Tang Long's magic elixir to Youye is of great help to Youye.

Youye took this elixir, after practicing for four hours, his mental strength had a good improvement, reaching the level of second grade true Dan God.

Tang Long's mental power was the highest level of Jiupin Tianjie Danzu, which can only be improved.

At this time, he took the elixir to enhance his spiritual power. After the cultivation, his spiritual strength was successfully broken through, breaking through the peak of Jiupin Tianjie Danshen, reaching the level of ancient Danzu.

He is now an ancient ancestor of spirit level!

In this way, the level of Danzu's spiritual strength has been very strong. After all, the more difficult it is for Danshi to improve, the more difficult it will be for a fighter to improve, even tens of times or even hundreds of times more difficult!

The strength of Tang Long's spiritual strength is equal to the strength possessed by a warrior in the first realm of Tianzu. Tang Long is very satisfied with this spiritual strength.

He has reached the level of an ancient Danzu, and the power of using the boundary of the field will be greatly improved.

It's still night outside the tower of time.

Tang Long didn't want to be busy at the moment. He accompanied Youye and said something nice to her.

You night heart is always very sweet and happy, two people so relaxed in the tower of time spent a few days.

Outside the tower of time, it's already light.

Tang Long ate something together with Youye in the tower of time. He took the tower of time and left the cave with Youye.

At this time, Tang Long's heart suddenly remembered Meng Xiaomeng's voice: "brother Tang long, there is news coming back from the dark gate."

Tang Long quickly asked in his heart, "what is the situation over there in the dark gate?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "at present, there is a big war at the dark gate, and there is a lot of noise and noise. Within tens of thousands of meters, the blood demon clan obviously has a very comprehensive arrangement on the side of the dark gate. Even if it is such a war, the space there will not be destroyed for the time being."

Tang Long said: "of course, the blood demons don't want to destroy the space there, otherwise the dark gate will be destroyed, and the demons don't want to destroy the space there!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "it is said that the people of the demon clan have arranged a large space array over there!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "what is the space array?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "it's a space array similar to the ancient Panlong array, which forms a large space black hole in the high altitude. Those Witches of the demon family summoned a lot of ancient demons and crown demons from that space black hole."

Tang Long said: "after the last disaster on the ice and snow continent, I guessed that the demons could borrow the fighting power of those demons. Now it seems that it is true. They want to use these demons to deal with the blood god hall!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "according to this situation, the demons will surely defeat the blood temple!"

Tang Long said: "it's not necessarily true. After all these years of development, the blood god hall can't have some Assassin's mace. Even if the demons can summon the crown demons, those crown demons can't continue. Even in the alien world where the demon king exists, the number of the most powerful crown demons will be limited."

Meng Xiaomeng thinks about it for a while and thinks that Tang Long's words are very reasonable.

She said to Tang Long with huixinmen: "husband, you are right. There should not be many crown demons, and those crown demons can not be all controlled by the demons."

Tang Long said: "it is certain that the demons have made many devils mutate by some strange means. This is certainly similar to the situation of those crown demons in the ice and snow continent. These crown demons will be very powerful."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "so, I'm afraid the battle of the dark gate will not come to an end in a short time."

Tang Long said: "there will be no results in a short time. Let them fight. Only when their combat power is consumed, can we have some chances to win. Now we are still very weak compared with them. If we fight against any of them, we can't compete with them."

After a pause, Tang Long admonished: "Xiaomeng, at this time, the demon lord's palace has become more and more important to us. We must guard that place, which is the shortest way we can get to the dark gate."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "I have told Zhong Li maniac and Moxiang Wanggu about this matter. They will pay great attention to it."

Tang Long asked, "how's the research base next to the demon lord palace?"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "all the people in that research base have been controlled. The people who control them are the people brought by Zhong Li Cangwu. Now all the outlets there have been controlled by us!"

Tang Long said: "if there are Zhongli maniac and magic incense, it is safe to arrive at the magic owl palace, unless it is a strong one sent by the blood demons

Meng Xiaomeng said: "I'm going to let Feixue go to the magic owl palace. Anyway, there's not much to do with Feixue in Lingxiao city at this time. If she goes to the magic owl palace, you can help as soon as possible."Tang long thought about it and said, "ask Fei Xue. If she wants to, let her go to the magic owl palace."

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng agreed.

Next, Meng Xiaomeng and Tang long talked about the city of genius, and several cities around the city of genius, which cut off the spiritual connection with Tang long.

Meng Xiaomeng will be very busy during this period.

The city of genius was taken down and controlled by the Tang clan. Meng Xiaomeng wants to arrange the people of the Dragon Guard of the Tang clan and some powerful Tianzu people to control the cities around the city of genius.

She wants to control all the cities that can be reached by the transmission Hall of the city of genius in the hands of Tangmen, and seal all the transmission halls of those cities.

Only in this way can they ensure that the road from the city of genius to the demon lord's palace is relatively safe.

Now is the best time to control those cities, because the battle of the blood demon holy city has just ended. The talents of the demon clan have just controlled the holy city of blood demon. Most of the powerful demons have gone to the dark gate to fight with the people in the blood temple.

Now the demons have no way to transfer a lot of people to control the city around the blood demon holy city.

Meng Xiaomeng plans to control all the spaces, wormholes and the like in the city of genius in his own hands, and then send people to see the situation there. If possible, it's better to control the holy city of blood demons.

The transmission Hall of the holy city of blood demons is large and can lead to many places.

Meng Xiaomeng knows that the transmission Hall of the blood demon holy city must be controlled by the demons.

However, people of the demons clan certainly don't know about the transmission array of the blood demon Holy City Tang Fu. Meng Xiaomeng, if they use that transmission array to control the blood demon holy city, they can't prevent it. They should be able to control the blood demon holy city.

Meng Xiaomeng didn't tell Tang Long about this plan. Tang Long didn't know.

Tang Long didn't want to control the holy city of blood demons for the time being, because he knew that after the demons occupied the holy city of blood demons, they would take the holy city of blood demons as a temporary stronghold. They would send people of the demons to the holy city of blood demons. If they made some repairs in the holy city of blood demons, they would go directly to the dark gate.

If the demons come here, they will be seriously injured.

Now if people of Tangmen control the holy city of blood demons, they will inevitably have a war with the demons. This is very unfavorable to the current Tangmen, and it will affect the war between the demons and the blood demons.

At this time, Tang Long and Youye are already sitting on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng.

They should get to Luojia mountain in Fengshen land as soon as possible.

Jinyi Kunpeng flies very fast. Seeing Tang long, they are getting closer and closer to Luojia mountain.

At noon that day, they arrived at a city of no size.

The city is now controlled by the temple of blood.

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