Two waves collide together, and these two waves are 700 meters high waves, the thickness of the waves are more than 100 meters, how terrifying the collision power!

The energy generated by the collision swept across the sky and sea water and swept out in all directions.

The waves collided and fell, and the sea level suddenly rose a lot.

Tang Long and they are now less than kilometers away from the place where the waves collide.

What a shock he saw now!

What he saw, in the place where two waves collided, there were not only two waves colliding. In all directions and in the distance, a wave swept towards that place, and then there would be a huge collision!

There in all directions, the fierce momentum of the continuous Bang ran into each other, resulting in a roaring turbulence!

The sea water is bombarded by turbulent flow everywhere!

The extremely terrifying and powerful energy in all directions constantly bombards that place. At the height of ten thousand meters above that energy collision, all kinds of energy sweep each other and form a dark energy vortex!

The energy vortex whirls rapidly, absorbing all kinds of energy around the world.

In the center of this vortex, the space there is bombarded by a strong energy, and that space is constantly distorted, forming a very large space black hole!

Seeing the black hole in space, Tang longan suddenly showed a surprise look: "is that the place..."

Obviously, the situation there is very special.

Tang long thought that if he went through the black hole in the center of the vortex, he might be able to get to a place here.

"This is obviously the center of the strong energy gathering in various places on this continent. Moreover, the vortex will certainly form a strong pulling force, and the deep vortex will surely gather all kinds of powerful energy from heaven and earth."

"This is the best environment to cultivate the land of heaven and nine Yin!"

Tang Longxin was full of expectation. He turned his head to look at the red flame lion and the snow wolf. The king said, "let's fly up there and have a look, and see if the black hole in the space is a place of absolute nine Yin!"

"Good!" Red flame lion and snow wolf king agreed.

At this time, two opposite waves were sweeping towards the other side.

These two waves did not come from Tang Long's direction, nor from their opposite direction, but from the other two directions.

These two waves are getting closer and closer, and finally they collide with each other under the vortex in that space!


The sound of thunder like collision roared to the sky, and the whole world was rocked by the bombardment.

In this roar, Tang long, red flame lion, and snow wolf king all flew up to the sky as fast as they could. Then they tried to resist the strong wind from all directions and flew towards the center of the dark whirlpool!

At the center of the dark vortex, the energy contained there is extremely strong, but Tang Long's strength at this time is very strong after all, and has been able to resist the bombardment of such energy.

Red flame lion and snow wolf king's strength has also been very strong, also can withstand the impact of this momentum.

Under the resistance of Tang Long and their efforts, the continuous sweeping momentum did not pose much threat to them. They soon flew to the center of the dark energy vortex.

Tang Long explores the situation in the vortex, and can clearly find out that the space in the center of the vortex has a violent space distortion, and there is a chaotic energy channel in it!

"Go into this passage and have a look!"

As Tang Long said this, he gathered his energy to protect himself. Then he moved his mind and called out the God of destruction.

Although he felt that there should be no danger in the energy channel, he decided to be cautious.

Under the command of Tang Long's mind God, mieshi Raytheon flew towards the chaotic channel in the center of the dark vortex. He had already rushed into the channel and disappeared in front of Tang long.

After about five minutes, Tang Long knew that mieshi Lei had passed through this channel through the telepathy with the spirit of mieshi Lei.

The Thor of doom has arrived in an open place.

But at this time, Tang Long has already detected that mieshi Raytheon is under attack.

And soon the world was destroyed, and the Thor was smashed by the bombardment!

Tang long can be sure that through the chaotic dark passage in front of him, there must be a great danger in another place.

"I have to be careful and be fully prepared for the destruction of Thor so soon."

He thought in his mind, turning to look at the red flame lion and the snow wolf, the king said: "the other end of this passage is dangerous. You should go back to the heavenly spirit garden, and I will go through the passage first and have a look."

After listening to Tang Long's words, the snow wolf king and the red flame lion all returned to the heavenly spirit garden. Tang Long himself was here, and directly gathered his vitality and exerted his eternal life skills!In the state of eternal destiny, his attack power and defense are greatly improved, and he can last for a long time in this state.

"In such a state, I can at least withstand some serious danger!"

"And in this case, my combat power has been improved, and Vajra's combat power can also be improved. I hope to be able to deal with the dangers to be faced next."

He thought to himself, the real body of the spirit wolf was condensed. At this time, the real body of the spirit wolf was not very big. Under the control of Tang Long's mind, the huge body of the spirit wolf shrank a lot, which was five meters high, and rushed into the energy channel above.

Of course, Tang Long is in the spirit wolf.

The spirit wolf has rushed out, directly into the energy channel.

Around the passage, all kinds of energy from all directions constantly bombard the spirit wolf, including the strong cold evil spirit force, the devil force, the space turbulence force, and even the heaven and earth Aura!

All kinds of powerful energy constantly bombard the real body of spirit wolf. Under the bombardment of this powerful energy, even the ordinary middle-level warriors of Tianzu can not resist.

Fortunately, Tang Long's strength at this time has reached the eight levels of Tianzu, and his power of vitality is also very strong, let alone at this time, he also used the eternal life skill, and his combat power has been greatly improved.

In his present state, it is not very difficult to resist the bombardment of the powerful surrounding.

Tang Long controls the real body of Linglang and resists the strong energy from all directions. At the same time, he flies to the end of the passage quickly. He has already passed through the turbulent channel and arrived in a dark space.

He can be sure that this is a space of different degrees.

The space is so large that it is the size of a hundred football fields, and the altitude above is also very high, more than 10000 meters.

The most important thing is that there are all kinds of extremely powerful energy surging between heaven and earth here, as well as extremely powerful aura and powerful life force!

If Tang Long explores the situation here, he can immediately confirm that it is definitely a natural place of nine Yin!

And this is obviously a big and big place of nine Yin days!


Just as Tang long wanted to explore the surrounding situation more carefully, the roar of the sky suddenly sounded in a lot of places near the side of Tang long. Tang Long knew that great danger had come, and these dangers were approaching him quickly.

He had detected that, not far from his surroundings, something had attacked him.

These things are very powerful creatures one by one!

"These powerful life bodies obviously contain a very strong breath of life, but also contain a strong Aura!"

"These must be natural materials and earth treasures that have grown for unknown years. They have evolved to absorb the energy of heaven and earth here. They can be illusory, and their combat power is amazing."

"The most important thing is that the quantity of these natural materials and earth treasures is extremely large!"

"It seems that this time I come here, I will definitely get a great harvest!"

Tang long thought while continuing to explore the surrounding situation, has felt a strong energy from all around, toward his extremely fierce attack, the distance is getting closer and closer! , the fastest update of the webnovel!