At this time, Tang long had already collected his magic weapons, wanhun tower and Zhentian Ding.

Then his mind moved, and the Vajra mask shrank and flew towards him, directly flying to his palm.

Vatian, they all came together at this time.

They all want to know what the dark shark monster was before.

Of course, Tang long would like to know.

They had already looked into the Vajra mask and saw what was inside.

This is a fruit.

The fruit is dark and the size of two fists. There are many subtle dark mysterious runes in the fruit. The fruit contains extremely powerful aura and spiritual power. Even there is a strange force of space spreading out.

Tang Long curiously picked up the fruit: "what's the name of this thing? I've never seen it before, or even heard of it! "

"I've never seen such fruit before," he said

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "no matter what the name of the fruit is, one thing is certain. The fruit contains extremely strong spiritual power. Tang long, if you eat this fruit, you should be able to enhance your spiritual strength."

"Floating flame way:" or look first, see if you can refine this fruit into a fairy pill to take. "

Tang Long explored the situation of the fruit and quickly said: "the fruit has contained very strong energy. Refining Xiandan can improve the medicinal power of the fruit, but it will also lose a large part of the spiritual energy. I think it would be better to take it directly!"

"In this case, you can take it directly," said asna

Tang Long nodded.

I don't know what danger there will be. Tang Long thinks that if he can improve his strength a little, he should improve it as soon as possible.

And now he has eight divine veins. After taking this fruit, he should be able to quickly absorb the medicinal power of the fruit, and his mental power can be improved rapidly.

He turned his head and looked at vatian and they said, "I will practice here."

Vatian nodded: "we will protect the Dharma for you."

Next, Tang Long stopped talking about it. He just sat down on his knees in the air and ate the fruit in his hand and cultivated his spiritual strength.

They all spread out to form a circle to protect the Tang dragon in the middle.

On the outside of the circle, there are Tang Long's contract beast.

And the dragon spirit.

They are all helping Tang long protect Dharma, so that Tang long will not be disturbed and accidents will not happen in the process of absorbing fruit medicine.

At the same time, they should also take advantage of this time to recover the energy consumed in the previous war.

The sea is still in the rough waves, there is a strong wind swept across the sea, but there is no more fierce wind and waves, nor any danger.

Red flame lion explored all around, and found nothing more.

Tang Long's practice took more than an hour to complete.

When he stopped practicing, a satisfied look appeared in his eyes.

Seeing that Tang long had stopped practicing, vatian immediately looked at Tang Long and asked, "how about your spiritual strength?"

Tang Long laughed and said with satisfaction: "yes, my spiritual strength has reached the level of six level spirit level Danzu, which is very good. Although it still can't compare with the strength of our martial arts, the spiritual power has already been equivalent to the combat power possessed by the warrior in the six levels of dizu."

The king of the abyss said: "it's very difficult to improve the spiritual power. As far as I know, the Danshi who surpasses Danzu has been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years. If you can surpass the realm of Danzu and reach the level of ancient Danzu, it will be great!"

"As far as I know, the ancient Danzu is very powerful, and even the ancient Danzu can have some mysterious means!"

When Tang long heard what vatian said, he immediately looked forward to it.

He looked at them and said, "I have reached the level of six pinling level Danzu, which is not far away from the level of this ancient Danzu. Keep working hard, maybe I can reach this level soon!"

Said, turning to look at the red flame lion: "there are no Tiancai Dibao here?"

Red flame lion shook his head: "I didn't find it!"

Tang Long said: "since we haven't found it, we will continue to move in this direction to see what we will see out of the sea. Maybe the end of the sea is where we can leave here."

They didn't say any more about it. They turned into a ray of light and returned to the sky flag. Golden monkeys and other animals also returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

The snow wolf king and the red flame lion are outside.

The dragon of the Tang Dynasty, sitting on the back of the dragon, is on the way of the sky.

After flying in a hurry, more than an hour later, Tang Long saw that on the sea level of the boundless sea and in the distance between the sky and the sea, there stood a very strange island. From a distance, the small island appeared to be extremely magical, emitting a strange seven color light!Moreover, the extremely strong aura diffused from the island!

Red flame lion has said: "boss, I have detected that there are a lot of natural materials and treasures on this island!"

When Tang long heard this, his eyes were full of exciting light.

He explored the powerful aura which always surged here. He could be sure that the island in the distance was definitely not an ordinary place, because it should be a natural Holy Land!

And it's obviously a very big Holy Land!

"No one has come to this holy land for a long time. If there are any natural materials and earth treasures growing in this holy land, they have been growing here for at least tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years or even longer!"

"If I can get some Tiancai Dibao which has been growing for so long, my strength will certainly be greatly improved!"

Think of here, Tang long already felt all over the blood boiling!

His mind moved and summoned all of them from the sky sealing flag.

They looked at the colorful island from afar, and their eyes were full of obvious exclamations!

The king of the abyss said: "it seems that there is such a place with many natural materials and earth treasures in the world in the temple of extinction."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "I just don't know why. I always feel that the world in this ruined temple is strange. The former collapsed space, now this place full of aura, seems a little strange!"

"The most important thing is that we have been flying all the way, and we haven't found any trace of other people except us. It seems that there is no human being here, and even the Warcraft and insects have never seen it!"

Tang Long said: "anyway, let's go to the island first. Now I can leave with Huixin gate. Since I can leave at any time, we don't need to worry about anything."

When they heard what Tang Long said, they all agreed and nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!