Tang Long and they flew fast all the way, and while flying, they explored their surroundings to see if they could find anything.

They flew hundreds of thousands of meters in front of them, but they didn't find anything. When Tang Long was a little worried, he suddenly discovered that there was a lot of powerful breath ahead.

Vatian, they also explored the presence of a strong breath ahead.

"There's a situation ahead." Vatian looked at Tang Long and said, "let's be careful. Although the name of this place is called heaven, it seems that this place is not a completely safe place either."

Tang Long nodded. He also knew that there might be great danger in this place, so he slowed down the flight speed with them.

They flew towards the place where the strong momentum burst out, and soon they were less than ten thousand meters away.

Above the sky, they had stopped and looked at the place where the momentum had broken out. Seeing the environment and exploring the situation there, they could not help but feel a touch of curiosity in their eyes.

It was on the top of a big mountain. It seemed that a castle had been built there, a big and magnificent castle.

Over the castle, there are all kinds of mysterious runes flying in the sky, and there is a strong energy in all directions.

Exploring this energy, Tang Long knew that it was the power of the law of wood!

He said in surprise: "the castle contains extremely pure, extremely strong force of the law of wood, which is really strange, as if that piece of heaven and earth, actually gathered the most pure law of wood!"

"If in such a place, if there are very strong beings in that castle, they must be very proficient in the law of wood, because even a very ordinary person, as long as he has lived in such a castle for thousands of years and has been baptized by such a strong law of wood for a long time, he will certainly have a deep understanding of the power of wood."

Looking at all kinds of mysterious runes flickering in the sky of the castle, Xuanyuan Tianzhen affirmed: "those runes are obviously the essence of the art of Mudun, and they are the essence of the art of Mudun, which contains the profound meaning of the essence of Mudun technique!"

Tang Long summoned the spirit of the dragon in Tianling garden.

Dragon Spirit is very proficient in the art of Mu dun.

Dragon Spirit looked at the castle in the distance and explored the powerful energy surging between heaven and earth. At this time, a shock appeared in his eyes: "the power of wood in this place is so pure, and it naturally condenses the original law of the law of wood. This is obviously a place of natural law!"

Vatian nodded and agreed: "this should be a place of natural laws, and it is also a place of extremely mysterious laws. I have only heard of such a strange place once before, and this is really the first time to see it!"

Tang Long said: "let's go to the castle and have a look. We will surely get something." Then he sped up his speed and flew over there.

Vatian and they were together. They all accelerated their flight and flew towards the place where the castle was.

They were getting closer and closer to the castle.

But at this time, the roar of the sky suddenly spread from the castle.

Then they saw that in the castle, a huge monster flew up into the air, roared and flew towards them.

These monsters are all black, surrounded by powerful mysterious dark runes, containing extremely powerful power of the law of wood.

And these monsters also contain extremely strong demonic power.

Tang Long's exploration is to know that these monsters are very powerful, at least have reached the peak level of dizu.

Among them, some of the most powerful monsters have even reached the intermediate level of Tianzu!

Toward Tang long, they flew over more than 100 monsters, each of them was extremely large in size, and a terrible force of wood broke out on them.

Looking at these monsters flying towards this side, Dragon Spirit explores the powerful life breath and the powerful power of wood that erupt from these monsters. His eyes are shocked: "these monsters are all plants!"

At this time, Tang Long also discovered that these monsters did not contain the savage breath, and it was definitely not the existence of Warcraft.

However, these monsters are obviously not Tiancai Dibao, because if these monsters are the natural materials and Dibao that can be transformed into forms, they will surely burst out with extremely powerful aura, but these monsters do not contain a trace of aura.

Hearing the Dragon Spirit say that these monsters are actually plants, Tang Long was extremely surprised.

Vartian, they were also very surprised.

They were busy exploring carefully, and soon they all felt that these flying monsters really had the characteristics of plants. However, how could ordinary plants have the ability to transform into shapes, and how could they become such monsters with strong fighting power?!"This place is really weird!" Tang Longdao.

The Dragon Spirit said: "although these monsters are only plants, not some natural materials and earth treasures, it is not difficult to see that these monsters have absorbed the extremely strong force of wood, which contains the strong force of the law of wood. They are the collection of the law of wood, the law of life, and the power of demons, and then grow up with the life force of heaven and earth!"

When Tang longcai came here, he had already found out that in addition to the power of demons and wood, it also contained extremely strong vitality and strong breath of life.

He didn't expect that in such a place, these strange plant demons could be bred!

Plant demons have all kinds of shapes. They look like monsters with one head. Their bodies are extremely tall, more than 100 meters. They all look strange. Some have cow's head, some have lion's head, and all have four or five arms and seven or eight legs!

These extremely fierce plant demons are flying very fast. They are less than 100 meters away from Tang long. They suddenly burst into a frenzied roar. The powerful law of life contains the power of wood and the power of demons. They all burst out and attacked Tang Long fiercely.

With the attack of these plants, a strong force of the law of wood contains the power of the devil. It turns into a green energy group containing the power of the devil. It is like a green meteor that bombards the Tang dragon crazily.

These energy groups contain the power of the law of wood and the power of demons!

"Come on, hold on!"

Tang Long drank in a deep voice. His ice fire energy gathered the power of the holy light. It broke out directly and turned into an energy mountain and attacked the front.

They also took out their magic weapons to resist the attack of the energy groups in front of them.

Tang Long's supernatural beasts all rushed straight ahead.

Although the fighting power of those plant demons in front of them are very strong, and the attacks are fierce, the combat power of these plant demons is obviously far from that of Tang Long's supernatural beasts.

Although there are a large number of these plant demons, the golden monkey is able to perform the separation technique. At this time, the golden monkey flew into those plant evil demons, and suddenly burst out a dazzling golden light!

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