The magma crocodile attack is still continuing to attack Tang long.

Tang Long and his generals, as well as vartian, together with eight thundering beasts and five Hellfire Tyrannosaurus Rex, were constantly attacking the surrounding areas. One of the magma crocodiles was soon injured by the attack.

After a while, Tang long had no time to attack these magma crocodiles. He began to collect the fallen magma pills!

Because there are more and more injured magma crocodiles, so gradually, this is no longer the battle between the magma crocodile and Tang long, but the battle between the uninjured magma crocodile and the injured magma crocodile!

The war was extremely fierce and crazy.

Within tens of thousands of meters of Tianyuan sea, the magma in the sea of magma began to surge wildly.

The roar of the sky is constantly roaring in the depths of the magma ocean. The whole underground world where the magma ocean is located is shaken by the bombardment, and the violent magma waves are disorderly exploding and surging.

At this time, above the ground, in the craters of the volcano group, the more terrifying flame energy was surging out of these craters.

In addition, many craters began to erupt a stream of red magma!

the bell is far away from the snow smoke and dantai Shuya. At this time, they have seen that fierce magma is constantly erupting from the crater of the volcano group here, and they also constantly hear the thundering sound from the deep underground.

Even they have felt that the ground under their feet is constantly shaking. It seems that the ground will be broken by the explosion of powerful energy at any time!

This situation makes Zhong Li Xueyan and Dan Tai Shuya's heart a little nervous.

They all guessed that Tang Long and his generals must have met with great danger in the underground magma and in the depth of the sea of resentment that day.

Zhong Li Xue Yan can't help but look at Dan Tai Shu Ya: "I hope my husband will be OK!"

Dan Tai Shuya comforted: "don't worry, Tang Long's strength has become stronger and stronger, and there are generals and ministers in it. It must be OK."

Speaking like this, Dan Tai Shuya's heart is actually the same as Zhong Li Xueyan, who is also very nervous. He is worried that Tang Long and his generals are now in great danger.

Tang Long and his generals are not in danger now.

They are now rolling in the magma, constantly collecting magma Dan, their harvest is not small.

Because the magma crocodile has launched a war with each other, Tang Long and his generals have been basically ignored by the magma crocodile.

Magma crocodiles now only look for wounded magma crocodiles to attack.

The injured magma crocodile was obviously very flustered and began to run around!

Tang Long and they resisted the impact of a stream of magma around them. They explored the surrounding situation very carefully. As long as there was magmatic pill around, they immediately went to grab it.

So busy, it has been three or four hours, Tang long, they have snatched a lot of magma Dan.

Tang Long collected all these magma pills into Fengtian flag and explored the surrounding areas.

At this time, in the distance around here, there is no magma crocodile coming this way, the number of magma crocodiles gathered here is rapidly decreasing.

"I didn't expect that there were so many magma crocodiles in this magma depth. According to reason, so many magma crocodiles should not gather in this place, and they all contain magma Dan!"

"Unless there is a very strange place in this place, it is likely to be the place where the fire of the earth's core is condensed!" Tang long thought secretly.

You know, magma crocodile agglomerates magma Dan, which is absolutely very difficult. Unless in extremely special circumstances, magma crocodile absorbs a lot of pure magma, it is possible to condense such rare magmatic Dan.

But these magma crocodile's body, unexpectedly all gestate magma Dan!

This situation makes Tang Long's heart more a kind of expectation. He hopes that he can get other better things in addition to the nine star parting flower here!

However, the red flame lion has been explored before, and there is only one kind of natural material and earth treasure here.

"In any case, first deal with these magma crocodiles, and then go to see what's strange about this place, why there are so many magma crocodiles living, and all of them are agglomerated with magma pills."

Tang long thought in his mind, continue to look for the magma pill that appears here.

Crocodiles are still fighting, and the scope of the war is expanding.

However, by this time, more injured crocodiles were running away in the distance, some of them chasing out.

The situation of the war here is gradually disappearing, and finally all the magma crocodiles are gone.

Tang Long didn't chase the distant magma crocodile.

These magma crocodiles swim very fast in the magma. Although Tang Long's strength is not weak at this time, it is not easy to catch up with these escaped magma crocodiles in the depths of the magma.He and his generals, as well as vartian, are still looking for lost magma pills around them.

After collecting all the magma pills around him, Tang Long explored the surrounding area and found no more danger here. He turned his head to look at the red flame lion and said, "you can explore and see what other natural materials and earth treasures are here."

On the red flame lion, the eternal fire condenses into a flame mask to protect itself, so as to ensure that the magma here will not surge to the body. Looking at Tang long, he said, "I have not explored anything other than the previous one."

"Are there only nine stars in this place? Where on earth did those magma crocodiles absorb such a pure inner earth fire

Tang long thought in his mind and said to the red flame lion, "the matter here is over. You should go back to the heavenly spirit garden first."

Red flame lion promised, and then returned to the heavenly garden.

And golden monkey and other animals also returned to the heavenly spirit garden.

At this time, they did not stay here, turned into a ray of light, and returned to the sky flag.

The general was beside Tang long. He also took those flame Tyrannosaurus Rex, then looked at Tang Long and said, "boss, these magma crocodiles have escaped. Where are we going now?"

Tang Long said: "go to the left. There is still more than 1000 meters away from here. That is the place where red flame Tianshi found Tiancai Dibao."

With that, he directly condensed his vitality, tore up the surrounding magma, and headed for the distance quickly.

The generals and ministers followed Tang Long and walked forward in the magma. They had already moved more than 1000 meters to the place where the red flame lion pointed out that there were natural materials and earth treasures.

Tang Long sank down in the depth of the magma. He had already explored the distance in front of him. There was an extremely pure energy spreading out, and there was also an extremely powerful aura of heaven and earth in this energy.

Around the powerful aura of heaven and earth, the temperature of the magma here has dropped a lot, so that the surrounding magma is surging towards that side.

The cooled magma sinks rapidly, and is pushed to the distance by the sweeping magma. The temperature rises again and melts.

This place turned out to be a very strange magma troposphere!

Tang Long curiously said to the generals: "it seems that under the magma troposphere, there is a very rare Tiancai Dibao, which can continuously absorb the flame energy in the magma, and absorb extremely fierce?"

The general said: "this day's wood and earth treasure should be the nine star parting flower you said!"

Tang Long said: "I hope not to let me down!"

With these words, he and his generals quickly dived downward in the middle of the magma. Soon he had gone down hundreds of meters to a wide and low stone wall deep in the magma. , the fastest update of the webnovel!