At this time in the tower of time, surrounded by Tang long, they have found that Tang Long suddenly had a very strong breath.

Soon they recognized that this was the smell of generals and ministers!

They were all a little puzzled, how suddenly the smell of generals and ministers appeared in Tang Long's body!

"The generals and ministers have come!" Xuanyuan sky array has a surprise in his eyes.

He thought of the past.

In the past, he wanted to devour the spirit of Tang long. When the spirit of Tang Long was most dangerous, generals and ministers suddenly appeared in the sea of Tang Long's soul. Together with Tang Long's original spirit, he prevented Tang Long's spirit from being devoured.

He knows that generals and ministers can reach the soul world of Tang long, but he doesn't know why generals and ministers can do this!

Tang Long is totally baffled by this situation.

He only knew that generals and ministers were very special beings. Although they were all dead, they had a strong breath of life. This breath of life was completely derived from him and was closely related to his life.

Generals and ministers were created by him before, containing his spirit, essence and blood, and containing his mind.

At this time, when Tang Long was very dangerous, the generals and ministers appeared again in the spirit sea of Tang long, which was actually in the soul world of Tang long.

This is not the entity of generals and ministers, but the spirits of generals and ministers.

The general looked at Tang Long and said in a deep voice: "boss, the fierce giant is your heart demon. You have been possessed by the devil. Your power of light and the law of light can completely control the heart demon. Together, we can defeat the heart demon!"

"Devil of the heart!" When Tang long heard these two words, he was deeply shocked.

His mind was shocked by the thunder just now, and he heard the way to deal with strong Qingtian. Suddenly, his mind was clear and clear. At this time, when he saw the general, he was awakened by the generals, and his mind became more sober.

At this time, the powerful power of Holy Light covered Tang Long: "boss, let's use the power of holy light to deal with this heart demon. We can defeat this heart demon, and even refine it with the power of holy light. We will completely disappear this heart demon!"

Tang long heard the words of the generals and ministers, and he was covered with the power of the holy light. His hatred and anger in his heart suddenly reduced a lot.

The violence that erupted in him began to weaken rapidly!

He looked at lie Qingtian in front of him and recalled the situation before. He immediately knew that he had just practiced spiritual power. Because the strength of spiritual power was promoted too fast, he even shaken the cultivation foundation of spiritual power and made his spiritual strength out of condition!

In front of him, strong Qingtian has become the appearance of Tang long, which is a black and red Tang long.

Of course, this is Tang Long's heart demon.

The heart demon looked at Tang Long and laughed: "Tang long, yes, I am your heart demon. You think that you have reached a very high level of state of mind cultivation, but in fact, you can't do it at all. Now you have been controlled by me, and you have only one way to die!"

"It's you who will die!" Next to Tang long, the general snorted coldly and rushed towards the demon.

Tang Long's mind at this time has become more and more clear. Under the shadow of the power of the light of the generals, his mind returned to the state of ethereal and mellow.

Now, anything the heart demon said to him could no longer affect his mood. The violent spirit of the devil could no longer interfere with him.

His emotions were under control and his mind was completely restored.

He stared at the heart demon in front of him, and his eyes showed a little disdain: "I really didn't expect that there was a heart demon hidden in my heart. You came out a little too early. If you wait a little longer, wait for me to get lost in the devil, or you will come out again, or it will pose a great threat to me. Unfortunately, you missed the good opportunity!"

He said that, really hit the heart demon's confidence.

Voice down, Tang long body, the powerful power of the holy light burst out, using the law of light, and the generals to deal with the heart demon in front.

In the tower of time, they are still trying their best to suppress Tang long. The dark energy erupts from Tang long, which is a kind of energy containing infinite fierce breath.

And they're trying to suppress the power of demons and blood demons.

At this time, they had already felt that two powerful and incomparable power of light broke out from Tang long. The power of the holy light was extremely terrifying, gradually enveloping Tang Long and completely covering the heaven and earth in all directions.

The power of the Holy Light swept out from the Tang dragon, and the power became stronger and stronger, and the fierce and fierce spirit was roaring and tumbling between the heaven and the earth.

Under the suppression of the power of the light, the fierce spirit began to shrink gradually, becoming more and more weak.

Seeing this situation, vatian and they are relieved to know that the most dangerous time has passed. With the help of generals and ministers, Tang Long's heart demon should be completely controlled and then can be refined and disappeared.Xuanyuan Tianzhen gently vomited: "fortunately, there is a strange general, or I'm afraid the situation today will be very dangerous."

"When the generals and ministers were in the soul world of Tang long, the fighting power of generals and ministers seemed to be the same as that of Tang long. The two fought against the heart demons together, coupled with the powerful suppression of the power of the holy light, the heart demons were no longer rivals at all."

"If the spirit of Tang long had not recovered a little, if the heart demon had completely controlled Tang Long's soul and completely blocked Tang Long's soul world, in that case, maybe the generals and ministers would not be able to get through!"

Su Xiaoman said, "fortunately, the danger is over now."

Next, they still dare not take it lightly and worry about any accident. They continue to observe the situation carefully around Tang long.

Time is in a hurry. In this tower of time, more than half a day has passed in a twinkling of an eye.

With the passage of time, the fierce breath of Tang Long has become weaker and weaker, and the life breath of Tanglong has become more and more vigorous.

At last, the ferocious spirit from Tang long disappeared completely, and Tang Long was completely shrouded by the power of holy light.

And Tang Long's breath of life has become extremely vigorous.

When they explored Tang Long's situation, they were completely relieved. They knew that Tang long had no problem now.

Xuanyuan Tianzhen has stood up: "let's go out and continue to dig the roots of those miraculous herbs. Let Tang long stay here. He should have a good practice in it for a while, and stabilize his spiritual power to improve."

Vatian and they nodded together.

They know that although the danger of Tanglong's being possessed by demons has been controlled, the strength of Tang Long's spiritual power has been raised too violently, and the foundation of his spiritual power has been shaken. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the destruction of the heart demon, it is the best time for Tang long to consolidate his foundation again.

They left the tower of time together and went outside to be busy.

This busy on a busy day!

It's been more than a month since I was in the tower of time for a whole day outside. During this time, Tang long did not come out. However, they did not find any abnormal situation in the tower of time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!