The spirits of the three blood demons are controlled in the soul tower. In the tower, the power of the holy light contains the power of chaotic sky fire, burning the spirits of the three blood demons.

The spirits of these three blood demons soon became unbearable.

Under the burning of the power of holy light and chaotic sky fire, the vitality of the spirits of these three blood demons is constantly losing, the breath of life is becoming weaker and weaker, and the spirit spirit is becoming weaker and weaker.

At this time, Tang Long and vatian began to use their means to interrogate the spirits of the three blood demons.

After careful interrogation, Tang Long soon learned the basic situation of Tang Fu, the city of genius. Now, there are ten ghost faced warriors in the blood god temple.

In addition to the three ghost face warriors killed by Tang long, there are seven ghost face warriors in the Tang mansion of the city of genius. All of these seven ghost face warriors are the strength of Tianzu realm, and the strongest one has reached the seven levels of Tianzu.

Two of the seven ghost faced warriors were on guard in the front yard of the Tang mansion, while the rest were resting.

In addition, the situation of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, is also known by Tang Long through these three spirits of blood demons.

He already knew that the situation of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, was similar to that here.

The difference is that there are 25 ghost face warriors in the blood demon Holy City Tang house, and those ghost face warriors are more powerful than the five levels of Tianzu.

The defense of the blood god temple in the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu is stricter than that of the genius City Tang Fu, but it is not too strict.

At present, these Dan masters in the city of genius are usually idle, while the Dan gods in the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu are not idle now. They are responsible for refining the spirit elixir for the blood god temple every day.

The blood temple is also collecting various kinds of medicinal materials from all directions.

In the past, Tang Long's bottles containing chaotic sky fire and those sealed chaotic sky fire have not been used up. Some of them are still in the hands of the most powerful Dan gods in the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu.

These Dan gods specially refine very important elixirs for Mo Tianjue.

The situation of Tangfu, the holy city of blood demons, is very important. Generally, he will go to the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons every day to see the situation.

These demons have not appeared. He is not in the holy city of blood demons.

Tang long understood the basic situation of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, and was completely relieved.

It is not very difficult for the Tang dragon to deal with the twenty-five warriors who are the powerful ones of the twenty-five blood shrines and the Dan masters who are in charge of guarding the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu.

He thought in his mind and had an idea immediately.

"I can't move in the city of genius for the time being. After all, there should be no chaos in the holy city of blood demons. If the holy city of blood demons is in chaos and the demons really begin to attack the holy city of blood demons, my action can be launched."

"Once my action is launched, I must control the Tang mansion of the blood demon holy city as soon as possible!"

"I'd better go to Tangfu, the holy city of blood demons, so as to make the fastest action."

Tang long thought in his mind that he had collected the magic weapon wanhun tower. The spirits of the three blood demons in the tower flew out and were solved by them.

After that, they all returned to the Fengtian flag. Tang Long cancelled the magic power and restored its original appearance. He contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart and summoned the wisdom heart gate between Qin Ziyi and Qin Ziyi and appeared in front of Qin Ziyi.

Qin Ziyi is still in madiwen city.

Tang Long went to madiwen city and told Qin Ziyi about the situation of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons and the city of genius, and then went to baihuagu in a hurry and arrived at the small world of pocket.

Dan Shi, who rescued Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, was naturally very adventurous.

He needs enough help!

He took 120 dragon and phoenix from Xiuzhen small world, took 50 most powerful black dragons of black dragon family, took all wild animals, and then took some of the most powerful holy light beasts!

This time, he took away all the supernatural beasts, which added up to 250 heads!

Among the 250 animals, the most powerful one is the red soul, which is the thunder lion dragon.

Thunder lion dragon had reached the edge of breakthrough before, and then took the elixir given to him by Tang long. At this time, he finally made a breakthrough in his growth and reached the level of archaic beast!

Now the thunder lion dragon's combat power has been improved a lot, which can be equivalent to the fighting power possessed by the warrior of half step ancestor god.

In addition to the red soul, the sun also came.

The sun has grown to the top, and its combat power is equivalent to the level of the ninth peak of Tianzu.

The sun is also a holy light beast that can use the power of the light.

Tang Long with so many super powerful animals, he has a great grasp in his heart. Next, he goes to the Tang mansion of the blood demon holy city. Even if there is a big accident in the Tang mansion of the blood demon holy city, he is still confident that he can quickly control the situation.

After all the preparation, he went back to the Nine Emperor's palace in a hurry, and then to the strange space in the peach blossom forest, the city of genius.Through the teleportation array that can reach the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu, he directly appears in the strange space in the peach blossom forest of the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu.

From this space, he went to the peach blossom forest of Tang mansion, the holy city of blood demons.

"Next, I have to see what is the situation of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons. First of all, I have to dress up!"

In the peach blossom forest, Tang Long once again displayed his magic power and changed his appearance into that of No. 5 Tang long in the sea of spirits.

Then he took out the space rings of the three ghost faces that he met in the city of genius Tang, and found a suit of clothes from the space rings.

At this time, he had dressed up as a ghost face warrior.

"These blood robed warriors in the blood Temple wear ghost masks every day, which is convenient for me to do. I only need to wear ghost masks to be safe!"

Tang long thought silently in his heart and walked forward step by step. He saw that he had reached the edge of the peach blossom forest.

This time, he was more cautious than before. After all, he already knew that there were more warriors in the blood god temple than in the city of genius, and their strength was stronger.

"I have to set up a trap in order to prevent evil things from happening to me by those who have a ghost face outside!"

He went to a corner on the edge of the peach blossom forest. At this time, of course, he knew what was outside the border.

This is a relatively hidden place in the backyard of Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons, which is at a corner.

Such a place is very remote. Even if the blood god temple has arranged people to guard here, it will certainly not arrange several people. It is good to arrange one or two people here.

Tang long looked around and took out a box.

The box is open. The box is empty.

Tang Long put many kinds of elixir in this box.

These elixirs are all high-quality elixirs, including seven pattern elixir and eight pattern elixir.

There are more than 100 elixirs in total. Most of them are healing elixirs. There are also some detoxification elixirs and elixirs that can restore soul trauma. These are obviously very valuable elixirs.

"I hope it works!"

Tang long thought in his mind that he put the box on a place on the ground, and then moved his mind and called out the dragon spirit. The dragon soul was invisible and hidden next to the box.

After these preparations, Tang Long folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints.

In a short time, a small gap was opened at a place on the defensive border in front of Tang long.

And a weak energy surges slightly and spreads in all directions.


A deep voice rang out, not far from the gap of the border, a deep exclamation rang out, followed by a strong momentum, and then a strong momentum came rapidly.

A total of two warriors came. They were all ghost faced warriors with blood red ghost masks.

Tang Long has been hiding in the next to the gap of the defense border, completely astringed the breath, wait patiently.

He has found out that the strength of these two ghost face warriors is not weak outside the gap of defense. One is the six level realm of Tianzu and the other is the seventh level of Tianzu!

Tang long, a warrior of such strength, is now fully capable of dealing with it.

Not to mention him, just dragon spirit, it is more than enough to deal with such two warriors. , the fastest update of the webnovel!