The blood demon ancestor's use of the blood crystal screen is not only able to transmit the soul, but also can transmit it to the whole person.

In the blood temple, only the ancestor of the blood devil can do this.

The blood demon ancestor looked at the spirit of the blood lamp ancestor and said, "blood lamp, you must have something important to report to me? If there's something you can tell me now

"I just got the news from batian City, which was reported to me by Zhong Li Cangwu himself."

Next, the ancestor of the blood lamp told him the news from Cangwu, and told the ancestor of the blood devil clearly.

Of course, he didn't know that Cangwu was Tang long.

After hearing the news, the blood demon ancestor had a very fierce look in his eyes!

He knew that the news was probably true!

After all, even the people in the blood Temple know little about the things he came here. He brought so many super strong people in the blood temple, which is the most important force of his blood demon family!

He came here to deal with the demons. At this time, he thought whether the news he got was false news from the demons!

The most important thing is that some time ago, there was a crown devil emperor in the holy city of blood demons!

"Are those kings and demons who appeared in the holy city of blood demons, in fact, a test of the comprehensive strength of our blood Temple by the devil ancestor? Is it to see how difficult it will be for us to deal with the crown demons, so as to work out the best plan for our comprehensive strength here? "

Thinking about this, the blood demon ancestor's eyes immediately showed a very sharp blood red light: "we're here, far away from the blood devil holy city, away from support, if something very dangerous happens, it will be really headache!"

Thought of the blood lamp ancestor this news if is true, certainly will cause the extremely serious consequence, even if is the blood devil ancestor, at this time in the heart also is cannot help but some hair chills!

He turned to look at the red headed devil next to him to hear what the red headed devil thought of the news.

At this time, the red headed devil's eyes also showed a touch of shocked blood red light. Looking at the blood demon's ancestor, he said, "ancestor, so it's possible that some of the people we planted in the demon clan have already been discovered by the demon ancestor!"

The old ancestor of the blood demon frowned and said, "they should not find out, at least not so soon. The method I have developed is extremely secret. How can they easily discover it?"

The blood demon said: "is it possible that we planted a person who showed any flaws in front of the devil's ancestor?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the blood demon nodded with approval and said, "this is possible. The ancestor of the devil is extremely cunning, especially in the aspect of installing internal ghosts. He is even stronger than me in this aspect of skill and experience."

The spirit of the blood lamp ancestor looked at the blood demon ancestor and said: "I guess, it is possible that the ancestor of the devil found one of our ambush people, but pretended not to find it. He used this man to spread the news to us and set up this bureau to let us be deceived!"

The red headed devil looked at the blood demon ancestor and asked, "Reverend, what shall we do now?"

The blood demon ancestor thought about it, turned his head and looked at the blood lamp, and said, "what's the abnormal situation of the blood demon holy city now?"

The ancestor of blood lamp shook his head: "not for the time being!"

The old ancestor of the blood demon said: "your news is likely to be true. If it is true, the valley ahead must be a big trap. Even from the moment we arrived here, we may have been known by the ancestor of the devil. Next, we must be very careful."

Blood Yin evil way: "ancestor, why don't we withdraw?"

The old blood devil frowned.

Although he didn't want to retreat like this, he also knew that if he went further and went to the valley ahead, if it was really a trap, the consequences might be very serious.

But what if it's not a trap?!

Such a good opportunity, if wasted, is a pity.

The ancestor of the blood demon thought about it and made a final judgment on the action in front of him.

Obviously, the red headed devil didn't want to retreat. He looked at the old ancestor of the blood demon and said, "Laozu, maybe this is the false news that the enemy deliberately released? If you want to scare us, why don't I go to the valley in front of me and see what's going on

The blood demon ancestor frowned and said: "I think about it. I think that the news that Zhong Li Cangwu brought to the blood lamp should not be false. If the news is not false, then we must be in danger now."

He had just finished saying this, his eyes suddenly showed a blood red light: "we are being watched, the devil clan's people are coming!"

His strength is super strong, although the people around him have not found the smell of demons, he has found it!

He looked at the ancestor of the blood lamp: "you go, we will go back soon!"

"Yes The spirit of the ancestor of the blood lamp promised, and it flew away directly, and soon disappeared!The blood demon ancestor's hand already had a piece of escape empty rune.

Around him, red headed demons and other martial arts hands at this time also have a more void rune.

They were about to crush the escape talisman, but at this time, they suddenly felt that the space around them had suddenly produced a terrible distortion, and above the terrible twisted space, in the great space of the high altitude, there had been an extremely terrible spiral energy vortex.

In this spiral energy vortex, the powerful and incomparable demonic power is sweeping out crazily, among which the mysterious blood red runes are constantly flying!

Seeing the blood red runes and exploring the countless powerful breath from the energy vortex above, the blood demon ancestor's eyes immediately showed a touch of shock!

He could find out that there was a terrible smell of devil in the deep of the whirlpool.

And the breath of these demons is obviously very strong, even there are many crown demons, even the most powerful Honghuang magic emperor!

The battle power of Honghuang devil emperor is already fierce and terrifying. Even the most powerful Honghuang devil emperor has the same combat power as the warrior of jiuchongtian.

This kind of fighting power of the emperor is too strong, even if it has not yet reached the ancestral God's strong combat power, it is not far behind.

The most important thing is that the vitality of Honghuang devil emperor has been so strong that it can hardly be killed. Even if the blood demon ancestor, who is the most powerful person, meets the Honghuang devil emperor, it will be a headache.

If you encounter several evil emperors, even the blood demon ancestors of such a level of super strong, will also be in great danger.

At this time, the ancestor of the blood demon was sure that there was a conspiracy, a big plot, and a trap arranged by the demons!

At this time, he was also a little lucky.

Fortunately, the ancestor of blood lamp came, and he and others stopped here. They didn't go to the valley in front. If they got to the valley in front of them, they would be completely trapped in the trap set by the demons.

He guessed that there must have been very good arrangements in the valley.

And he knew that even though they stopped here and didn't go to the valley ahead, the demons certainly had some means to get them into crisis. , the fastest update of the webnovel!