The dark shark monster had already rushed to Tang Long's five meters.

Although the shark's mouth has been bombarded and injured, it is still extremely fierce, it rushed to Tang long, suddenly opened its mouth, and fiercely bit Tang long.

What's more, in the shark monster's big mouth, at this time, an extremely terrible pulling force broke out, which made Tang Long extremely surprised. Tang Long was out of control and flew directly into the shark monster's mouth!

Tang Long was not worried. He snorted coldly and moved his mind. He held the sea sword in his hand.

The sharp blade broke out and stabbed into the shark monster's mouth!

The blade has condensed ice and fire energy, contains the power of stars, and even contains the power of demons and blood demons. It is extremely powerful.

The knife was in the shark's mouth.

At this time, the awn of the knife has been soaring wildly, stretching rapidly and directly into the throat of the shark monster.

The shark monster was obviously aware of the danger, and knew that the blade could continue to soar and enter the heart, which would certainly cause heavy damage to the heart. The shark monster's open mouth quickly and fiercely bit down.

At this time, Tang Long is already in front of the shark monster's big mouth!

The Canghai sword is in Tang Long's hand. The rising blade is broken by the shark's mouth!

The broken knife awn explodes in the shark monster's mouth, producing an extremely strong gas shock wave, which explodes in the shark monster's mouth and sweeps down the shark's throat.

The shark monster only felt a sharp pain from the throat, which suddenly hit the viscera. Then, the terrifying force exploded in the shark monster's viscera, producing a ferocious bombardment and violently shaking the shark's viscera.

Shark monster pain is incomparable, in the sea water suddenly a roll, driving the surrounding sea water, produce a strong rolling force, the surrounding sea water is directly swept out of a fierce sea vortex!

Tang long had already summoned them.

Moreover, he directly applied the law of water and the skill of ice escape. The power of Jiuyou Tianhan was exerted to the limit. He integrated the vitality of Jiuyou Tianhan power into the surrounding sea water.

And he tried his best to use the law of water to control the surrounding sea water.

All of a sudden, within a few hundred meters around Tang long, the sea water in this whole area, including the shark monster, was frozen.

The shark monster was frozen in such a big mass of ice.

The shark monster has just been frozen, and under the huge ice that freezes the shark monster, powerful energy suddenly erupts.

This powerful force held up the ice and pounded hard above the sea water.

This powerful lifting energy is exerted by the dragon spirit.

Dragon Spirit has been hidden in the deep sea before, just waiting for the opportunity now.

He wants to hold up the ice, let the shark monster out of the sea, out of the sea, to prevent the shark monster from finding a chance to escape when he recovers his freedom.

Under the frozen shark monster's ice, the Dragon Spirit turns into a real dragon, sweeping across the sky and sea. The powerful energy sweeps out from the dragon spirit, which contains the power of wood and the power of water.

These powerful energy fusion together, the impact holds the huge ice, directly lifts the huge ice to the sea surface rapidly.

However, although Tang Long has frozen the shark monster, he can't freeze it for long. After all, the black shark monster's combat power is extremely strong, and it can quickly break the ice control.

The frozen shark monster's ice has just been lifted up more than ten meters, and many dense cracks have appeared on the huge ice.

The huge ice is about to burst.

Tang long had already said in a low voice: "quick, control the ice!"

At this time, they were all around the Tang dragon. They heard the sound of Tang Long's drinking. They quickly applied their own magic laws together. Among them, they also knew how to use water.

And Xuanyuan sky array knows how to use water.

In addition to the king of the abyss, they can use the law of space to a certain extent!

When the ice was about to break, they had tried their best to apply the law of water, the law of ice, and try their best to freeze the giant shark monster again.

The giant shark monster was frozen in the ice, but it failed to break the huge ice by bombardment, and the ice was frozen again. Under the huge ice, the dragon spirit, which turned into a giant dragon, continued to gather powerful energy to sweep the sea water, hold up the huge ice and continue to move upward rapidly.

Such a big piece of ice is close to the sea, but by this time, countless cracks have appeared again.

Even soon, such a big ice exploded directly!

"BoomThe ice explosion contains powerful energy, which is about to sweep out in all directions. The king of the abyss and others have already put forward the space sealing principle.

Together, they exert the law of space sealing, resist the powerful momentum, and at the same time, try to control the giant shark monster.

Although among them, Su Xiaoman's understanding of the law of space is not profound, but with all of them, this power has been extremely powerful.

Under their full exertion, the dark giant shark monster, including the sea water of hundreds of meters around the shark monster, was suddenly sealed up by the force of space and stopped in place.

"The art of ice escape, chaotic heavy water!"

Tang Long has been cutting the sky behind them, once again displayed the ice escape skill.

And this time he was extremely well prepared.

The dark giant shark monster was controlled by the force of space sealing, but it was still extremely fierce. Within two seconds, it was the explosion of the space sealing force to bombard and restore freedom.

However, the force of space sealing has just been bombarded by this giant shark monster, and Tang Long's ice escape skill has swept through.

Even here, Tang Long displayed the law of light, the power of holy light, the power of domination and the power of divine power.

Under Tang Long's full exertion, the giant shark monster has been frozen again!

The giant shark monster has just been frozen again, and the huge ice block has just been formed. The dragon spirit below has turned into a giant dragon once again holding up the ice and heading for the top rapidly.

Seeing this huge ice has been lifted to the surface of the water, but on the ice, countless cracks are produced again.

Powerful dark energy diffuses from the huge ice.

"The ice is about to explode again!" Vatian looked at Tang Long and said in a hurry: "quick, use luoshengmen!"

Tang Long has already cast Luo Shengmen's Curse of natural disaster.

And his mind moved, and all the gods and beasts came out of the heaven spirit garden together.

And they have given orders to these beasts.

As soon as these animals came out, they immediately spread out in accordance with Tang Long's order, all around under the huge ice.

The huge ice has exploded at this moment. In the explosion, the huge black shark monster has recovered its freedom and is about to plunge into the bottom of the sea.

But the head of this shark monster is hard hit on a just agglomerated Rosen door!


Rosenberg was smashed by a direct impact.

However, there are 17 luoshengmen below this one. Although the shark monster has strong fighting power and extremely fierce collision force, it is obviously impossible to smash all these rashen gates at once.

Tang Long hiding in the bottom of the luoshengmen, has inspired the power of the universe.

Under the influence of his inspiring the power of the universe, the fighting power of Vajra skyrocketed. At this time, the dragon spirit had gathered strength to control the surrounding sea water, which swept out in all directions.

All of a sudden, the whole sea surface suddenly sank down in this area where the Rashomon was located. The black shark monster on the luoshengmen gate had completely separated from the sea!

"The art of fire escape, the roar of fire dragon!"

Tang long used the technique of fire escape behind the luoshengmen. At this time, he flashed his body and passed through the luoshengmen. In an instant, he appeared in front of the dark shark monster.

Then, the power of the chaotic sky fire suddenly burst out and turned into an extremely fierce flame dragon.

The fiery dragon's chaotic sky fire, which was burning fiercely, bombarded the black shark monster wildly and incomparably. , the fastest update of the webnovel!