"The ghost ulcer told me before that this trap set up by the devil's father against the blood god hall can definitely make the blood Temple lose a lot, cause a heavy blow to the blood temple, and even kill the blood demon ancestor."

"The comprehensive strength of the blood god hall is not weak, and the blood demon ancestors have a strong fighting power. What kind of traps should the demons set up to make the blood Temple lose extremely heavy losses and make the blood demon ancestors appear to be in great danger?"

"Is it possible that the core of the trap they set up is a wizard?"

Thinking of this, Tang Long's heart suddenly is a violent shock!

He thought a lot of questions at once.

The blood temple had attacked the wizard's world before, that is, the ghost Blue Shield. They said that the transformation of the world, and the blood temple also occupied the transformed world that time, and won a great victory.

That time, the wizard was obviously defeated. It was a total failure.

That war will certainly make the blood temple to the Sorcerer's comprehensive strength to have the wrong judgment.

The warlord in the land of beasts did not appear, which would make people in the blood Temple ignore the real power of witches.

Even though the people in the blood temple are still wary of witches, they must be very limited.

"If I am the ancestor of the devil, if I have some super strong wizard under my hand, how can I use these witches to give full play to the wizard's most powerful advantage?"

"If I want to set up a trap, of course, the first thing is to hide the identity of those witches, and then let the people in the blood Temple think that my combat power is weak and let them attack. Then when they attack, I ask the wizard to summon the strongest demon king and fight back at one stroke!"

"Is it true that the most powerful sorcerers are the ones who set this trap for the blood temple this time? How strong are those witches? How many people are there? "

Tang long thought of here, the brow can not help but wrinkle!

Although he did not want the blood temple to defeat the demons, he did not want the blood temple to be defeated by the demons so soon.

He hoped that both sides would fight fiercely, and each of them would consume as much strength as possible, preferably the number of those who were super strong.

In the time they consumed each other, Tang long had to seize the time to improve his strength.

Tang long thought about the trap made by the demons. He was still chatting with the ghost Blue Shield, and they asked about the wizard from time to time.

It's a pity that how powerful the most powerful wizard is, and how many super wizards there are around the devil's father. Even if it's ghost Blue Shield, they don't know at all!

Ghost blue shield their status is not very high, even they have never been to the world, has been in the dark world.

They have no idea how powerful the strongest wizard is. Tang Long is helpless.

Time is in a hurry. It's very late.

By this time the ghost of the family had returned from the headquarters of the family.

After he came back, he directly came to Tang Long and explained to Tang Long about the situation of the ghost family headquarters. Then he looked at Tang Long and said, "little devil, the family headquarters appreciate your performance this time. I'll give you the credit this time. If there is any good opportunity in the future, the family headquarters will be the first to let you get it!"

Tang Long agreed happily.

He knows that his strength is very strong now, reaching the level of the Ninth level of Tianzu. Even if he is a ghost family, it is difficult to give him any useful reward.

Some basic martial arts skills, or supernatural powers, or natural materials and earth treasures, are of little use to him.

Even if it's the natural material and treasure to enhance the strength, if it's not of divine quality, it's no use to him.

It is very difficult for him to improve his strength.

"I hope that when Feixue and Shuya arrive at the sea of Tianyuan, they can find nine star parting flowers in the abyss there, so that my strength can be further improved."

"In addition, before I opened the golden coffin, I got the inheritance inside. At that time, I also got a message that there was a very powerful magic weapon hidden in Luojia mountain, a sacred land."

"That magic weapon should already belong to me now. I have time to get it."

"Just, I don't know what kind of magic weapon that is."

Tang long thought silently.

The ghost ulcer is beside Tang long. He doesn't know what Tang Long is thinking now. He tells Tang Long about some things about the family headquarters and arranges Tang long to have a rest. Of course, other martial artists also go to rest.

Tang Long has a special resting place in the Lord's house of orgrima.

Moreover, the rest place is specially arranged for ghost ulcer. The place is comfortable, convenient and free, with complete facilities and good environment.

This place is one of several small buildings in the backyard of the city Lord's house.

In the small building, there are some servant girls who take care of Tang long. These maids are very beautiful and very young. As long as Tang Long is willing to do anything to them, they will obey Tang long.Tang Long doesn't have those requirements for these servant girls, and he doesn't plan to stay in this small building for long.

But he has to get rid of this building.

There are eight floors in the small building. The eighth floor is a special training place for Tang long, and the seventh floor is a place for Tang long to rest. Without Tang Long's permission, people here are not allowed to come in.

Of course, the small building is also equipped with defense and isolation barriers, and the defense of these fences is very strong.

Tang Long reached the eighth floor of the building.

The training room on the eighth floor is very spacious and comfortable.

In this training room, Tang Long arranged double defense and isolation barriers to ensure his absolute safety here.

After finishing these tasks, he arranged the Tianmei wild ancient array in the training room, so that the ghosts could prevent accidents in the training room. He himself called out the tower of time and entered the tower of time.

His strength has just improved before, and not only the strength of the warrior has improved, but also his spiritual strength. Therefore, he plans to seize the time to cultivate himself, refine his spirit and vitality, and consolidate his cultivation foundation once again.

Of course, he still needs to use the eternal star to stabilize his cultivation foundation, which is the best effect.

Time is in a hurry. He practices hard in the tower of time. Seven or eight days have passed in a twinkling of an eye. Outside the tower of time, it has been a night.

It was the next morning.

Tang Long took the tower of time and Tianmei wild ancient array, left the training room, went out to have breakfast, and did not go back to practice again.

He thought about it and finally made a decision!

He's going to help the blood temple!

"How can I help the blood temple? According to the ghost Blue Shield, now the people in the blood temple are in the trap set by the devil's father. They are likely to be in danger. I have to help them as soon as possible! "

"It seems that I have to go back to batian City, and then I have to go to the holy city of blood demons. Otherwise, I can't let the blood Temple Escape the trap of the demons."

"I must act at once, or it will be too late!"

Tang long thought about this matter. He looked leisurely and contented. He seemed to want to go out for a stroll. He left the city master's house and looked around. He walked up a street of orgrima and walked along the street.

He's going to the transit hall in orgrima.

Before long, he had reached the gate of the transport hall in orgrima city.

Outside the teleportation hall, there are two people in charge. They are all from the eastern part of the ghost family.

These two people's strength is average, and has not seen the ghost small devil.

However, Tang long had an elder token of the ghost family. He took out the elder's token, and the two warriors looked at it. They quickly and respectfully let Tang Long go into the transmission hall.

He came to the delivery hall for the first time. He didn't know the environment, but he didn't care whether the place was strange or not.

He just wanted the ghost family to know that he had left orgrima from here.

He casually walked into a transmission array and already contacted Meng Xiaomeng in batian City: "Xiaomeng, I will go back to batian city immediately. Before I go back, you can help me find Zhong Li Cangwu!"

"I see." Meng Xiaomeng agreed.

Tang long in the transmission Hall of this transmission array, has opened the transmission array, through this transmission array, he will soon be in another city's transmission hall.

Walking out of this delivery hall, he looked around.

It's obviously a big city, and it looks very prosperous, but it's not as good as orgrima.

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