Now Li Dahan and his disciples have finished their training, and their busy tasks are basically finished. The things that should be cleaned up in Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons and the city of genius, have been cleaned up. They have not had too many things during this period of time.

At this time, Li Dahan proposed to go to the Tuling valley.

Tang long had dinner with Mu Qingcheng at this time, and they had a little rest in the room. They planned to go to Fengtian city to find the strange old man.

Tang long walks to the side of Mu Qingcheng, and his eyes can not help but fall on the slightly raised stomach of Mu Qingcheng, and a very obvious expectation appears in his eyes.

Mu Qingcheng saw Tang Long's eyes and said with a smile: "it's still early. It will take several months."

Tang Long said with a smile: "let me feel it and see if it's a boy or a girl!"

Say, his hand is to fall on Mu Qingcheng stomach this slightly raised position, and then close his eyes, began to very carefully feel what.

Mu Qingcheng looked at Tang Long's serious appearance, as if he could feel something, and shook his head with a smile.

But at this time, she suddenly saw that Tang Long was seriously feeling the hand, suddenly sent out a very strange light.

This light seems to be produced by the interlacing of silver and purple light, and there are many very subtle runes of silver and purple.

"What is this guy doing?"

Mu Qingcheng is curious. Looking at Tang Long's serious appearance, he doesn't disturb him.

For Tang long, she certainly has 100% trust.

And at this time, she also had a curiosity: "is it difficult that he has a very special means of exploration?"

Tang long at this time is really in the serious exploration, in the careful feeling.

He could feel that there was a faint breath of life in Mu Qingcheng's stomach. Of course, he could not feel whether the breath of life was male or female.

For this is a boy or a girl, he does not have such a special request, because in his heart, he likes boys and girls very much.

When he felt the breath of life, he could not help feeling a sense of joy.

He still closed his eyes and felt with all his heart. He did not know that his hand was emitting a faint silver and purple light.

At this time, Mu Qingcheng has seen that in Tang Long's hand, the silver light and the purple light have been completely integrated together, just like flowing water, flowing to her body and integrating into it.

Inexplicably, she felt a wonderful and comfortable feeling on her body. At this moment, she felt clearly that there was a little life calling for herself in her belly.

This feeling is very clear, very real.

What's the use of my husband? How can I feel about the little life in my stomach suddenly become much clearer! " Mu Qingcheng was a little curious, but at this time, she saw that the light on Tang Long's palm had disappeared.

And the strange feeling in her heart disappeared at this time.

She looked at Tang Long with a smile. Her eyes were full of happiness and sweetness: "crazy, it's been so long, can you feel whether it's a man or a woman?"

Tang Long laughed and took back his hand: "I like both men and women."

Mu Qingcheng gave him a glance: "you know you can't find out!" As she said this, she thought of the feeling she had just had in her heart, but she had some certainty!

Tang long stood up and took Mu Qingcheng's hand: "let's go, let's go to Fengtian city."

"Good!" Mu Qingcheng didn't say any more. He went out with Tang Long and went through a world gate to madiven City, and then to Fengtian city.

Not long ago, they have appeared at the door of the strange old man's research room.

Mu Qingcheng still remembers that he came here last time to look for the strange old man. The strange old man also specially told her that he would let Tang Long come here a month later.

This is less than a month, even less than half a month, Mu Qingcheng brought Tang long.

When they knocked on the door, the old man's voice came to mind: "who?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "it's me, and my husband!"

"Come in!" The voice of the strange old man came out again, and the shutter was opened. The hair of the strange old man was in a mess. Even at this time, his whole person seemed to be in a bit of a mess. His beard was ragged, and his black eyes were heavy and heavy.

Tang long looked at the strange old man like this, suddenly a burst of speechless, this strange old man did not sleep for three days, or even three days did not clean up!

Looking at the strange old man like this, Mu Qingcheng frowned slightly and said with concern: "strange old man, have you been doing your research all this time? You can't do that. You have to take a break! "

For the strange old man, Mu Qingcheng's heart is very grateful.

After all, if it was not for the strange old man, there would inevitably be a big irreparable regret between her and Tang long.

But now, her regret has been completely solved, and her constitution has become more perfect than before, and has become a congenital eternal body, which makes her very grateful to the strange old man.Of course, in addition to this, the strange old man also made a great contribution to the rapid fortress. It can be said that without the strange old man, even the first generation of rapid fortress, would not be able to study successfully.

With the strange old man, not only has the research and manufacture of the rapid fortress, but now the rapid fortress has been studied to the fourth generation.

Tang Long took Mu Qingcheng's hand and walked into the research room of the strange old man. Looking at the strange old man, he asked, "strange old man, how's the fourth generation of rapid fortress?"

"It's in the final acceptance stage and will be ready for use soon." The strange old man closed the door and walked towards a place: "now I want to tell you another thing, because my precious thing has been done. Tang long, I want to tell you that you must come to my place in a month. This matter is extremely important, you must not forget it!"

Voice down, his eyes have fallen on the body of Mu Qingcheng: "you also want to come together."

Tang Long asked curiously, "what do you want me to do here in a month?"

"Don't ask so many questions. It's useless to ask. Even if I tell you, I can't tell you clearly. In a word, you just come." Said, turning to look at Mu Qingcheng: "don't worry, this is good for Qingcheng!"

Mu Qingcheng didn't say anything. She trusted the old man very much.

Tang Long also trusted the strange old man.

He looked at the strange old head and said, "don't say anything after a month. Strange old man, I've come to see you today. It's a big deal!"

"What's the big deal?" the old man asked? Are the blood demons going to fight? "

"It's not about this," Tang said

"Apart from this, there is nothing important." The strange old man's eyes fell on Mu Qingcheng again. He looked at Mu Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, put your hand out. I'll explore and see how your fetus is."

"Good!" Mu Qingcheng agreed.

Although she was very clear about her physical condition, and her medical skills were also excellent, she still raised her right hand and held it out in front of the strange old man.

The old man had already picked up her pulse.

When Tang Long saw that the strange old man was seriously exploring Mu Qingcheng's pulse, he held back for the time being. Waiting for the strange old man to explore the situation of Mu Qingcheng, he asked the strange old man about the big clock.

The strange old man carefully explored Mu Qingcheng's pulse, and soon his eyes were filled with an obvious surprise. Then the surprise turned into a surprise. He widened his surprise eyes and murmured to himself: "this, how can this be possible? What's going on here? "

Tang Long and Mu Qingcheng look at the strange old man's face at this time. Hearing his murmuring voice, they are all a little curious.

Tang Long has explored the situation of Mu Qingcheng before, and knows that Mu Qingcheng, as well as the fetus in her abdomen, is absolutely no problem.

At this time, Tang Long couldn't help asking curiously: "strange old man, what have you explored?"

Mu Qingcheng did not speak, but also looked at the strange old man curiously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!