"Boom, boom Boom

When Tang Long fled to the far side of the natural lake, the lake below suddenly turned up, followed by an extremely fierce explosion in the depth of the lake.

The lake burst into the sky and contained a dark energy mass.

This energy group contains an extremely powerful force of demons, and also contains the power of the law of water. It directly bombards Tang long, who is running away from the sky, with extreme ferocity.

"No way!"

Tang long felt the powerful energy group bombarded behind him, and he quickly applied the law of space. With a flash of his body, the space in front of him had appeared a slight spatial fluctuation.

This spatial fluctuation has just occurred. He has already rushed in like lightning and disappeared directly.

At the moment of his disappearance, the dark demonic power of the energy group, has been severely bombarded in this slightly fluctuating space!


The thundering of the sky seems to explode the sky and the earth. The space where the space fluctuated just now was broken apart by the bombardment. There appeared a black space black hole.

A hundred meters above the black hole in space, Tang Long has emerged.

His momentum is still soaring.

And at this time, he had already seen that a figure in the lake below had rushed out like lightning and was flying towards him.

This is a very big warrior. He looks like he is in his early fifties. His strength is extremely strong. He has reached the level of the sixth heaven of the half Buzu God!

"This man is obviously lurking under the water, waiting for me to come."

"How did he know I was coming?"

Tang Long frowned fiercely. He once again applied the law of space, and flew rapidly towards the distance. The power of the universe, which was inspired by the eighth sense, was constantly strengthening, and his powerful momentum was constantly soaring.

At this time, he has already exerted his demonic power!

Even in such a dangerous time, he did not dare to use the power of chaos.

Even the nine you cold force he did not dare to show it here.

He can't let this man know his real identity.

However, if he does not exert the power of chaos and cold, his comprehensive combat power will be much weaker.

"It seems that only the power of light can be used!"

"The power of the light and the power of the devil are exerted together. This person can't tell who I am, but this person will certainly not let me go. The people of the demons hope to learn how to use the power of the light!"

"In the present situation, even if I try my best to exert the power of the light and the power of the devil, and exert all the laws I know, it is still more difficult to get out of the predicament."

Tang long thought in his mind, thinking about ways to get rid of the danger, the space law was continuously applied, and he tried his best to fly fast in the distance.

The direction of his escape is certainly not the direction of the night.

He didn't know how far away he would escape. If he ran away to the dark night, if he was caught up by the warrior of liuchongtian of the banbuzu God, and was bombarded by the warrior, he would be in danger.

The warrior of the banbuzu God of the demons clan, after he rushed out of the lake, he immediately ran after Tang long without stopping for a moment.

Tang Long is trying his best to escape.

In order to speed up his escape, he has cast the archaic thunder curse to improve his combat effectiveness.

And he has also exerted his divine power.

The boundaries of spiritual power have now been applied.

His spiritual power has reached the level of a spirit level ancient Danzu. At this time, the scope of his realm boundary has become much larger than before.

Around him, the world within tens of thousands of meters can be shrouded in the boundaries of his field.

Under the suppression of his divine power and the boundary of his realm, the warrior of the demon clan who chased him behind him was also suppressed.

It's a pity that the effect of these methods of suppression is not very obvious for the strong man of banbu zushen. Even if Tang Long's suppression is like this, it only suppresses the strength of the warrior.

Tang Long always tries his best to escape to the front.

Although he even cast the archaic thunder curse, his speed was still much slower than that of the warrior who chased him.

Obviously, the warrior in the half step god six heaven realm behind him is obviously superior in speed, which is much faster than the warrior under the same strength!

Although Tang Long's moving speed is not slow, his strength is much worse than this warrior.

Although Tang Long has exerted the law of speed and space with all his strength, he is still getting closer and closer to his pursuer, although he is trying his best to escape.Seeing that the warrior had already reached a hundred meters behind Tang Long's back, he suddenly said with a strange smile: "it's really worthy of being a person who has nine secluded pulse. He can not only use the power of the devil, but also use the power of the holy light. He has actually mixed into our dark demon world!"

"You meet me today, and you are doomed to be captured!"

When Tang long heard what the warrior said, he immediately had a guess in his heart: "the warrior actually knew that I had entered the dark demon world, and also knew that I had nine you Jue pulse. What does that mean?"

"Where have I revealed the secret of my pulse in the dark world?"

"If it's yingtianhe, if it's the demon ancestor who knew my secret in advance, I'm afraid the devil ancestor would have gone directly to batian city to catch me. There's no need to hide a person here to wait for me!"

"Before, in the dark world, where did I show my flaws Yes, it was in the Wanlong palace. When I went to Wanlong palace, when the mysterious door was opened and I flew up, many people saw that I had the Jiuyou Jue pulse! "

Tang long thought of himself in the dark world before, in the Wanlong God mansion that mysterious people when things.

He did not know how those people at that time knew that he had Jiuyou Jue pulse, but he knew that the people of the demon clan must have at least been able to confirm that the owner of the Jiuyou Jue pulse was already in the dark world and had entered the Wanlong God residence.

But Tang Long has new doubts. How can those people know that he will come here?!

"Is it that the golden coffin, besides the snow leopard, is there anyone else who knows about the demon family, and they all know the secrets of the coffin?"

"It's absolutely impossible. How could those people know about the coffin? At that time, all the people who went into the Wanlong palace were settled by me. "

"The snow leopard with the coffin said that it has never been seen by the demons since arriving at the Wanlong palace."

"Even if the snow leopard was seen by the warriors of the demon clan in Wanlong God residence, and even if they had seen the coffin, and went out from the Wanlong God residence and spread the story of the coffin, no one could know that the inheritance in the coffin contained the information of this magic weapon here, and no one had ever received it before!"

"How on earth did the demons know I would come here?"


Tang long thought about it and couldn't understand it.

Now the danger behind him is getting closer and closer, and he has no time to think about this problem. Behind him, the warrior of the demon family half Buzu God liuchongtian has launched a fierce attack on Tang long.

The warrior took out a pair of dark magic swords in his hand.

When the sword was wielded, dark swords gathered by demonic power roared out. The sword tore the air and attacked Tang Long fiercely with a sharp roar!

Tang Long detected the attack of the dense energy sword behind him, and quickly applied the space law again and quickly moved up towards the sky!

the dense dark sword roared across the space under his feet and flew to the distance, which even produced a violent explosion.

Obviously, these dark sword attacks all contain a strong law of explosion.

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