"Bastard, let them escape!"

The ancestor of the devil didn't expect that even a super strong man in the blood temple had not been killed by such a well planned trap!

The most important people around the blood demon ancestor have all escaped!

Although there are still many warriors of blood demons in the holy city of blood demons, and even there are no less than 100 warriors in Tianzu realm, the warriors with such fighting power do not have much effect in the eyes of the demon ancestor.

His plan this time is to kill at least a few banbu zushen around the blood demon ancestor!

The ancestor of the devil was attached to lie Qingtian, and the dark power of the devil was constantly swept out of the strong Qingtian. The ancestor of the devil directly yelled: "everyone, kill all the people in this holy city of blood demons. No one is allowed to stay. Destroy all the things for me, but leave the transmission array!"


The warriors of the demon clan all agreed in a loud voice, and launched more and more fierce attacks on the warriors in the blood temple here.

Those powerful Witches of the demon clan are more ferocious at this time, commanding the crown devil emperor, the ancient devil emperor, to launch an unbridled bombardment in the blood demon holy city.

Lie Qingtian's eyes have fallen on the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons!

The Tang mansion was enveloped by an extremely powerful defense barrier. Outside the defensive boundary, some warriors of the demon clan ran to attack.

However, this defensive border is very strong, and it has not been broken by bombardment at this time!

Lie Qingtian stares at the location of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons. He sees a cold opportunity in his eyes: "I'm going to kill Tang Fu now. If there are people around Tang long in Tang mansion, I won't let go of any of them!"

He didn't know that the people in the Tang Dynasty had been transferred to the blood demon world, because the ancestor of the blood devil asked the devil to arrange it, so many people in the blood god hall didn't know about it.

Most importantly, there was no news from Ying Tianhe.

Before that, strong Qingtian arranged for Ying Tianhe to stare at Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons. He also specifically asked Ying Tianhe not to move Tang Fu for the time being. However, he didn't expect Ying Tianhe to attack Tang Fu in the city of genius.

Now, although lieqingtian has known that yingtianhe attacked the city of genius Tang Fu, the specific situation is not clear.

He thought there were many people in Tang Fu in the blood demon holy city.

Lie Qingtian's body, the ghost of the ancestor of the devil appeared. Looking at the direction of Tang Fu, he didn't object to lie Qingtian attacking Tang Fu.

He said faintly: "since you want to go to destroy the Tang house, go ahead. After solving the problems here, we should go to the gate of darkness. This time, we must kill all the blood demons in the dark gate, and also the blood demon ancestors!"

Strong Qingtian said: "I have sent a message to the dark devil kingdom. The remaining ancestors of the big families in the dark demon world have already called together. They will rush to come. We will go to the gate of darkness first. After the ancestors of those families come, we will destroy the city of genius and other places, and then we will go to the gate of darkness to join us!"

The ancestor of the devil said: "when we get to the gate of darkness, we summon enough demons and demons by virtue of the black hole space arranged by witches, and mobilize a large number of demon kings and demons to attack the gate of darkness. The blood demons are certainly not rivals!"

After a pause, the ancestor of the devil asked lie Qingtian: "before I asked you to send a message back to the dark demon world, saying that there is a magic sword hidden in the land of gods. This matter is extremely important. It is related to the whereabouts of Jiuyou Jue pulse. Have you arranged this matter?"

Strong Qing sky way: "this matter I have arranged properly, guarantee to be infallible!"

The ancestor of the devil said: "since this matter has been arranged, we will go to the Tang mansion now. I believe that we will be very smooth all the time."

Strong Qingtian's body flashed, and went away in the direction of Tang Fu.

Seeing that he had reached the sky above the defensive border of the Tang mansion, the devil's power swept out wildly and turned into a huge fist of energy one by one, and bombarded the defense border of Tang mansion.

And at this time, the demon ancestor attached to him also bombarded the defensive barrier.

The strength of the ancestor of the devil is so strong that he shows his powerful magic power and condenses a dark energy giant hand.

At the lower end of this huge energy hand, the dark palm of energy bombarded the defense of Tang house down.

At the same time, the huge energy palm has been exploding at the same time. It seems that it has soared to more than one kilometer in length. It contains extremely terrifying demonic power, covers the sky and covers the earth, contains all kinds of powerful law power, and directly bombards the defense barrier of Tang mansion!


The thundering of the sky is like an explosion that will bombard the whole world.

The powerful defense barrier of Tang house could not resist the attack of the devil's ancestor. The border was directly broken by the huge energy palm.

At this time, the Tang mansion, the holy city of blood demons, had no protection of energy boundary.

However, although the defense barrier surrounding the Tang Dynasty was broken, most of the magnificent buildings in the Tang Dynasty were still in good condition, and the peach blossom forest behind the Tang house was still in good condition.Strong Qingtian has been exploring the situation in the Tang mansion. Unfortunately, no matter how he explores, he has never detected anyone's existence!

