"It seems that this place is a completely strange continent that I have never been in contact with before. Does this land belong to the whole world?" Tang long thought and looked up at the sky.

Seeing the situation in the sky, he was stunned.

The sky is blue and cloudless.

But in this blue sky, high above the sky, there is something floating.

It's a big thing. It's shining white on it. It's very bright in all directions because of the existence of this thing.

This is a strange looking circular thing, still in the sky, motionless.

Tang Long from here, can see the circular things, there are many very small light points in the continuous flashing.

"What's that round thing?"

Tang Long uses the sea to explore the strange round things.

Because of the distance, he couldn't detect the strangeness of the round thing.

At this time, he did not worry to go to the upper air to find out the truth. He turned his head and looked around to explore the surrounding situation. Soon, he could be sure that the surrounding area was very safe. Moreover, in all directions, within the scope of his detection, there was no other living body except plants, flowers and plants.

"Let vatian come out and see where this is."

Tang Long's mind moved, and they immediately came out of the flag.

And closely followed, Tang Long summoned all the gods and beasts in the heavenly spirit garden, and the Dragon Spirit came out from the heaven spirit garden.

When they saw the round white light in the sky, they suddenly saw a touch of curiosity in their eyes.

"What will that thing be? How can it fly in the sky

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "it seems that this thing is not dangerous. We should be careful and fly up to see what is in the round thing."

Tang Long is also interested in this.

Since they are all here, we can't just leave.

However, he still turned his head to look at the red flame lion and asked, "do you explore the surrounding area and find that there are natural materials and earth treasures here?"

"Not found." The red flame lion shook his head.

Tang Long said: "since there is no Tiancai Dibao around here, let's fly to the high altitude to see what the round thing is."

With that, he directly flew up, and they all took off with him.

I saw that they were less than kilometers away from the circular object in the sky.

When they saw this huge round thing at close range, their eyes once again showed a touch of surprise.

The diameter of this round thing is more than ten thousand meters!

Tang Long and his colleagues explored this thing, but they didn't know what kind of material it was made of. They could only see that there were many kinds of dense light spots flashing in such a large round thing, and various strange symbols were constantly flashing and disappearing.

Xuanyuan sky array was obviously very curious about this thing: "who should have made this thing, but there seems to be no energy in this thing. Since there is no energy, what will be the flashing light point inside? What's more, who would have put such a thing in the air, and it was still, suspended and motionless

Floating flame looked around: "what's more strange is that there are no clouds in this place. Even if we fly to such a high altitude, we don't see any clouds, and we don't feel any breeze!"

The king of the abyss said: "it feels like a world in which everything is completely static."

Tang long thought about it and said, "let's go to the ball and have a look."

Outside the sphere, there are many strange rings of silver light on the vertical and horizontal sides. These rings seem to be made of some very special material. The size of the rings is slightly different, so they are not staggered.

Although the big ball is completely stationary, the rings around it are slowly rotating and non-interference.

There was a strange silver light on each aura. There were many kinds of runes in the aura, and various numbers were flashing.

There is a big gap between the rings.

Tang Long and they can go through such a big gap between the halos and easily enter the middle of the ball to see what happened.

Xuanyuan sky array is very cautious, trying to explore the space in the sphere, to find out what dangers exist in the space, and to explore what kinds of light spots are constantly flashing in the sphere.

However, he searched for a long time, but he didn't find out anything.

"This thing is really strange, specious, unreal but real, and I don't know how it was formed." Xuanyuan Tianzhen frowned, turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said, "for safety, you'd better condense your doomsday Thor, and let him go in and have a look!""Yes, it's true that the Thor of doom must go first!"

Tang long thought Xuanyuan Tianzhen was right. Let mieshi Lei Shen go in and have a look. Even if there is danger, they can all be safe.

Tang Long doesn't have to worry about the safety of mieshi Raytheon. After all, he is his special incarnation. Even if he is broken and disappeared in a big ball, he can condense it again after a period of time.

With a movement of mind and spirit, Tang Long's special incarnation of exterminating the world has appeared.

Under the control of Tang long, mieshi Raytheon had already flew into the silver sphere, passed through the gap between several rings, and soon flew into the space in the sphere.

Tang Long and they are looking outside the ball, exploring the breath of the earth destroying Thor.

The Thor was in perfect condition without any abnormal conditions.

"There seems to be no danger in the ball." Tang long had already known the situation of the destroying God of thunder in this round ball in his heart, and was immediately relieved.

He was about to fly towards the destruction of the Thunder God. However, he said, "wait a minute, look at the situation first, don't worry!"

"All right." Tang Long stopped when he arrived.

Together, they are here to watch the Thor of doom in the ball, but they never notice any change in the Thor.

Ten minutes later.

When they all felt that nothing would happen in the ball, suddenly a dazzling golden light broke out on the body of the earth destroying Thor in the ball.

In the golden light, all kinds of mysterious symbols constantly flicker out, so suddenly, the God of doom was in the golden light, mysteriously disappeared!

"What's the situation?"

Tang Long hurriedly used the way of contact with the God in his heart, but he could not contact him for a long time!

Vatian had already turned his head to look at him and asked, "where's Thor?"

"I don't know!" Tang Long's face was unbelievable: "I actually lost the contact with the destroying Thor, and lost the connection with my original incarnation. How could this be possible?"

When they heard Tang Long's words, they all felt a little inconceivable.

How can I lose the connection with the avatar?

Xuanyuan Tianzhen looked at Tang Long and said, "you should at least know whether your original incarnation still exists now?"

"I know that." Tang Long said: "I should still exist, otherwise I can summon my own body again, or I can condense energy again and condense the essence of self body again."

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