Seeing the ghost Blue Shield coming in a hurry, Tang Long stepped forward to block him: "ghost manager, where are you going?"

At this time, ghost Blue Shield was having a very important thing to do. Suddenly, a man blocked him, and he was very upset. He was about to get angry. Suddenly, he found out that an extremely powerful momentum broke out on the man who was blocking his way.

He was surprised when he discovered the powerful momentum!

But the surprise soon turned into a surprise!

He can immediately judge from the breath of life contained in the momentum of this man that this is the momentum of the little ghost devil, and the breath of the little ghost devil.

He quickly looked up at the people in the way, a little Leng Leng to identify, in front of the people is the family to quickly look for the ghost demon.

It's obvious that the ghost demon has changed a lot.

Now the ghost little devil is full of beard, looks dusty, seems to be in a hurry to come.

"Elder devil, you are back at last. We are looking for you everywhere. Thank God you are back at last!" Ghost Blue Shield looked at the ghost demon and said happily, "we have planned that if we can't find you again, we have to turn to other families."

When the voice dropped, he did not wait for the ghost demon to speak, but glared at him and said, "elder devil, your strength seems to have improved a lot. What's the matter?"

Tang long, the ghost demon, laughs and explains, "my strength has been improved because of a little accident. It was the thunder lion dragon, the god beast that raised me. It wandered outside. As a result, I found an ancient holy land and got some natural materials and treasures to enhance my strength in a wasteland occasionally. So my strength has been improved!"

The ghost Blue Shield heard Tang Long's words, and his eyes twinkled with light: "little devil clan chief, do you have wood treasure that day?"

Tang long curled his lips and said, "can there be a lot of such things? Of course not. As you know, Tiancai Dibao is also of great use to gods and beasts. "

Ghost Blue Shield heard Tang Long say this, immediately a little disappointed, but immediately asked curiously: "by the way, little devil elder, are you not closing up? Why did it disappear all of a sudden? What's more, how do you know that the beast has found something good to give you? "

Tang Long glanced at the ghost Blue Shield and said, "why do you think the supernatural beast doesn't know how to make the escape talisman? Do you think I don't have a rune on me

"You used to leave." Ghost Blue Shield understanding of the nod: "no wonder you suddenly disappeared."

After a pause, he asked again, "but how do you know that the divine beast has found Tiancai Dibao?"

When Tang long heard the ghost Blue Shield's words, he immediately laughed with pride: "because I and thunder lion dragon have telepathy. It's a very special feeling, and it's a connection of soul brand. This is not what ordinary people can do, but I can do it. This is the special skill of thunder lion dragon!"

Ghost Blue Shield curiously said: "thunder lion dragon still has this kind of ability?"

Tang Long skimmed his lips: "thunder lion dragon is an ancient beast, how can it not have some special skills?"

"That's true." Ghost Blue Shield has no doubt.

He knows that some high-level divine beasts do have some special abilities. For example, some divine beasts can detect far away places, there are heavenly materials and earth treasures, and some even can transfer space far away.

For the ghost demon suddenly left from the closed place, he also very understand.

In his opinion, little ghost demons were raised by divine animals since childhood. They must run around all day long and stay in one place peacefully. This possibility is really small.

Most importantly, the little ghost demon is back now, and at the time of greatest need.

He took the ghost demon and walked towards the city Lord's house. The ghost demon, Tang long, asked the ghost Blue Shield as he walked: "director ghost, I see that there are papers all over here. It says to look for me. What's the matter?"

Ghost Blue Shield said: "go back, you will know, there is a big thing happened, the family is short of manpower, urgent need to ask you to help."

Tang Long said curiously, "what's the big deal in the family? The sky is falling? There are so many masters in the family? "

Ghost Blue Shield said: "our demon clan has made a big trap this time. It was made by the devil's ancestor himself. It was specially made by the blood demon clan. Moreover, we have received the news that the blood demon clan has been cheated and is about to drill into our trap!"

When Tang long heard the news, he immediately became interested and asked, "what kind of trap have we made?"

Ghost Blue Shield said: "I'm not very clear about the specific trap. I only know that in order to make this trap, the strong Tianzu of several big families of our demon clan have been sent out."

Tang Long asked, "so I'm going to be sent there, too?"

"You're not going." Ghost Blue Shield said: "you are a secret in our family. Others don't know that our family still has a strong ancestor like you. You stay in the family for the safety of our family. After all, it's hard to say about the war. Death and injury are inevitable. The family should retain some strength as the cornerstone of the family's future development."Tang Long asked, "since I don't have to go to the land of the trap, what am I in such a hurry to do?"

At this time, they had reached the gate of the city Lord's house.

Ghost Blue Shield looked at Tang Long and said, "when you get to the family and see the Lord of the city, he will tell you in detail. As for me, many things I know are not very detailed. This is the top secret of the family, and I have no qualification to know."

With that, he strode into the city Lord's mansion, and Tang Long followed in.

Together, they soon met the city Lord of orgrima in a study. This is the old ghost Soha, who is the Eastern Branch of the ghost family.

The ghost suoha is a warrior of the five realms of Tianzu.

The ghost Soha was stunned when he saw the ghost Blue Shield come in with a dusty stranger with a ragged beard. However, he immediately detected that the stranger had a familiar smell.

He immediately judged that this man was the ghost demon he was looking for!

He has been searching for the ghost demon for days.

This is what the master of the ghost family asked him to look for. There are very important things for the ghost devil to do.

The ghost Blue Shield takes Tang long to the ghost suoha here, and then politely follows the ghost suoha and turns to leave.

Only Tang Long and the ghost suoha are left here.

The ghost suoha looked at Tang long, and a surprise appeared in his eyes: "little devil, your strength seems to have improved a lot? What's going on? "

Tang Long explained what he had said to the ghost Blue Shield and explained it to the ghost Soha. Then he looked at the ghost suoha and said curiously, "elder Soha, what's the matter with the family so anxious to find me?"

The ghost Soha said: "in fact, the family had been looking for you many days ago. At that time, I found you were not there. You have missed a good opportunity!"

Tang Long asked, "what good opportunity did I miss?"

The ghost Soha said, "you have missed a good opportunity that is likely to be able to go to the Wanlong God residence. It is a good opportunity once in a blue moon." After a pause, he said, "of course, even if you go, it's still hard to say whether you can go into the Wanlong palace."

Tang Long went to Wanlong God's residence, but of course he won't say it now.

He looked at the ghost suoha with a smile: "it's a pity to miss the opportunity, but it may not necessarily be a bad thing. If I go to the Wanlong God residence, maybe those natural materials and earth treasures given to me by the thunder lion dragon will be gone, and my strength will not be able to improve!"

"So it is." The ghost Soha nodded, and then added, "if you really went to the Wanlong palace, others would know that there is a young elder like you in my ghost family. This is not good for our family. Moreover, if you went to Wanlong palace, you would not come back now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!