The ancestor of the devil said: "it seems that the people in Tang house are very cunning and have already escaped ahead of time."

"Damned bastard!" Strong giant fiercely cursed: "they escape really fast enough!"

In fact, he had already guessed that the people of Tang Dynasty might have escaped.

He recently received a report from his subordinates that Ying Tianhe had disappeared after attacking the city of genius. The Tang mansion of the city of genius had not been destroyed, and the situation inside was unknown.

Strong Qing does not want to believe that Ying Tianhe is dead.

Ying Tianhe's strength has been very strong, and Ying Tianhe's body has been tempered almost to the extent of immortality. Can they all be killed in the Tang mansion of the city of genius?!

For Ying Tianhe's attack on the city of genius Tang Fu, lie Qingtian is actually very angry.

He was angry with Tianhe!

He felt that Ying Tianhe's failure to attack Tang Fu, the city of genius, must have alarmed Tang long. Tang Long guessed that he would attack Tang Fu later. Therefore, Tang long had all kinds of preparations in advance, and all the people in Tang Fu were evacuated in advance. Therefore, this time, he was defeated in Tang Fu and had no harvest at all!

This time did not have any harvest in the Tang house, strong Qingtian extremely angry.

"This should be Tianhe, you are really not enough to succeed, more than to be defeated!" Strong giant fiercely gnaws teeth, in the heart extremely uncomfortable.

The ancestor of the devil said calmly: "the people in Tang house are just some small people. There is no need to care so much. What we have to deal with is the blood demons. As long as we kill the blood demon ancestors and deal with the blood demons, we can control the whole world and control the blood demon world. At that time, it will be easy to catch many people related to the boy of Tang Long!"

Hearing the words of the devil's father, strong giant immediately nodded.

He knew that Tang long had a deep relationship with many big families in the blood god temple, such as the Zhongli family, the dantai family, the Gongsun family, the magic incense family, and so on. They all had deep roots in the blood demon world, and there were many people. It was very easy to dig them out!

And there's a super city!

It's not that strong Optimus doesn't want to deal with tyranny.

He had known for a long time that there were various strong defense barriers in batian City, and he guessed that there must be a lot of escape routes in batian city. Even if he went to attack batian city now, even if he broke the defense barrier of batian City, it would be very difficult to catch Tang Long.

Most importantly, he doesn't have time to go to batian now.

Now he must listen to the ancestor of the devil. He should take advantage of the opportunity of the blood demons to escape, and pursue them step by step. Finally, he will capture the blood demon Kingdom, capture the blood soul world, and completely defeat the blood demon family. This is the most important thing now.

This is a big event for them to dominate the world. At this moment, they can't delay this event because of anything.

"When I capture the blood demon Kingdom and control the gate of darkness, I can easily control the Zhongli family and the magic incense family. At that time, I will be able to kill Tang Long easily, either by means or by means."

Strong giant gnashing teeth, guess said: "should Tianhe disappeared, there is no possibility of falling into the hands of the blood demon clan?"

"It's very possible," said the devil's father

Strong Qingtian said: "this time, the blood demons escaped from our trap, probably part of the reason is because they caught yingtianhe."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the devil immediately felt very reasonable: "although Ying Tianhe knows very little about the trap we set, Ying Tianhe knows a lot about witches. Maybe when the ancestor of blood demon stops in the wizard's world, he gets the relevant news, which will make our trap fall through."

Strong giant fiercely bit his teeth: "if you had known that yingtianhe was not enough to fail, I must have solved him first!"

The ancestor of the devil said: "the current situation is still very favorable for us. Now the ancestor of the blood demon escapes, and we catch up with it. As long as we capture the gate of darkness, we can win the victory. As for yingtianhe, when I have time, I just need to sit still and concentrate for a while, gather the demon spirit to explore, and then we can know whether he is still alive."

Strong giant nodded, and the ancestor of the devil left here, toward the distance of the transmission array quickly away.

This time they captured the holy city of blood demons, they had a very thorough plan.

They're going to go all the way to the dark door!

When the black hole of the Dark Lord is summoned, they will be trained to attack the black hole!

Strong Qingtian knows that the wizard calls out the most powerful crown and devil emperor, so the number of the most powerful devil emperor is limited.

If these crown demons are killed by the blood temple, even the most powerful witches can no longer summon more crown demons or Honghuang demons.In their opinion, there are so many kings and demons as pioneers, enough to make the blood demons lose a lot!

When the blood demons' vitality is greatly damaged, and the super strong ones of the blood demons have a heavy loss, the strongest ones of the demon clan will all gather together and launch the most powerful attack to give a fatal blow to the blood demons!


Tang Long has arrived at batian city by this time.

Of course, he didn't come alone. He brought back all the Dan masters in Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons.

Moreover, he also brought back all the Dan masters of Tang mansion, the city of genius.

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