Tang long had already interrogated the master of the gentleman's Shenzong before. He knew that this time the king of Bailikang and his party were well prepared for the arrangement, which had been quietly arranged hundreds of years ago.

There is a gentleman Shenzong in this reclusive family here!

Obviously, Junzi Shenzong had long wanted to deal with this reclusive family.

Tang Long didn't come here to destroy the reclusive family.

Tang Long has learned a little about this reclusive family, which he got from his interrogation.

The reclusive family is not a good family. It's similar to the situation of the Junzi Shenzong, but it doesn't practice the shameless skills of the Junzi Shenzong.

Tang Long came today to wipe out all the people who lived in the Junzi Shenzong by virtue of the power of this reclusive family. After all, only by solving all the people of the Junzi Shenzong here can the extremely shameless skill be completely destroyed.

Otherwise, if these guys of Junzi Shenzong go to other places, they will continue to do evil, which is likely to lead to a more vicious situation.

The battle in the sky continues.

Tang long looked at some people standing in the distance ahead, all of whom were members of this reclusive family.

The name of this reclusive family is Ziche family.

The owner of Ziche family is Ziche Changshou. Ziche Changshou is the man in the sky who is fighting with the warrior of the banbuzu God of Junzi Shenzong.

Ziche longevity looks very old, long white beard, looks a pair of fairy style!

The appearance of these two half step ancestors of Junzi Shenzong is also fairyland. They are full of gods and handsome, and have white beards. They are both the appearance of a group of worldly experts.

In the twinkling of an eye, the battle between the two half footed gods in the sky has been going on for half an hour.

At this time, both of them, the banbu ancestor god of Junzi Shenzong, had the upper hand.

The name of this warrior is Gao Tian Bu bad.

Gao Tian is not bad. Although the power of vitality is not very strong, there are many evil and shameless means of attack, and the power of these means of attack is very powerful.

Under the continuous attack of Gao Tian bubao, the Ziche family's Ziche longevity has been attacked and fell into the downwind, becoming more and more passive.

Obviously, if the competition continues, the battle of Ziche family will surely fail!

Seeing such a situation, in the eyes of the king of Bailikang beside Tang long, there is a very obvious joy.

He turned his head and looked at Tang Long with a smile. He said triumphantly, "this time we come here, we will surely win a great victory. Next, as long as Gao Tian is not bad and can seriously injure Ziche and live a long life, we will besiege him together. With Gao tianbubad, we will surely kill Ziche Changshou quickly, so that the family of Ziche has nothing to rely on!"

Tang Long nodded and thought in his heart: "if the Junzi Shenzong wins this war, what should I do? Do you want to help the Junzi Shenzong to deal with the fuziche family first, or go to help the Ziche family deal with the Junzi Shenzong first? "

He must deal with the warriors of Junzi Shenzong. As for the Ziche family, although he didn't understand it before, and knew that the Ziche family was not a good thing, at least it was better than these guys of Junzi Shenzong.

Ziche family is very low-key, and even most of the time, the Junzi Shenzong knows where the Ziche family is.

Ziche family rarely come out to activities, but they do not do good things when they come out. They rob things and rob people!

But no matter what, at least Ziche family doesn't have that kind of shameless bastard skill!

"I have to use the hand of Ziche family to deal with the Junzi Shenzong first. The skill practiced by the Junzi Shenzong is really a great disaster and must be eradicated completely!"

"But I still have one thing to do this time. If I have a chance, I must get nine days cold spirit gang."

"It's better to look at the situation first, and then wait for the two sides to fight, and I'll understand the fighting power of both sides before taking action."

Tang long thought secretly, still pretending that the hall didn't understand. Looking at the king of Baili pit beside him, he asked, "Lord, wait a minute. Are you going to take advantage of the failure of the warrior of the Ziche family?"

The king of Bailikang is the current supreme patriarch of Junzi Shenzong.

The king of Bailikang said: "wait a minute, I really want to take the opportunity to destroy the only one and a half step ancestor god of Ziche family."

