As for the situation of this mysterious wasteland, Wei Chi Ling Tian, like Tang long, has already had a lot of doubts in his heart.

While flying with Tang Long and others in a fast direction, he turned his head and looked at Tang Long and said, "the situation in this mysterious wasteland seems to be a little inconsistent with the information we get!"

Li Piao Piao said: "it is likely that someone got the relevant map of the mysterious wasteland and other things, and then speculated about the situation. After all, the name of this place is called the mysterious wasteland. Whoever hears the name will have some guesses. As a result, the guess was spread out, and it turned out to be true news, which would be in line with the actual situation here It's different! "

Tang Long said: "we will continue to fly forward for a period of time, to see if we can gain something. If we always get nothing, I think we don't need to continue to go forward and directly return to the gate of space to wait."

Wei Chi Ling Tian thought for a while and said, "maybe there are good things here, but they are far away from here?"

Tang Long said: "how many good things can there be in such a land that is about to be destroyed? If it's just a general artifact, inheritance, those things will not be very attractive to me

Wei Chi Lingtian listens to Tang Long saying so, but also nods.

He knows that Tang Long's strength has reached the eight levels of Tianzu, which is much stronger than him. Moreover, Tang Long has long had powerful magic weapons, as well as supernatural beasts. It is impossible for Tang long to look up to ordinary things.

Even if he is not a very rare treasure of heaven and earth, or a very high-level artifact, he will not pay attention to it. After all, he is already the strength of the six levels of Tianzu, and he is also the four grade Dan God.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "if we fly forward for half a day and still have no harvest, we will return."

Although Li Piao is not willing to return without success, seeing that Tang Long and Wei Chi Ling Tian have made such a decision, and knowing that Youye must listen to Tang long, he has to agree.

Then they continued to fly forward together.

The environment around them has not changed a lot. There are always debris in all directions, and the wind is still howling between heaven and earth.

The whole world was dark, the sky was full of sand and rocks, and the ground was covered with gravel.

In such an environment has been flying forward, gradually, even if full of confidence. Li Piao Piao, who thinks there must be something good in front of him, has already some doubts in his heart.

Tang Long has already felt that there will be nothing good in this place. If there is, it will be very rare.

They are all the strength of Tianzu realm, and their flying speed is extremely fast. After flying for half a day, there is no harvest. Even Tang Long explores the surrounding area. When he doesn't find anyone else, he even calls out the red flame lion, and the red flame lion has never found anything.

In this case, Tang Long has decided not to continue to fly forward.

He and Wei Chi Ling Tian stopped together, and then turned back to fly.

They did not return the same way.

They made a long way to the side before flying back, again without finding anything along the way.

And flying back in this way, in the bottom of Tang Long's heart, the feeling of indistinct uneasiness was gradually strengthened.

He knew it was his sixth sense.

"If my feeling is correct, I must be getting closer and closer to danger now, but where is the danger?"

He thought in secret, and did not express the feeling of uneasiness.

Finally, they flew back to where the golden door of space appeared.

At this time, the door of space still exists, and the glittering words of energy condensation in the door of space have long been gone.

As early as those warriors came in from the door of space, the big characters with the glittering energy had already been smashed and disappeared by the warriors who rushed into the door of space.

Tang Long and you ye, Wei Chi Ling Tian and Li Piao Piao. The four of them flew to the bottom of the golden gate of space, and then they all landed on the ground and rested here.

They agreed that they would gather here one day later to learn about each other.

Now, in addition to them, there are still some other people flying back. These people are not very powerful warriors. There are several warriors in the ancestral realm, most of them are powerful warriors.

When these warriors came back, they were all disheartened and listless. Obviously, they all came back empty handed.

Looking at their listless appearance, Tang Long couldn't help but frowned slightly.

He was more and more sure that the news about the mysterious wasteland was wrong!

After those listless warriors flew here, they saw Tang Long resting here. Some of them also landed near here, but did not come to Tang long. They took a rest not far from Tang Long and his disciples.Others walked straight through the golden door of space and left.

Tang Long always has that kind of uneasy feeling in his heart. He feels that he is in a very dangerous environment at this time.

But there was no danger around.

"This is not the case."

Tang Long knows that his sixth sense will never go wrong, and now he has seen that this mysterious wasteland is of no value. There is no such thing as natural materials and earth treasures.

However, so many strong people in the southern part of the world got the news and came here.

"Is it a conspiracy? Where is the plot? "

Tang long thought secretly.

At this time, there are more people flying towards this side from all directions around. They are obviously getting nothing. They are all very depressed, and even some people are still swearing.

When most people get here, they leave directly through the door of the glittering space.

However, many martial artists stayed here, apparently to rest here for a while. Most of them are not yet determined to see if others have gained something.

If others have a harvest, they take a rest and look elsewhere.

These people did not come to Tang Long and stayed in other places far away from them.

Tang Long and they had a rest here for two or three hours. Li Ran's team also came back. They also had no gain.

After a while, several teams came back, and they were equally unproductive.

Li Ran looked at the situation in front of him, and his mood became very bad. They spent a lot of energy and wasted a long time here. However, they didn't expect that they had been busy here for a whole day, and they didn't get anything.

This situation made him very uncomfortable.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "there's nothing here, master of Tang clan. Why don't we leave a few people waiting for those who are coming back, and the rest of them will return to the dream city first?"

Tang long thought about it and thought that Li Ran's idea was also good. He didn't want to continue to delay time here.

But there was another worry in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!