At this time, Tang Long has returned to batian city and appears in front of Meng Xiaomeng.

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Tang Long and asked, "brother Tang long, what's the situation of the blood demon holy city? What kind of trap did the demons set up for the blood temple

Tang Long said: "although I don't know what the devil's father set up the trap, but I can infer that the trap must be very powerful, and the blood demon ancestor should have been hit!"

Meng Xiaomeng asked, "how do you know that the blood demon ancestor has been tricked?"

Tang Long said: "I dressed up as Zhong Li Cangwu and went to the blood temple. I went to find zunshang. The zunshang was not there, and many powerful people in the blood temple were obviously not there."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "so, although you have passed the news to the people in the blood temple, it is already late?"

Tang Long said: "I believe those guys in the holy city of blood demons. They should have a way to pass the news to the blood demon ancestors. They should have the ability to avoid the danger this time."

After a pause, Tang long continued: "I can only help the blood temple so much. What's the result of this time they can only see themselves!"

Meng Xiaomeng asked: "if this time the blood temple really suffered heavy losses, what would happen?"

Tang Long said: "if my father is the devil, if this time I set a trap to make the blood Temple lose a lot, I will certainly not miss this good opportunity. I will certainly take advantage of the victory to pursue. Even before the blood demon ancestor enters the trap, I will arrange a plan for pursuing the victory in advance."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "I think the ancestor of the devil will do the same, and he will definitely have a plan to chase after the victory."

Tang Long said: "if the ancestor of the devil also made such a plan to pursue after the victory, the first step they should do is to capture the holy city of blood demon, because if the ancestor of blood demon is severely damaged and retreats back, the first step must be to return to the holy city of blood demon."

Speaking of this, Tang Long immediately frowned: "the blood demon holy city is likely to have a war soon!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "if the ancestor of the blood demon really withdraws from the holy city of blood demon, if the demons really catch up with it, the demons will surely be fully prepared for the next battle of the holy city of blood demons, while the people in the blood god hall are extremely hasty, and the blood temple is likely to be defeated. Then the people in the blood god hall will retreat to the dark gate."

Tang Long nodded: "if the blood demon ancestor retreats to the dark gate, the battle between the blood demon clan and the demon clan will immediately undergo a major change, and the blood demon ancestor will definitely defend the dark gate!"

Meng Xiaomeng looked at Tang Long and said, "brother Tang long, who will win in the end?"

Tang Long said: "it's hard to say now. In the past, I thought the blood temple was stronger, but now the situation has changed. The witches on the side of the demon clan are too powerful. I believe that these wizards must have been cultivated by the ancestors of the devil with great efforts, and they are the killer mace of the demon clan!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "I don't know if the ancestor of the devil can summon the demon king!"

However, if he can't find another way to summon the devil's body, it will be very difficult for him to find another way to summon the demon

After a pause, he looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "Xiaomeng, it's a top priority now. We need to arrange some things at once!"

"What's the arrangement?" asked Meng Xiaomeng

Tang Long said: "the next blood demon world is likely to have major changes, so in the blood demon world, our people should shrink as soon as possible and have to make some arrangements. Once the blood god temple finds out our real purpose, it will certainly start with our people in the blood demon world. At that time, we must have the ability to withdraw to the safest place as soon as possible!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "if the people in the blood temple are driven to the gate of darkness and the warriors of the blood Temple who stay in the world, they will become very passive, and then the demons will certainly come out of the dark world!"

Tang longzan said: "you are right. In this way, the world will become more chaotic soon."

Meng Xiaomeng asked, "is it time for our Tianzu strongmen to take action?"

Tang Long shook his head: "our Tianzu is not moving for the time being. It depends on what will happen to the blood god temple and the demons to decide our next action plan in the great world. We can't worry now. It's not a wise choice to act in advance."

After a pause, Tang long continued: "even if the demons won the battle in the holy city of blood demons, their main target in a short period of time is the blood temple. For other parts of the world, they can't separate their energy to occupy."

Meng Xiaomeng nodded: "in this case, we can't take action immediately at this time. Otherwise, once the devil people know about our activities, it will be very bad for us!"

Tang Long said: "but now I suddenly see a good opportunity!"

"What good opportunities do you see?" asked Meng Xiaomeng

Tang Long said: "if the blood demons in this war are defeated and retreated, they will eventually retreat to the gate of darkness. Then there will be no more super fierce scuffles in the world in a short time. If we think of a way to let them both go to the blood demon world or even fight in the blood soul world, then we can take the initiative."When Meng Xiaomeng heard Tang Long's words, there was a flash of light in his eyes: "brother Tang long, do you mean we should pay close attention to the dark gate now?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded affirmatively: "we have a way to get to the gate of darkness quickly, that is, Taiyi Xianzong in the realm of Jialan, and then to the demon lord palace. In this way, we can reach the dark gate from the demon lord palace as quickly as possible. If the devil ancestor chases the blood demon ancestor to the dark gate, if the demon ancestor enters the blood demon world, we can control the darkness quietly by this way In this way, even if the ancestor of the devil can defeat the ancestor of the blood devil, it is very difficult to return to the dark world again! "

Meng Xiaomeng said: "if so, we can deal with the ancestor of the devil in the blood demon world, and we can take the initiative in the situation!"

Tang Long said: "Xiaomeng, you can arrange this matter. Let several people go to the dark gate and watch it. Then you go to Taiyi Xianzong to find Zhong Li crazy and Mo Xiang Wang Gu, and ask them to guard the world gate there. If both the devil ancestor and the blood demon ancestor go to the blood demon world, we will move to the demon lord palace and control the dark gate at any time."

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng promised: "I'll go to talk with Zhong Li Cangwu about this matter."

Tang Long said, "I'm going to the holy city of blood demons."

Meng Xiaomeng said curiously, "what are you going to do in the blood demon holy city?"

Tang Long said: "before the blood god temple, the Dan division of the blood god temple Danshi League was transferred to the Tang house of the holy city of blood demons, and the Tang house of the city of genius. I'm going to rescue those Dan masters!"

Meng Xiaomeng said, "let's go separately and make arrangements to deal with the coming major changes."

Next, Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng go to work separately.

Tang long this time to the blood demon holy city, of course, will not use the escape rune.

The Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons is equipped with a strong defense barrier, which has been open since the people of Tang Dynasty left.

Tang Long knew that at this time, whether it was the Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons or the Tang house in the city of genius, there must be people from the blood Temple guarding it, and the warriors of these blood god halls were certainly not ordinary warriors.

The blood demon ancestor let those Dan masters live in the Tang mansion. How can they not be defenseless!

Tang long must be very careful when he goes to the Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!