Tang long did not come to participate in the interrogation. While listening to the answers of the two blood demons, he took down the space rings of the two ghost faced warriors lying on the ground.

Then he took off the masks of the two ghost faced men and looked at the two ghost faced warriors.

At this glance, he frowned.

These two ghost face warriors are really wonderful!

One of the two ghost face warriors actually has a big, exaggerated mouth. However, his nose is only the size of a broad bean. His eyes are square and his face is full of scales!

This ghost face warrior's chin is not a beard, but a root of small tentacles!

Another ghost face warrior's face is crooked, and there are not big but not very small bulges on his face. His nose completely collapses, like a layer of skin drooping. His mouth is very small, which is only a small mouth as big as jujube.

The small mouth warrior's jaw is not that small tentacles, but both sides of the askew face are actually growing a pair of eyes!

The warrior actually has six eyes in total, but they are all closed now!

Seeing the appearance of these two ghost faced warriors, Tang Long was in a dilemma: "it's not easy for them to look like these two ghost face warriors. Even if I use my magic power to completely change into these two people's looks, I can't do it at all!"

He thought it over and over, or decided to become the warrior with two eyes. It was easier for him to use his magic power and get busy.

His general appearance after the change is not bad, but he really can't do anything to make his jaw grow out of the strange thin antennae and the scales on his face.

Fortunately, these two ghost faced warriors always wear ghost masks.

Under Tang Long's magic power, his breath of life has changed a lot, and it has become the same as that of the ghost face warrior he dressed up.

In order to be absolutely safe, he finally displayed the enchantment skill that he learned from the old man of ice and fire, so there was no big flaw.

He used the spirit of the blood demon to cast the enchanting skill, and let the spirit of the blood demon directly attach to his spirit.

When the art of enchantment was completed, he put on a ghost mask and a red robe.

After a simple embellishment, his costume is finished.

At this time, Xuanyuan sky array was still interrogating the remaining soul of the blood demon. Under their interrogation, Tang long had a clear understanding of the situation of Tang mansion, the holy city of blood demons.

After the interrogation is completed, the other spirit of the blood demon is directly solved by Vajra.

The name of the warrior in Tang Long's costume is Xiuli 27.

Xiuli 27 is mainly responsible for the safety of the backyard of the Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons. Tang Long knows that at this time, there will be no other people in the backyard of Tang house except these two ghost faced warriors.

"Now that the danger outside the border has been lifted, I can leave the peach blossom forest in a big way!"

He thought, once again in the peach blossom forest defense border opened a hole, cut the sky, they are directly back to his flag, dragon spirit has also returned to the tree of life in Tianling garden.

Tang long, with a flash of body shape, came out of the defense barrier and went outside the peach blossom forest to explore the surrounding situation. There was no abnormal situation around him. He was very quiet.

"Wait a moment to find out what's going on before we go into action." He thought to himself.

In the vast sea area, we should carefully explore the movements in all directions and where the ghost faced warriors are.

Tang Long wants to find out where the ghost face warriors are. He plans to work out a plan of action to control the whole Tang house in advance. He has to find out how many Dan masters there are.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, he still summoned the dragon spirit.

Dragon spirit can be invisible, can completely astringent breath, do a lot of things here will be easier than Tang long, and in the event of an accident, the dragon spirit can also play a great role.

After the Dragon Spirit came out, knowing Tang Long's intention, he was to hide himself directly and disappear in front of Tang Long's eyes.

Tang Long made a circle in the backyard, and then walked forward a little.

It was already noon, and it was almost time to have lunch, and it was time for the ghost face warrior to come to the backyard to change shifts.

"Wait a minute, there will surely be two ghost face warriors coming to ask me why there is only one person. How can I reply?"

Tang long thought secretly that he had already seen two ghost faced warriors coming towards him not far away.

These two ghost face warriors are the ones who come to change shifts.

They all wear ghost masks, too.

One of the two ghost face warriors saw that Tang Long was alone, and he was very curious and asked, "Xiu Li 27, why are you alone here? What about script 37? "Tang Long knew that the two ghost faced warriors he had solved before, in addition to the Xiuli 27 he was wearing, another ghost face warrior was named script 37.

He curled his lips and said, "that guy left early. I don't know where he went. I think he must have gone to sleep to be lazy."

As he said this, he walked over to the two ghost faced Warriors: "I'll give you a hand here, and I'll have dinner."

With that, he went to the front yard of the Tang Dynasty.

The environment here is familiar to him, and he will not be doubted in this respect.

The two ghost faced warriors did not say anything, nor did they see any flaw in Tang Long's body. Moreover, they did not think that at this time, there could be any unexpected situation in the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons.

Tang Long seems to be very casual to the front yard of the Tang house, and then toward the place to eat.

Of course, he knew where the dining place was. It was in the dining room of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons. This was determined by vatian after inquiring the spirit of Xiuli 27.

Every noon, the ghost face warrior will eat in this restaurant.

And the Danes will eat here.

Tang Long went to the place where he ate, thinking in his heart: "I don't know when the holy city of blood demons will be chaotic!"

But at this time, suddenly, a hole appeared on the border above the defensive border of the Tang Dynasty.

The hole is very large, more than two meters in diameter.

Outside the cave, the sound of thunder roared in!

But there was no powerful energy sweeping through the hole.

Hearing the thundering sound and seeing the big hole on the defensive border above, Tang Long knew that the battle of the holy city of blood demons must have started, and that the entrance must have been opened by the warriors of the blood god temple outside the Tang mansion.

At this time, there was a ghost face warrior of the blood Temple flying in quickly in the hole of the defensive border above, and flew towards the lower part.

Tang Long guessed in his heart: "the warrior must have come to inform the people here to transfer, but of course I can't give them the opportunity to transfer. I have to start the action immediately!"

He's going to take control of the situation right now!

Outside the border cave above, the roar came in one after another. It was like a thunderbolt. It had already shocked all the people in the Tang Dynasty. Those ghost faced martial arts men here took the lead in flying out to check the movement.

And soon, some of the blood god temple's Dan Division also rushed out, all gathered in the front yard of the Tang house.

When they arrived not far from Tang long, they looked up at the ghost faced warrior flying in from the entrance of the border, and wanted to know what happened outside.

The ghost faced warrior in the sky saw that he had reached a hundred meters above Tang Long's head, and directly yelled at them: "the holy city of blood demons is attacked by the demons. Hurry up, all the people will gather in the backyard!"

Hearing the words of the ghost face warrior, the Dan masters here were shocked.

Those ghost face warriors have a flash of body, forming an encirclement circle, surrounded by all the Dan masters coming out.

In addition, there were three or four ghost faced warriors who rushed directly into the Tang mansion. They obviously wanted to find out all the remaining Dan masters who didn't stay, and then they would go to the backyard of Tang house together.

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