One hundred and eight ghosts all use the power of Jiuyou Tianhan to attack the flame dragon together!

The flame dragon is extremely huge, with a length of more than several thousand meters, and its attack power is very strong, even reaching the level of Tianzu's nine heavy combat power.

The flame dragon is always burning with a strong smell of death and destruction. Obviously, the flame contains a very strong and mellow Demon power!

Tang Long and they have already had the experience of dealing with the giant python of wood before. At this time, facing the flame dragon, they immediately have a battle strategy. They disperse and surround the flame dragon. Then, the skills of ice escape, the law of ice, and the law of space are all displayed together.

Vajra uses the laws of space to control the flame dragon.

Xuanyuan sky array uses blood to refine the Tianhe. In the blood refining Tianhe, there are many colorful star energy chains, which constantly entangle the flame dragon.

"The power of divine power!"

The Tang dragon's eyes showed a sharp look, exerting the power of divine power to suppress the fighting power of the flaming dragon, and offered a magic weapon to shock the heaven.

Then, under the full attack of Tang Long and their powerful means, it took almost half an hour for the giant flame dragon made of strange plants to escape by bombardment and return to the big flaming cave.

Tang long, of course, they chased into the flaming cave, and then went to look for the plant that turned into a giant flame dragon.

They found the plant deep in the cave.

This is a fruit tree. There are nine flaming fruits on the fruit tree.

These fruits are not natural resources and treasures, but they contain all kinds of mysterious flame runes and strong flame laws.

And each fruit is very transparent. Through the outside of the fruit, they can see that there is always a flame inside the fruit, and there are countless mysterious flame runes flashing.

In the center of the fruit, there was a deep purple flame.

Dragon Spirit explored the deep purple flame in the fruit, and his eyes showed satisfaction: "the core of the deep purple flame in this fruit is the strange seed of this fruit tree. This seed has undergone deep mutation for a long time. Once cultivated, it will be a very good flame plant."

Said, dragon spirit is directly the nine fruits all picked down, collected, and then looked at Tang Long said: "we continue to go to other places!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

At this time, although he wanted to help Dragon Spirit find all five plants containing the power of various laws, he also knew that his time here was not much and he had to speed up.

Most importantly, if he had time, he would like to visit the "gate of hell" next.

Therefore, after leaving the big flame hole, they did not delay for a moment, but directly used their full strength to fly forward to find the other plant containing the power of law.

Then they continued to fly here, searching for the change of energy they had detected along the way. After turning a few turns, they met the castle of ice force, the castle of earth force, and the castle of gold force.

Through these castles, the greatest harvest is of course dragon spirit.

Now dragon spirit has collected all five kinds of strange plants containing the power of law. These plants are useless for Tang long, but they are very useful for dragon spirit.

Dragon Spirit also has magic weapon now.

His magic weapon is the tree of space and the tree of life in the Tang dragon heavenly spirit garden.

Dragon Spirit is the guardian spirit of these two sacred trees, and the two sacred trees have become very special magic weapons of dragon spirit.

at this time, dragon spirit should integrate the five exotic plants after the mutation into the essence of the tree of life and the tree of life. Then he will create a five line array of energy in the Tianling garden, including the celestial array method and the life formation method. Then, with the special environment of Tianling garden, he will create a completely new variant plant with his own unique means.

Once the mutant plant is successfully cultivated, it can continue to grow up, become stronger and stronger, and its vitality will become extremely vigorous.

Even this plant will be very strange, not afraid of ice, fire, lightning and all kinds of energy!

What's more, the plant can release a lot of poison!

Dragon Spirit got these five plants and went to Tianling garden to be busy. He didn't care about the things outside. He just went back to his own business.

Tang long can't use dragon spirit to help him now.

Although the place is full of danger, it is obvious that the mutant plants here are not his opponents at all, and they are not a big threat to him.

The most important thing is that everything here has been dealt with. Now he is going to go back and visit the gate of hell.

In order to save time for dragon spirit, he sent the tower of time to Tianling garden to study the exotic five yuan energy mutant plants in the tower of time, so that longpo can complete the research and cultivation of mutant plants faster.The way back is much faster.

At this time, they have all returned to the flag. Tang long calls out the golden winged Kunpeng and flies back on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng.

Jinyi Kunpeng has now grown to the level of level 6 ancient beast, and its flight speed is appalling. Even if Tang Long exerts all his strength, it is difficult to catch up with the flying speed of Kunpeng Jinyi.

Because the golden winged Kunpeng has grown a lot and its strength has been enhanced a lot, even if the golden winged Kunpeng flies at this speed, it can still be maintained for a long time.

Tang Long finally hoped that there would be some unexpected harvest here, so he called out the red flame lion.

The red flame lion turns into a human form and sits on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng with Tang long. Tang Long hopes that they can find something on the way back.

Such a large place, such a strange place, in case of finding any Tiancai Dibao!

The road they went back to was not the same as the way they had come before. They had spared some of the roads before. They explored the intensity of various energies between heaven and earth to find those castles.

At this time, Tang Long and they were flying in a straight line.

Seeing that they had been flying forward for three or four hours, Tang long felt that he would not have any other harvest here. Suddenly, red flame Tianshi stood beside him and said, "boss, I have found some natural resources and treasures here!"

Tang long heard the words of the red flame lion, and his heart was suddenly extremely happy: "you really found that there are Tiancai Dibao here!"

The aura of this place is extremely weak. Although Tang Long asked the red flame Tianshi to explore the surrounding environment, he did not hold much hope and did not feel that he could find any natural materials and treasures here.

But I didn't expect that the red flame lion was really found here.

Red flame lion said: "this thing is not far away from here, no more than 100000 meters. Here, the distance I have to explore Tiancai Dibao is very limited. It can only be within such a large range."

Tang Long was very satisfied and said, "you can find out the existence of Tiancai Dibao in such a large area. It's quite good. Let's go and have a look to see if we can get any special harvest."

"Good!" Red flame lion agreed and told the destination to Kunpeng.

The flying speed of the golden winged Kunpeng was even faster at this time, and it flew towards the place where the red flame lion had found it.

The golden winged Kunpeng has already arrived at its destination.

At this time, Tang Long and they had reached the sky above the wood and earth treasure which was discovered by the red flame Tianshi. Looking down from here, they could see a very large valley below.

In the valley, all kinds of strange light come out. There are five kinds of powerful energy in the light, which contains the power of five laws!

At this time, Tang Long also detected a very weak breath. , the fastest update of the webnovel!