"Boom -"

the roar of the sky rang out, and the giant kitchen knife of the star Troll directly and violently chopped on the top of the mutant beast.

Although the mutant beast has fully concentrated the power of the blood demon to resist, it is still completely unable to resist the fierce attack of the huge kitchen knife of the star troll.

The giant kitchen knife with the most domineering power directly chopped the mutant beast and fell down to the ground below. Moreover, the top of the mutated beast had been slashed by the huge chopper, leaving a deep scar!

The head of this mutant beast has been seriously injured!

The head of the mutant beast fell rapidly to the ground. However, the mutant beast fell to the ground less than 100 meters. With the sound of two colorful lights and howling sound, they bombarded the mutant beast from afar.

These two colorful lights are two luminous circles with colorful lights!

The aperture in the direction of the mutant beast flying past, has rapidly skyrocketed, into two huge colorful aperture!

The flaming flame of colorful light on the colorful aperture contains the power of extremely domineering stars and sky fire. You can see that it is pounding on the top of the mutated beast!

These two apertures are Tang Xiaohu's two life-threatening circles!

The head of the mutant beast has been seriously injured, and it has fainted when it falls to the ground, so it can't resist the attack of Tang Xiaohu at this time.

Two life-threatening circles bombard the head of the mutant beast and explode it!

The mutant beast was bombarded and fell to the ground!

"The art of fire escape!"

The five elements true demon wields the strongest flame law and sweeps and bombards the fallen mutant beast. In a short time, it burns the mutant beast without a trace!

Not far away, the Dragon owl who rushed to this side, when he saw this scene, the whole person directly froze in place, and was shocked again!

he didn't expect that Tang Xiaohu was so powerful, and Tang Xiaohu had so many powerful energy life forms around him!

In particular, the star Troll almost shocked the Dragon owl with the ferocity of this life body!

The Dragon owl has studied the power of the stars, and even the star trolls.

At this time, he has been able to judge for sure that Tang Xiaohu's flying out of the body, which emits the morning light and is extremely strong, is definitely the legendary star Troll!

Star trolls can only exist in the body of the doom star!

"Tang Xiaohu is a disaster star? And seems to get along well with the star Troll? How could that be possible? How could doomsday be like this? How can a star Troll get along well with human beings? "

No wonder dragon owl is so shocked at this time, because before this, he really did not know Tang Xiaohu.

Long Xiao and long Peng didn't go to batian city very long. After they arrived in batian City, they were tempered by Tang long. Although this solved the danger of their spirits, they also suffered some damage to their spirits.

So after being tempered, they immediately went to the closed door to practice.

After a few days of practice, the wound recovered, and there was no time to learn more about Tangmen. It was only through the narration of Zhong Li Cangwu that they knew more about the demons and blood demons.

In addition, he learned more about Tang long.

Tang Xiaohu has been busy in batian city for a long time. Later, he went to Tuling valley with Tang Yang, Lin Ximeng, Li Dahan and Meng Xiaomeng. After coming back from Tuling Valley, he spent most of his time practicing in the ninth emperor's Tianfu. Today, he only appeared in batian city. Therefore, the Dragon owl has not paid much attention to Tang Xiaohu.

He only knew that Tang Xiaohu was the head of Tang clan and the only disciple of Tang long.

He always felt that Tang Xiaohu, the leader of the Tang clan, was an empty shelf. Because of his identity as the only disciple of Tang long, he became the nominal head of Tang clan.

And he never thought that Tang Xiaohu's strength could be strong.

Now seeing Tang Xiaohu show such a strong strength, he immediately knew that his previous conjectures were obviously wrong, and the mistake was particularly serious. Obviously, Tang Xiaohu's combat power is super strong, even stronger than him!

Just when he was shocked, the sound of thunderous roar suddenly rang out from the transmission hall, and then the four figures flew out of the transmission hall and flew up into the air!

Two of them were warriors of the demons, and the other two were Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, as the Dragon owl knew.

Obviously, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are chasing the warriors of the two demons.

After the Dragon owl's exploration, he immediately knew that the two warriors of the demon clan flying in front of them had reached the level of the five levels of Tianzu. At this time, the breath of these two warriors was obviously unstable!

"The warriors of these two demon clans were obviously seriously injured. They must have been seriously injured after being attacked by Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng.""Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are so powerful that they can't get to the transmission hall, and they will directly attack the strong Tianzu of these two demons, and even let the strong ones of the two demons flee in confusion!"

"These young disciples of Tangmen are so powerful. It seems that the comprehensive strength of Tangmen is far stronger than I imagined!"

Dragon owl's heart at this time is more and more shocked!

He was shocked by the strength of Tangmen!

When he got to batian City, he learned more about Tang long. He finally knew that Tang Long was not as simple minded as he was in the blood temple. Tang Long was obviously not only a powerful alchemist.

What Tang Long has done in secret has shocked him and even made him feel incredible!

He felt that he knew Tang Long completely.

However, at this time, he understood the strength of Tang Xiaohu and Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng. He suddenly found that his understanding of Tang Long seemed to be too little!

Originally, he thought that Tang Long's strength mainly depended on the support of the Zhongli family and other families, and the strong support of the powerful warriors in the LingXiao palace and other sects.

Now he knew that Tang long did not rely entirely on these warriors.

Tang Long's own strength has been very strong, and the strength of Tang clan's disciples has obviously been extremely strong!

He couldn't help thinking: "Tang Xiaohu and Tang Xiaohu are so powerful. In the past, Tang Xiaohu was short of them in the holy city of blood demons. I'm afraid their strength will not be too weak. There is also the general. Even if he is not as powerful as Tang Xiaohu, he must be more powerful than Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng!"

"Tang Long is really deep enough to hide in the blood temple!"

He thought in his mind, his body flashed, and the delivery Hall of the city of talent flew past.

He was worried that there would be an accident in the transmission hall. After all, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng both chased the warriors of the two demon clans and left the transmission hall.

There's no one in the city of genius now.

He gathered his energy and exerted his body method speed to the limit. He did not care to explore the situation in the transmission hall. He quickly flashed over and wanted to control the transmission hall as soon as possible: "I hope that during this period of time when I fly over, there will be no more demonic Warriors in the transmission hall, otherwise it will be bad!"

Thinking in his mind, seeing that he was not far away from the transmission hall, he suddenly felt that two extremely powerful momentum broke out from the transmission hall!

In this powerful momentum, there is a strong and wild atmosphere.

It's obvious that these are two kinds of mythical beasts, and both of them have grown to the level of four ancient divine beasts. They are all super powerful divine beasts!

Detecting the breath of these two powerful beasts, the Dragon owl was startled.

In a flash, he flew faster toward the delivery hall.

Seeing that he had already flown to the front of the gate of the transmission hall, he was about to rush into the transmission hall, but at this time, he saw two bodies in the transmission hall rushing out like lightning.

Two young warriors came out.

Both of them were in their early twenties. They were very young, and both of them had a strong sense of wildness.

The Dragon owl knew that this was the breath that he had detected on the two mythical beasts before.

Moreover, he also found that there was no devil power or blood devil power on these two beasts.

"Are these two animals the dream of Tang Yang and Lin Xi..."

The Dragon owl secretly thought that he had already flown to the 20 meters in front of the two mythical beasts, and then stopped.

He did not rashly move, to understand the situation first, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

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