always exude a special force of space, but there is no trace of any formation or any gap at all. It looks like a small and independent space formed naturally."

Holy light and demons are still exploring whether there is a space of difference here.

She is exploring and searching, while facing Tang long, but at this time, she is exploring the place, the space here suddenly happened!

The place she explored, the space there suddenly had a strange vibration!

What's more, there's the sound of things breaking in that place!

Although the voice was very light, the light demon still heard it, and Tang Long also heard it at this time.

Holy Light demon hastily way: "you come quickly, here has the situation!"

Hearing the urgent voice of the holy light and demon, Xuanyuan sky array and they all flew over together, and soon all came to the side of the holy light and demon together.

The light demon has been flying into the air, to the place where there is a slight breaking sound. At this time, she can clearly see that a small piece of space here is crumbling!

Tang Long and they are all here.

They also saw this situation, and saw that the space of this place has gradually appeared a lot of cracks.

The cracks are spreading around and expanding.

Where there is a space crack, there is a weak strange energy diffusion out.

The energy from this crack is exactly the same as that from the surrounding walls, and there is no spatial turbulence in the fragmented space.

"Let's be careful. What may happen here!" said Vada in a deep voice

With that, he condenses the law of space distortion, uses the force of space distortion law to distort the fragmented space, but finds that his space distortion law has no effect on the broken space.

Even at this time, the situation of space fragmentation started to spread faster, and the cracks spread rapidly in all directions.

"Click, click..."

The crisp sound of fragmentation is constantly ringing, which makes Tang Long and their hearts become a little nervous.

They quickly use their own means to control the fragmentation of this space. However, no matter what means they use, whether they use the law of space distortion or the law of space sealing, it is totally useless.

Soon, the scope of the space fragmentation expanded to more than 10 meters in diameter!And the speed of fragmentation is actually doubled at this time.

Tang Long and they all felt that the whole space in the place where they were located seemed to be broken.

If the existing space of this place is constantly broken down, the space here will surely collapse. If they can't leave before the collapse of space, they will surely die here. Even if the spirit can survive by chance, it will surely fall into the abyss of nothingness!

"What's going on here?"

Tang Long hurried to explore the surrounding area, but he immediately found out that the space around here has also begun to be fragmented.

The sound of click in all directions has been continuous sound!

Listening to the continuous click sound, Tang Long and their hearts can not help but surge up a deep fear.

They have come to Tang Long together.

"Tang long, use huixinmen quickly!"

His urgent voice sounded, and then together with Xuanyuan sky array, they all directly turned into a ray of light, integrated into Tang Long's body, and all returned to the sky sealing flag of Tang long.

Tang Long is planning to fly to the side. First, he should stay away from the broken space, and then use huixinmen to contact Ye Qingling. At this moment, the whole space is shaking violently.

A terrible space energy burst out from all directions of the broken space.

This energy forms a very strong pulling force!

At this time, Tang long had no time to contact Ye Qingling in his heart, because the powerful suction and pulling force contained the extremely terrifying force of strange space, which had completely enveloped him and covered everything around him.

The force of suction and pull swept Tang long, suddenly toward a place to suck pull in!

Surprised, Tang Long quickly gathered his strength to protect himself.

However, the power of this pulling force is too powerful. Tang Long feels that his whole body seems to have been sucked and pulled apart and turned into a group of light. He is so uncontrollably sucked and pulled forward rapidly.

His eyes are white, ears are always concussion thunder roar, he can feel that he is in the past only speed in the rapid pull!

"What the hell is going on here?"

He was so shocked that he was totally out of control. He was about to try to contact Ye Qingling with huixinmen. Suddenly, he felt a terrible force of pressure coming from all directions. Suddenly, he was in darkness and immediately lost all consciousness!

When he regained consciousness, he opened his eyes in a hurry.

What he saw was a blue sky, what he heard was the whine of the wind blowing the trees, and he smelled the strange fragrance of flowers and plants.

"What would this be?"

He stood up and found that he was completely OK and in excellent health.

But obviously, he's gone to another place.

"Where is this? Is it in the temple of extinction, or has I been to another place, or have I left the temple now? "

"Why am I here? I'm sure there's absolutely no gate of space and no teleportation array

"There was such a strong space fragmentation there. Has the space there collapsed now?"

Tang long thought in his mind and turned to look around. It was a very wide place.

There are flowers and trees around here.

Although these trees grow very sparsely, there will be a big tree from a long distance, but it is obvious that these trees have been growing for many years, and each big tree is very tall.

These big trees are hundreds of meters high, every moment the trees are growing extremely luxuriant.

"I don't know if huixinmen can be used in this place. I have to contact ling'er first to make sure I can leave here. If I can't, it will be bad." Tang long thought, first of all, he tried to contact Ye Qingling with huixinmen.

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