When she was called out, she directly turned into an adult and looked like a very lovely and beautiful girl. She sat on the back of the blue dragon of the sea with you night. She talked and chatted with the dark night and the blue dragon of the sea at will. You will not be lonely and bored if you go on the road like this.

When Tang Long arrived at the north wind and bright moon, he looked at the bright moon and asked, "is there any unexpected situation in orgrima city during this period?"

"No You night said: "these days, when there are many people at noon, master Gaye will dress up and seal his strength. He will go outside to inquire about news, and he will go to the city Lord's house to learn about the ghost family."

Tang Long asked, "what has happened to the ghost family recently? What's going on in the Lord's house

The north wind and bright moon said: "there was no activity in the ghost family in the past few days, and there was no significant movement near the city Lord's house. But even this morning, the news came out that the city Lord's house was going to summon the powerful ghost family members, and someone was looking for you everywhere."

Tang Long asked Beifeng Mingyue about this in order to know whether his identity as a ghost demon would be doubted by the ghost family.

Since he came to the ghost family, most of the time the ghost family did not know where he was going.

And every time he disappears, there's no trace!

In fact, he was not very worried about this, because when he came to the ghost family, he had already explained to the people in the east of the ghost family that he was raised by the supernatural beast. He was not used to staying in a place and liked to wander around.

People raised by the beast suddenly come to a family. Of course, they don't obey the rules. They like to run around, and they don't stay at all. This is understandable.

The most important thing is that the people in the east of the ghost family will speak for him in all aspects, because they attach great importance to the ghost demon.

After he arrived at the ghost family, he had made a lot of contributions to the Eastern Division of the ghost family. During this period, he caught up with every big event in the ghost family, and helped the ghost family solve the problems. This would not let the ghost family have too much to say to him.

But even so, Tang long had to be careful, just in case, after all, this is in the dark world.

At this time, Beifeng Mingyue had removed the isolation and defense barriers of the training room, and then opened the door and walked out with Tang long.

In the living room outside, Kaya Xuanji is sitting at the table drinking tea leisurely.

During this period, he didn't have much to do. He usually went out at noon and went out for a walk to learn about the situation. By the way, he bought some food materials and came back. In addition to practice, he sat in the living room and drank tea.

He was drinking tea in the living room. He was not only drinking tea, but also paying attention to the activities outside the small yard to prevent any danger from happening suddenly.

In addition, the two mythical beasts of the north wind and bright moon are always called out.

The two animals were transformed into human beings and tried their best to restrain their breath. They should pay attention to safety in the courtyard to prevent accidents.

Tang long, together with the north wind and bright moon, went into the living room and inquired about the specific situation outside the gate. Then Tang Long left the manor and went out.

He's going to the ghost family.

As I strolled along the way, I saw that it was not far away from the ghost family. A warrior came towards him. There was still thirty or forty meters away from him. The warrior called out to him: "little devil elder, I finally found you. Where have you been during this period of time?"

Tang Long looks at this man, but he is the ghost Blue Shield.

Ghost Blue Shield meteor, soon has come to the front of Tang long.

Tang long looked at the ghost Blue Shield and made a very curious look: "ghost Blue Shield, what are you looking for me to do in such a hurry? Where did the family find the land of heaven and nine yin? Or where did the family find such good things as Tiancai Dibao? Need my help? "

Ghost Blue Shield is a little speechless. It's so easy to find Tiancai Dibao. It's even more difficult to find the land of Tianjue Jiuyin.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "it's not that the family has found something good, but that the family is sending people to the blood temple!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "send people to the blood temple? What do you mean

Ghost Blue Shield corrected: "I said wrong, not to the blood temple, is to the blood devil holy city." After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and said, "little devil elder, you have been practicing hard in the jungle, but you seldom come out. You must not know about the holy city of blood demons."

Tang Long nodded: "I really don't know about the blood demon holy city. Is this a city? Is there a lot of warrior in that city? Are the people in the blood temple the servants of the blood demon ancestor? "

Ghost Blue Shield said: "you finally know the blood demon ancestor, that's good. Come with me. Let's go home and talk about it! "

Tang Long didn't say anything more.

He knew that the ghost Blue Shield was of average strength. Although the ghost Blue Shield was actually a powerful man in the city of orgrima, his status was still far from that of the elder of his ghost family.You know, Tang Long is not an ordinary elder now. He has a high status in the eastern part of the ghost family, and his strength is also very strong.

He has now reached the nine levels of Tianzu, and he is about to reach the top of the Ninth level.

In this dark world, the strength of his warrior is not hidden.

The ghost Blue Shield and Tang Long soon walked into the city Lord's house of orgrima. Then the ghost Blue Shield took Tang Long for three turns and two turns to arrive in front of an elegant small building in the backyard of the city Lord's house.

At the door of the small building stood two warriors, both of whom were from the eight realms of dizu, who were sent by the headquarters of the ghost family.

These two warriors have seen ghost demons before.

That time, when the ghost demon went to the ghost family headquarters, they met together.

Ghost Blue Shield with Tang long, also known as the ghost demon, two people together went to the two warriors in front of.

Ghost Blue Shield looked at the two warriors and said: "two, I have found the little devil elder. When I found him, he was still shopping." He said with a proud smile and continued: "I have long guessed that although the little devil elder is not in the family, he will certainly not leave too far away. He must play somewhere in orgrima. I did not guess wrong."

The two warriors of the eight levels of dizu looked at the ghost Blue Shield together, and one of them said, "it's good that you can find the little devil elder so quickly." The voice falls, he looks at Tang long, appears very respectful way: "small demon elder, the family elders are waiting for you, please follow me!"


Tang Long agreed and followed the martial artist to walk into the elegant building in front of him.

Ghost Blue Shield didn't follow in. He just turned and left. The other warrior at the door was still standing here seriously.

Tang Long followed the warrior of the eight realms of dizu, and soon came to the door of a room in the small building. Then the warrior raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Dong Dong Dong!"

A deep voice came from the door: "who?"

The warrior said: "the little devil elder has found it. I have brought him here."

"Let him in, you may go!" The person inside said, followed by a very shutter opened, a warrior appeared in front of Tang long.

At this time, the warrior who led the way to Tang Long turned and left.

Tang Long entered the room. The room was very large, and there were many people sitting in it. Among them, several of them had been seen by Tang long before. There were ghost suoha, ghost trump, ghost east city and so on.

In front of him stood a man who looked very old, ruddy, tall, over two meters long.

He is the master of the ghost family, and the ghost is innocent.

Ghost Wuwei had been working with the demon ancestor before. This time, he suddenly came back and appeared in the family, and directly gathered so many strong people in the family. Tang Long knew from a glance that the owner of the ghost family must have something very important to discuss here.

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