After a pause, the old man continued: "those people of the demon clan, according to the characteristics of their own spirits, have developed a very strange thing similar to a virus. They call that kind of thing as the spirit black spirit poison."

Tang Long asked: "what is the spirit of black spirit poison?"

The old man said: "this is a kind of poisonous gas state. As long as those evil kings in the alien world are infected with these foreign poisons, after a long time of infection, these demons will mutate and survive in the whole world. Moreover, the evil kings who are infected with the foreign poisons can infect more demons with the foreign poisons!"

"The most important thing is that this poison can be controlled by those evil guys, and even can be connected with the souls of those evil guys!"

After listening to the old man's story, Tang Long finally knew why those Witches of the demon clan could summon the demon king.

Obviously, it has a lot to do with the so-called spirit black spirit poison they developed!

The old man continued: "at that time, the research of those demons was not completely successful. Their ability to control the devils after mutation was still limited. Once those demons became crazy, they would be out of their control. We sealed the place of their research before they succeeded in their research. Most of the evil guys who studied these things finally escaped, and their whereabouts were unknown

With that, the old man sighed: "what we were worried about at that time was that the black spirit poison might have infected many, many evil kings, evil emperors, evil emperors, and even many peak evil emperors in that heterodox space."

"So it is!" At this time, Tang Long finally knew the seal that existed in the ice and snow wasteland. What a terrible disaster it contained!

After all these years, who knows how many demons have been infected by the spirit black spirit poison? Even if it is only infected with the demon king living in a certain land of the alien world, it is extremely dangerous!

He looked at the old man and said, "the seal of the ice and snow wasteland may soon break. The danger you worry about will happen soon."

"I know!" The old man sighed and said, "my God is for this moment. I just want to tell you that once the seal is broken, this continent, even the whole five dollar world, will be destroyed, unless you have the ability to block the attack of those mutant demons!"

Tang Long asked, "why didn't you explain all these things in detail when you left this stone tablet of Tianjie?"

The old man said: "we don't want more people to know the spirit black spirit poison earlier. We don't want anyone to look for and study the spirit black spirit poison. We don't want to let people know that the alien demon can be controlled. Once this kind of thing is known by some ambitious people, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

When Tang long heard the old man's words, he nodded with approval.

He knew that the old man's worries were necessary.

At this time, the figure of the old man began to dissipate: "I have no other way to help you solve this danger. The only thing I can do is to tell you, let you escape from the small world of five yuan. Before the small world of five yuan is destroyed, you go to the great thousand world to search for the ancient clan gate, and find the super strong person of the ancient sect to destroy the small world of five yuan and destroy here In order to relieve this danger, otherwise, even the whole world will be greatly damaged if we don't talk about it in the future

The voice fell, the figure of the old man has gradually faded away, and finally disappeared clean!

Tang long looked at the figure of the old man disappeared, and immediately frowned fiercely.

He knew that the situation of the ice and snow wasteland must be extremely bad, but could he directly give up everything here and destroy the whole five yuan world according to the old man?!

"I'd better go to the ice and snow wasteland to see how powerful the mutant devil is from there, and then think about what to do next!" Tang Long quickly made a decision in his mind.

He looked at vatian and said, "it seems that we are likely to have a fierce battle next."

Vatian and they all nodded solemnly together.

Tang Long was really helpless at this time. The blood demons were good at studying the mutated Warcraft, the people who were good at studying the mutated warlords, and the demons were actually good at studying the mutated alien warlords!

Obviously, both the demons and the blood demons are very good at studying this evil method!

At this time, by Tang Long's side, they all went directly back to Tang Long's Fengtian flag.

Tang Long secretly made a decision: "no matter what, we must solve the disaster of ice and snow wasteland!" He has already contacted the magic dance flying snow in his heart with the wisdom heart door: "flying snow, are you in the ice and snow wasteland now?"

"It's already arrived. I've seen the blood red strange CD array from a distance. I feel that the CD array is similar to Pangu dragon array!"

After listening to the words of the magic flying snow, Tang Long couldn't help but smile bitterly. He thought to himself, "this so-called ancient Panlong array is probably the result of those people from the demon clan!"

He said in his heart to the magic flying snow: "you don't continue to move forward, just stop there, I'll go to your side now.""Good." The magic flying snow agreed.

At this time, she was already in the sky above the edge of the huge ice and snow wasteland, looking at the blood red energy disc array from a distance, and her heart was also a little nervous and worried.

As soon as she fell from the high altitude, she felt the extremely fierce energy wind sweeping here. Just after she landed on the ground, she contacted Tang Long again: "good elder martial brother, I fell down, you come here!"

Tang Long summoned the wisdom heart gate between the magic dance and the flying snow, and directly appeared in front of the magic flying snow.

He looked at the magic flying snow and said: "Feixue, you don't want to be here. Go to Jiuhuang Tianfu immediately, and let shenlongwei and tiannv of Tangmen be on standby there at any time. I'll contact you whenever I have something to do!"

"Good!" The magic flying snow agreed and left in a hurry.

Tang long had already contacted Ling Qingyao in his heart: "Qingyao, you should go to Meng Haoran's grandfather immediately and let them be ready to send the strongest Tianzu to the ice and snow god palace at any time!"

Ling Qingyao asked, "are things serious in the ice and snow wasteland?"

Ling Qingyao had already known about the seal of the ice and snow wasteland. Even two days ago, she went to the ice and snow wasteland to have a look.

She didn't think it was serious at the time.

The most important thing is, in her opinion, there are Tang Long and they are there, there are Zhongli and Cangwu. What is the disaster of an ice and snow wasteland? Can't they deal with so many Tianzu?!

Now hearing Tang Long's urgent words in her heart, Ling Qingyao felt that the natural disaster of the ice and snow wasteland is really not simple!

Tang Long doesn't want to worry Ling Qingyao too much. He is not very clear about the situation of the black hole in space and the situation of those demons. There is no need to worry about everyone.

He said to Ling Qingyao in his heart: "I just make arrangements in advance. After all, we are well prepared. Things in the ice and snow wasteland should not be very serious. You can rest assured."

Ling Qingyao felt a little relieved when she heard Tang Long say so. She said to Tang Long with huixinmen: "I'm going to find Meng Haoran's grandfather." After a pause, he asked, "would you like to go to batian city?"

Tang Long said: "don't go there for the time being."

At this time, he already knew that in the sky above the ice and snow wasteland, there was a space door sealed with a space door. There was a space black hole in the space where the space door was located, which was not very large.

Even if the devils from that space black hole are very powerful, but in such a space black hole with limited size, it is impossible to produce many devils all of a sudden.

If it's just the demon king and the devil emperor, Tang long, they can deal with it completely.

If you come out with a super strong fighting power, even Tang Long and they can not deal with the variation of the devil emperor, then even if more people are futile, it is useless.

What Tang Long needs now is to gather the strongest to come here!

There are Tang Long and they are here. People from LingXiao palace will come back later. There are Zhongli Cangwu. This is the collection of the strongest people in Tangmen.

If people of average strength come here, they will not be of much use at all. On the contrary, they will make unnecessary sacrifice at that time.

Next, Tang Long arranged two sentences with Ling Qingyao in a hurry. He cut off the spiritual connection with Ling Qingyao. He had already rushed to the far-off red disc array. , the fastest update of the webnovel!