According to Tang Long's idea, he would like to stay here for a long time.

Even if time permits, he would like to stay here all the time. If he wants to continue to search for Tiancai Dibao here, he'd better turn the continent around and find all the Tiancai and Dibao here.

He has a red flame lion, so it's much easier to find natural materials and treasures.

It's a pity that he has too many things to deal with. He can stay here for three days at most.

Then Tang Long and long soul began to discuss the colorful island. To find a way to get the Tiancai Dibao on the island, of course, the first thing to do was to find a way to ward off the dangers on the colorful island ahead.

Dragon Spirit looked at Tang Long and said, "if there are really many Tiancai Dibao on that island, if they are really of high level, they will have been able to transform into forms, and they must have strong attack power, which may be even more powerful than the giant octopus we met before!"

Tang Long nodded and said, "we can't rush directly to Shanghai Island. We have to find a way to attract the danger on the island to our encirclement."

Dragon Spirit looked at Tang Long and suggested: "you might as well arrange a super large Zhenwu Tiancheng on the sea, and I'll arrange the Tianmu array, and then attract those powerful Tiancai and Dibao into the array, which is much easier to deal with!"

Tang Long highly praised Jackie Chan's proposal.

He decided to arrange a large Zhenwu Tiancheng just above the sea surface!

This is an endless sea. Tang Long uses the technique of water escape to arrange Zhenwu Tiancheng. It can make Zhenwu Tiancheng bigger as possible. Moreover, Zhenwu Tiancheng is frozen into ice and can float on the sea. It can be controlled by Tang Long and moved to the place where it needs to be!

Although it will obviously take a long time to arrange a large Zhenwu Tiancheng here, Tang Long still decided to do so for the sake of safety.

After discussion, Tang Long and long spirit flew back more than ten thousand meters.

At this time, they all had completed their cultivation. They came out of the sky sealing flag together. After listening to the plans of Tang Long and dragon spirit, they all thought that this method was very good. They should be prepared to deal with dangerous places before going to the colorful island.

And then they were busy.

They can use the law of water cutting the sky, but the degree of application is different, and dragon Xuan and long Ying, two of Tang Long's great beasts, can make good use of the power of water.

Even more dragon spirit can help a lot.

With their help, Tang long tried his best to use the art of water escape, freezing the sea water and building a Zhenwu heaven city on the sea.

The Zhenwu Tiancheng is very large and square. It is completely made of ice frozen by sea water. In this frozen Zhenwu Tiancheng, there are mountains and rivers Tianmen array and Tang Long's wild ancient array!

In addition, Dragon Spirit also arranges Tianmu array and life array on the icy Zhenwu Tiancheng to maximize the attack power of Zhenwu Tiancheng.

After all this, Tang Long has spent most of the day.

Now it's ten minutes at night. The sky is full of stars and the sea water is sparkling. Zhenwu Tiancheng, a city where the sea water condenses with frozen ice, radiates a strange light under the light of stars. It is actually very beautiful.

Tang Long didn't have time to enjoy the beauty of this ice city. Together with them, he flew to the rear of Zhenwu Tiancheng and pushed the sea water to let the huge Zhenwu Tiancheng move forward on the sea.

At this time, Zhenwu Tiancheng has been covered by Tang Long's Tianmei wild ancient array, but the ghost did not show up.

Such a large Zhenwu Tiancheng, moving slowly on the sea, gradually, has been close to that very strange and energetic colorful island.

All of them are at Tang Long's side.

Together, they gathered energy to promote Zhenwu Tiancheng and control the moving direction of Zhenwu Tiancheng. It is seen that Zhenwu Tiancheng has stopped at the edge of colorful island.

Dragon Spirit has opened the sky and wood array, take out a lot of seeds to spread out, be ready.

Tang Long's powerful momentum burst out and used the skill of water escape to freeze the sea water of Zhenwu Tiancheng next to the colorful island.

In this way, the frozen Zhenwu Tiancheng is completely frozen on the edge of the island.

Basic preparations are in place.

And at this time Tang Long has also felt a strong momentum. This powerful momentum, domineering and fierce, contains a strong aura of heaven and earth, which erupts from the colorful island ahead.

At the same time, a stream of strange fragrance also spread from the island. Soon, there were many strange shapes and shapes, all flying directly from the island and flying towards Zhenwu Tiancheng made of ice.

At Tang Long's side, vatian felt this powerful momentum, and felt a strong aura. He had a shock in his eyes: "this should not be less than 1000 powerful momentum, which is too much!"Tang Long's eyes have also revealed a deep expectation.

He explored this momentum, and it was obvious that these momentum contained extremely powerful aura of heaven and earth, and contained extremely strong vitality.

These are all made of natural material and earth treasure.

Tang long had already moved his mind and summoned all his gods and beasts.

The gods and beasts all turn into human forms. The red flame lion is next to Tang long, and his eyes are full of obvious expectation: "boss, we are developed now. Those flying towards here are all natural materials and treasures!"

When Tang long heard the words of the red flame lion, he looked forward to it more and more.

Together with them, he quickly flew to Zhenwu Tiancheng, which was made of frozen ice. Looking up to the sky ahead, he saw all kinds of strange shapes and shapes.

Some of these strange shapes and shapes exist, some are strange long vines, some are very strange huge flowers, some are very strange monsters, all fly towards them together!

"Let's deal with them separately. These things are very powerful. We must be careful later!" Vartian had already said in a deep voice.

At this time, he had already discovered that the combat power of these transformed Tiancai Dibao flying over was super strong. The most powerful was the level of Tianzu's nine peaks. Even if the combat power was the weakest, it was also the high-level combat power of dizu.

The most important thing is that there are too many monsters made of natural materials and earth treasures!

"Roar, roar, whoa, Gala, bang, doodle, purr, Didi..."

All kinds of strange sounds kept ringing. Seeing that so many strange monsters flew to the sky above Zhenwu Tiancheng.

"Open the array!"

Tang Long's mind moved, directly opened the Zhenwu Tiancheng array, and then opened the landscape Tianmen array!

And the Dragon Spirit has opened the sky wood array beside Tang Long!

Tang Long arrived at the center of the array, with the help of the power of the array to improve the combat power!

With the opening of these arrays, the whole space shrouded in Zhenwu Tiancheng suddenly folded and extended to a large extent.

At this time, Zhenwu Tiancheng suddenly soared more than 100 times. Various monsters were flying in Zhenwu Tiancheng and bombarding in all directions.

Some monsters have been towards the Tang dragon and them, towards the sky cutting them, extremely ferocious rushed over.

"We used to resist the strongest monsters, and the weaker ones. Tang long, you and dragon spirit are responsible for killing them with the power of the array!"

Vartian said, his body flashed and flew up to the sky.

Following the king of the abyss, they all flew up into the sky to meet the attacks of strange monsters.

Tang Long summoned 108 ghosts.

And he has already sacrificed his magic weapon, wanhun tower and Zhentian Ding. , the fastest update of the webnovel!