Gao Tian is not bad at all. He doesn't know that this car has long life and cultivated evil spirits. If he knows, he won't use the magic pot.

You know, he spent hundreds of thousands of years of hard work to refine the magic pot, but today, all of a sudden, the car has become a long-lived evil devil in troubled times, and his strength has soared, surpassing him!

Now the fighting power of the dirty devil in this chaotic world is equal to that possessed by the warrior of the fourth heaven of the half step ancestor god.

This is because the evil devil has just swallowed the grudge troll, and has not come to the level of refining absorption.

If you let the dirty devil practice for a while, the combat power will be improved!

In the chaotic times, the evil demons have super strong defense and attack power. Moreover, in the environment full of extinction atmosphere between heaven and earth at this time, it can enhance the strength of the dirty demons in troubled times and greatly enhance their combat power!

The dirty devil is very proud now!

"The sky is not bad. Don't you know that I cultivate the way of extinction? Except for some of the core members of our family, no one else knows anything about it! "

"I've been waiting patiently ever since I know you've quenched the magic pot, just to wait for today!"

"You want to rob me of Tiancai Dibao, but you don't think it's your death time!"

After the words fell, a dozen long arms suddenly grew out of the dirty devil's body. Each arm was extremely flexible and could stretch and stretch at will. They all attacked the high heaven and the king of Bailikang together!

All of a sudden, Gao Tianbu bad and Bailikang King fight with the dirty devil in this chaotic world!

Tang long looked at the war between the dirty devil and the two and a half step ancestors of Junzi Shenzong, and felt a boundless cold in his heart!

He did not expect that there were two extremely evil sects in this place of the great world!

Tang Long has known that the skills and practices of this sect are even more evil than those of the blood temple and the demons, because they are benevolent on the surface and evil in the heart. This evil is hidden deeply and has more powerful killing power!

the Junzi Shenzong is hateful, and the Ziche family is even worse than the Junzi Shenzong!

The people of Ziche family are actually practicing the way of extinction, and they are actually cultivating the evil demons!

You know, it's very cruel to practice killing evil spirits, because if you want to practice this taboo skill, you must first exterminate all emotions, accumulate infinite resentment, and accumulate unlimited killing power. This is definitely not the vitality that can be easily accumulated, nor can it be realized!

This requires practitioners to kill infinitely and harvest countless lives to absorb endless sadness!

"The Ziche family is damned, damned to the extreme. If such a family is allowed to continue to exist, let such a family continue to live in seclusion, and develop for tens of thousands of years, the future catastrophe will be more terrible than the demons and blood demons!"

"This family must be completely eradicated, and so must the gentleman God clan."

Tang Long made a decision in his heart.

But he knew that it was not easy for him to eradicate this clan and family because of his current fighting power.

The strength of this family is not weak.

And the war power of that evil devil is really very strong.

The most important thing is that now that the scuffle has begun, it is very likely that some members of the Ziche family will flee, or that of the Junzi Shenzong will flee.

These people are extremely vicious, escaping one may cause disaster in the future!

"It seems that I have to make arrangements at once!"

Tang long thought in his mind, he quietly fell down on the ground, and then in the strong wind between heaven and earth, he arranged a wild ancient array of Tianmei on the ground!

Tianmei wild ancient array was expanded to cover all the places in this area.

And Tang Long has quietly summoned the magic weapon of the soul tower.

He called out the wolf of purple fire!

Moreover, he summoned his two divine beasts, the red flame lion and the snow wolf king from the heavenly spirit garden, and gave an order to the red flame lion and the snow wolf king. When the red flame lion and the wind and snow wolf king got the order, they were directly transformed into human forms and flashed away in the strong wind.

Next, they all came out of the sky sealing flag!

Tang long looked at them and said, "I believe you have already found out the situation here. The terrible scene here can never spread out, it must be submerged here forever."

They were all well-informed. After exploring the situation here, they immediately understood how this was caused.

Even Su Xiaoman has a deep understanding of the dirty devil in the troubled times.

She had also met people who had practiced exterminating evil spirits, and had witnessed with her own eyes the very cruel methods of those who practiced exterminating evil demons in a continent.

At this time, Su Xiaoman's heart felt a burst of cold.

The people she met before who practiced dirty demons in troubled times were not so strong. They were only the primary level of Tianzu. They were far from reaching the level of banbuzu God. However, even at that level, they had already caused a terrible disaster.Now this Ziche longevity is already a banbu Zu God, which must have caused great havoc in several continents!

Not to mention so many people in Ziche family, there are several strong Tianzu here, all of them have practiced the way of extinction!

Su Xiaoman looked at Tang Long and said: "I'm sure that the family of Ziche absolutely found a small world and controlled this small world. They acted recklessly and made endless killing in this small world. If it hadn't been for this, they couldn't hide at all. They would have been discovered long ago!"

Tang Long said: "now no matter how they practice this evil devil, we must eradicate these guys and destroy the whole place!"

"Yes, this place must be completely destroyed!" The king of the abyss also said in a deep voice: "such a family is absolutely not allowed to exist!"

Tang Long said: "I have the wolf of purple fire and ghosts. The martial arts with general strength can easily deal with them. The most difficult one is the one who destroys the world, and the other is the strong one in the realm of the two half step ancestors of Junzi Shenzong!"

"You should control the wolf of purple fire quietly and hide around. Then we will be ready to wait for the end of the war before we start."

The king of the abyss said: "your ancient array of heavenly spirits can be expanded greatly. Ghosts are on the periphery to prevent people from escaping here, so as not to escape to other places and cause more disasters in the future."

Tang Long nodded, and he was thinking of such an arrangement.

He called out the remaining six sacred beasts in the Tianling garden, looked at them and said, "go around and pay special attention to the warriors of the Ziche family. We must wipe out the Ziche family."

Golden monkey and other animals agreed, and then quietly away.

Dragon Spirit has also come out of the Tianling garden, and golden monkey quietly toward the headquarters of Ziche family.

Tang Long knew that there must be many secrets in such a reclusive family, such as Ziche family, which could never be known to others. He must uproot the hermit family!

Here, the war continues in all directions.

At present, the situation of this war is very unfavorable to the Junzi Shenzong, because the Ziche family has a large number of people. Besides, Ziche family not only has Ziche's longevity turned into a dirty devil in troubled times, but also has several Tianzu of the outer Ziche family. Among them, there is a warrior with eight levels of Tianzu and two warriors with six levels of Tianzu.

In addition, the two and three levels of Tianzu have their own martial arts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!