It's not Zhong Li Cangwu or blood drops that deal with the dozens of ancient evil emperors who rush out from behind. They have no time to separate themselves.

At this time, Tang Long's eight contract beasts all flew over together.

The Dragon Spirit has already arranged the sky wood array, and also flies towards this side, to help the Zhong Li Cui Liu not far away!

Zhongli Cuiliu is the strength of Tianzu's four realms.

At this time, Zhongli Cuiliu was confronted with an ancient evil emperor whose fighting power reached the six levels of Tianzu. Such an ancient evil emperor Zhong Li Cuiliu could not resist in any case.

Fortunately, Dragon Spirit came to help, Zhongli Cuiliu was out of danger.

Dragon Spirit is the spirit of the beast after the special nirvana. It has long been an energy life body and a very special energy life body.

After entering the Tianling garden, because of the relationship between the tree of space and the tree of life, plus his long stay in the garden, he had already had a relationship with Tang long.

Even now, the strength of dragon spirit has been quietly improving with the strength of Tang long.

Dragon Spirit doesn't reject the connection of the spirit and soul contract now, because Tang Long's strength has increased faster than he expected, which makes him get great benefits, and his strength can be improved along with it.

Tang Long's eight contract animals, golden monkeys and so on, these animals have grown to the level of the seventh level of ancient divine beasts, compared with the dozens of ancient magic emperor, golden monkey and so on, which just rushed out of the dark space door, their combat power is obviously stronger.

Moreover, Tang Long's supernatural beasts have strong combat power and powerful attack means. They can even use fusion magic!

Therefore, these eight animals can completely deal with the ancient evil emperor who just rushed out.

Pig ganghya took the lead in killing one of the ancient demons. This is an ancient magic emperor whose fighting power is only two levels of Tianzu.

To deal with the ancient magic emperor with such fighting power, the pig Gang hyena is certainly not a problem at all!

"Sakura wife, you and I, let's go and crush that ancient demon emperor quickly!" With a roar, pig ganghye is powerful and powerful, and displays fusion magic with long Ying.

What's more, pig ganghye directly displayed the Dharma of heaven and earth!

With the combination of magic power and heaven and earth method, the fighting power of pig ganghya suddenly soared. The thunder was rolling all over the body, just like thunder and war god.

In this rolling thunder, pig Gang hyena's body soared, more than 500 meters!

Such a big pig hyena, like a giant spirit God, picked up the nine toothed harrow and directly attacked the ancient demon emperor with double fighting power of Tianzu.

The ancient demon emperor roared, and his blood red arm quickly resisted it!

The nine toothed harrow of zhuganghye contains the power of thunder. With the sound of thunder and the heavy force of thundering, it directly falls on the arm raised by the ancient demon emperor!

Although the ancient magic emperor's combat power is indeed very strong, and the defense force is even more amazing, but after all, it is much worse than that of the pig hyena.

The nine toothed harrow fell, directly on the arm of the ancient devil emperor, raking out nine terrible big holes, and even the whole arm of the ancient demon emperor appeared a series of terrible cracks!

This ancient demon emperor was directly bombarded out by the powerful force from the rake. It was less than 20 meters away, and the attack of longying was coming!

Long Ying holds a magic weapon sword in her hand. The power of ice and fire breaks out at the same time. It turns into a long sword of ice and fire energy, and cuts it hard on the shoulder of the ancient devil emperor!



With a roar, the ancient devil emperor's shoulder was slashed by long Ying's sword, leaving a deep scar!

And in this scar, the sword light of the ice fire condensation explodes!

The power of the explosion is even more amazing. It will directly bomb the shoulders of the ancient devil emperor and break them apart!

"My old pig broke you with a rake

Pig Gang hyena's rake arrived again. With the force of thunder, it fell on the top of the ancient devil emperor's head, and exploded the ancient demon emperor's bombardment directly!

The explosion of the ancient evil emperor turned into a blood red strong wind of killing power all over the sky. It dissipated in all directions, mixed in the fierce wind between heaven and earth, and soon disappeared.

Pig Gang hye a rake to kill this ancient demon emperor, suddenly feel domineering, blood boiling all over the body like magma to burst out.

He looked at long Ying not far away, holding his head high and suddenly felt that he was invincible!

"Sakura wife, let's kill another ancient devil emperor!" The sound of his drinking was powerful, and the thunder and concussion broke out.

The force of thunder concussion swept directly towards another ancient demon emperor not far away, and pig Gang hyena's rake had also been raised and attacked the ancient demon emperor in the past.Longying naturally and pig Gang hyena together, to deal with this ancient evil emperor.

She knew that although the fighting power of zhuganghye was much stronger than that of this ancient demon emperor, the defense power of ancient magic emperor was amazing. It was not easy for pig ganghye to quickly defeat this ancient demon emperor, and it took a long time.

With her help in a hurry, the two display fusion magic power, and their power is greatly improved. It is much easier to kill this ancient devil emperor.

The pig Gang hye and long Ying together killed an ancient evil emperor. The red flame lion and the wind and snow wolf king united to kill an ancient demon emperor.

Golden monkey and long Xuan, as well as golden winged Kun Peng and Golden Phoenix, they have united to surround seven or eight ancient magic emperors!

At this time, golden monkeys and others have also performed fusion magic.

And the golden monkey has already displayed the means of separation, and a hundred energy golden monkeys will show up directly!

In the dazzling golden light, a hundred energy golden monkeys suddenly flew into the sky, and a hundred golden golden cudgels were lifted up, just like one after another of the golden lights and lightning. They were pounding down on one of these ancient demons!

Where did the ancient demon emperor feel such a terrible scene? He even knew that he was afraid of fear. He howled and turned his head and wanted to escape!

However, the ancient magic emperor has just turned around, and the golden winged Kunpeng of the Golden Phoenix is also gathering the golden light energy. This energy and energy are combined into a golden light energy chain, which directly twines and controls the legs of the ancient demon emperor.

The ancient devil emperor couldn't escape at once. He was bombarded by many energy golden cudgels. In a short second, more than 20 energy golden cudgels were bombarded down. The ancient demon emperor was directly smashed and exploded.

Another energy, the golden cudgel, is attacking another ancient demon emperor nearby.

The ancient devil emperor also wanted to escape, but he was blocked by long Xuan. In a flash, he was also smashed by the energy golden cudgel!

The attack of the energy golden monkey continues, and in a twinkling of an eye, it is toward the third ancient demon emperor's stormy bombardment in the past.

This ancient demon emperor has been unable to escape, because this ancient demon emperor has been trapped by the golden monkey's magic power tumbling cloud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!