Tang Long's back flying body just stopped. It was a flash of his direct body shape, and he flew up rapidly towards the sky, looking like he was about to escape.

"Want to run, hum!"

Guiye Jixiang snorted coldly and chased Tang long. At the same time, the ghost wild talent monster had already chased up the sky.

When Tang Long flew to the height of 1000 meters, Guiye Jixiang and Guiye Caiguai all chased up together.

And they both summoned their own mutant beast!

At the height of 1000 meters, Guiye Jixiang and guiyecai formed a square formation with their own mutated beasts. They surrounded the Tang dragon in the middle, and then launched an extremely fierce attack on Tang long.

At the same time when they launched fierce attacks here, below, the earth shaking roar suddenly rang out.

A powerful and incomparable momentum broke out from the lower Inn, and the monster Inn below was immediately bombarded with explosion!

In the explosion, the sound of anger continued to ring.

Under the investigation of Guiye Jixiang and Guiye Caiguai, it is known that longpeng and Longxiao have also been attacked at this time, and those who attack longpeng and Longxiao are the powerful Tianzu strongmen with very strong strength.

There are five strong Tianzu, but there is no demonic power on these five warriors at this time.

Guino Jixiang thought to himself, "are these five warriors who attack longpeng and dragon owl? Are they the heavenly ancestors of the demons? Or are they the ancestors of the universe? However, people of the demon clan will also hide the power of the devil. "

"Those who attacked me were the warriors of the demons. So the five warriors who attacked longpeng and Longxiao must also be the warriors of the demons. They don't use the power of demons now. They must be thinking that even if they don't use the power of demons, they will be enough to deal with longpeng and Longxiao."

"Long Peng and long Xiao are definitely not the opponents of those five warriors!"

Guiye Jixiang knows that the Dragon Peng and the Dragon owl below will not be long before they are killed by the five heavenly ancestors.

Long Peng and long Xiao went to batian city with them, which was a major task arranged by Zun Shang.

Guino Jixiang absolutely doesn't want longpeng and Longxiao to be killed before they reach batian City, so he plans to help them.

However, he planned to fly down and help longpeng and Longxiao. Suddenly, he felt a sudden darkness in front of him, and the world in front of him had a terrible change!

He saw that it was dark and dark all around, surrounded by the warriors of the demons.

In addition to the warriors of the demon clan, there are many monsters of the demon clan!

All of these warriors and monsters roared and attacked him madly, especially a monster on his side. The monsters on his side burst out with extremely terrifying demonic power, which would kill him at once!

He had no time to think about such a dangerous situation.

"Heart breaking fist!"

His fist broke out with a terrible force of blood demons, and towards the side, the monster was pounded with a heavy blow.

What he bombards is not the monster of the devil's power, but the monster of the ghost field!

At this time, everything that Guino Jixiang saw in front of him was actually an illusion, which was the result of the Tiangang magic heart mantra exerted by Tang long.

You know, Tang Long is now the strength of Tianzu's eight level realm, which is no weaker than Guiye Jixiang and Guiye CAI.

Moreover, the strength of Tang dragon's spiritual power has been extremely terrible, reaching the level of eight pinling Danzu.

The strength of his spiritual strength, coupled with the strength of his powerful warrior at this time, when Guiye Jixiang was caught off guard and his mind was attracted by the roar of the sky below, Tang Long suddenly applied the Tiangang magic heart mantra to Guiye Jixiang, which was completely able to control the spirit of Guiye Jixiang.

Guiye Jixiang's mind is controlled by Tang long, and directly enters into the creation illusion of Tang long, and everything in front of him changes.

In this case, the ghost wild auspicious as a monster!

The ghost wild talent strange completely didn't expect that the ghost wild auspicious next to him originally good, unexpectedly suddenly to start to him, he has no slightest guard against, he condenses the blood devil's power, is to attack Tang long.

As a result, his fist had just collided with Tang Long's, and a terrible force from his side bombarded him fiercely.


At the same time, the side waist of the ghost wild talent monster has been hit by the fierce fist of Guiye Jixiang.

Ghost wild just strange be bombarded mercilessly spurt out a mouthful of blood, suffered heavy internal injury!

At this time, the ghost wild auspicious has been toward the side of a mutant beast attack in the past.

This mutant beast is his mutant beast.

His mutant beast obeyed his orders completely. How could he have thought that he would attack him suddenly.This mutated beast was directly blasted hundreds of meters by Jixiang Jixiang of Guiye!

At this time, Tang long had a flash of body shape, rushed to another mutant beast, and kicked the mutant beast to fly.

He knew that Guiye Jixiang had been cursed by his natural disaster God curse, and the current situation of Guiye Jixiang would never recover in at least two minutes.

So he blasted the mutant beast and directly attacked the ghost field.

The two mutated deities are handed over to Jixiang Guiye to kill them.

Tang Long's body shape flashed, and in a flash, he was in front of the ghost wild talent monster. His fist broke out into the extremely fierce devil power, and he hit the ghost wild talent monster with a hard blow.

The ghost wild just strange was attacked by the ghost field auspicious, already the internal injury is heavy, the viscera has been smashed by the bombardment, the waist bone has been broken by the bombardment.

Under such circumstances, his combat power has been unable to play, in the face of Tang long at this time this domineering and fierce fist, he was completely unable to resist, and was directly blasted out by Tang long.

The spirit of a blood demon's soul flew out. Of course, it's the spirit of ghosts.

At this time, Guiye Jixiang, who is controlled by Tang long, has already rushed to the two mutated deities and bombarded them everywhere.

The ghost wild just strange blood devil's soul flies out, sees the ghost wild auspicious crazy same attack two head variation god beast, suddenly the seven tips of gas smoke.

He roared: "Jixiang Guino, are you crazy?"

Guino Jixiang's eyes were red with blood, as if he had not heard his words at all. Moreover, he looked as if he was crazy. He was still attacking the two mutant animals.

Tang Long has already dodged and rushed to the spirit of the blood demon.

At this time, his extremely powerful momentum erupted crazily, and the devil's power swept out of his body, and directly bombarded the spirits of ghosts and savages.

The power of his fist is incomparable. It contains extremely terrible demonic power, and contains the law of explosion and the law of thunder and lightning.

It even contains the power of the stars.

The fist blows out, and the space in front of the fist is shattered by the bombardment.

The ghost wild just strange blood devil's soul just flew out, immediately faced with such a powerful attack, the heart suddenly some fear.

At this time, he had already felt that the power of Tang Long's vitality was super powerful, the power of the stars was contained in the power of demons, and there were even several laws.

He wanted to dodge. It was too late.

In a hurry, he can only do his best to gather the blood demon's power, and bombard Tang Long with one fist. In a flash, he has collided with Tang Long's fist!


When two fists collide, the power of the devil and the power of the blood demon contain all kinds of laws, which suddenly burst out.

This time, Tang Long obviously had the upper hand in this attack.

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