After that, he turned to Tang Long and said, "don't understand. After I rush over, you should tell the other warriors of Fu Ziche family. Don't let the warriors of Ziche family support Ziche's longevity. Gao Tian and I should kill Ziche as soon as possible!"

After a pause, he snorted coldly, and continued: "Ziche will live a long life. Other members of Ziche family are not our rivals at all."

Tang long looked at the king of Bailikang and said, "the Supreme Lord, don't worry. Wait a moment, I will try my best to stop the people of Ziche family from helping the Ziche live a long life."The high-altitude war continues.

At this time, the two sides of the war had been fighting fiercely for a long time, so the energy of both sides was very intense.

And at this time, Ziche Changshou was facing a situation that was becoming more and more passive. He had only parried and had no strength to fight back.

Gao Tianbu is already attacking Ziche's longevity.

Tang long can see that in this situation, the sub car can last 10 minutes at most!

"It seems that the scuffle here is about to start!"

"It's just that this is the territory of Ziche family. Ziche family has only one and a half Bu Zu gods, but there are two in Junzi Shenzong. It's impossible for Ziche to live a long life with each other."

"If Ziche lives a long life, isn't Ziche's family going to be bad? Can Ziche live a long life

"Maybe Ziche family has something to do with it."

Tang Long is already preparing to do something.

He decided that, according to King Bailikang, when the king of Bailikang and Gao tianbubad joined hands to attack Ziche's longevity, he would stop the warriors of Ziche family.

Of course, he is not the only one to stop the warrior of Ziche family. After all, there are many people here who belong to Junzi Shenzong.

In the battle between Gao Tianbu Bao and Ziche Changshou, Ziche could not bear the long life of Ziche. He flew back hundreds of meters after being bombarded by Gao Tianbu Bao.

He was directly bombarded with a mouthful of blood.

Gao Tian is not bad, and his figure flashes, and he rushes towards the long life of Ziche.

At this time, beside Tang long, the king of Bailikang was also ready. He whispered to Tang Long: "Tang Ben doesn't understand. I'll take action now, and you'll do it right now!"

His low voice dropped, his body flashed, and he flew directly towards the seriously injured Ziche Changshou.

The warrior on the other side of the Ziche family did not panic at this time.

Ziche Changshou was blown away. After flying over a hundred meters, Ziche stopped and looked at the gentleman Shenzong.

He saw that the king of the hundred Li pit of Junzi Shenzong had already flown towards him. At this time, he could not help but slightly lowered his head, and his eyes were filled with pride!

He was obviously seriously injured, but his eyes showed pride, which was obviously abnormal.

Gao Tian, who was fighting against him, had already rushed towards him.

When he rushed to Ziche Changshou, Gao Tianbu's fist was firmly grasped, and he attacked Ziche Changshou with another fist.

Although Ziche Changshou was injured, his body method speed was still extremely fast. He suddenly accelerated and flew upward. He could escape the attack of Gao Tianbu Bu Bao, but his attention was focused on the quick coming Bailikang king!

those warriors of Ziche family were standing in the air in the distance, still not moving.

All the martial arts people of the family of martial arts have already rushed to this side.

Of course, Tang long had to rush through, but he was very slow.

He felt that there was something wrong with the situation, because the family of Ziche, who had fallen behind, was calm and quiet.

Those warriors of the Ziche family, watching Ziche live in the air, are about to be attacked by the warriors of the two and a half Bu Zu gods of Junzi Shenzong. They are still standing there and not supporting!

At least they have to respond!

"Ziche family's reaction, did they hide a very powerful Assassin's mace?"

"If the family of Ziche has hidden an assassin's mace, according to the current situation, the assassin's mace is likely to be on that Ziche's longevity!"

"So it seems that Ziche Changshou deliberately let these two banbu Zu gods of Junzi Shenzong attack him together?"

"At this time, it has become obvious that Gao Tianbu Bao and the king of Bailikang, both of whom believe that if they work together, they can easily kill Ziche and live a long life. But is this really the case?"

"What's the key to longevity?"

Tang Long secretly thought that the speed of flying forward was always very slow. Seeing that he had fallen behind these martial artists of the Junzi Shenzong side.

He's looking at the high-altitude situation and wondering how it's going to change.

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