Tang Long and his generals have once again heard the roar of the magma giant cow!

At the same time, they even heard the terrible roar of thunder coming from the distance, which obviously broke out on the giant magma cow!

It seems that he has extremely fierce thunder in the fierce bombardment of the super powerful magma giant cow!

The most important thing is that at this time, the magma giant cow was far away from Tang Long and stopped in the distance without chasing them.

At the same time, the magma bull did not attack them again.

Tang long, they are safe.

"We don't stop chasing after the magma anymore The general stopped in the distance and turned to look at the giant cow.

Tang long no longer fled to the distance, stopped in the air and turned to look at the magma giant cow in the distance.

When they saw the magma giant cow in the distance, they were all extremely shocked, because they saw that the magma giant cow was constantly bursting out with a stream of extremely fierce thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning erupt from the magma giant cow, and then condense into lightning energy group, and bombard the magma giant cow everywhere.

So powerful magma giant cow, unexpectedly by the thunder and lightning to bombard the downward magma fell down.

Obviously, the magma giant cow could not resist the bombardment of thunder and lightning!

The generals looked at Tang Long and asked, "boss, what's the matter with the magma giant cow? How could it have the thunder and lightning that bombarded itself? Is there a more powerful existence in the magma giant cow than in the magma giant cow? "

Tang Long explored the situation of thunder and lightning over there. After thinking for a moment, he knew something: "this should be a super strong man. In ancient times, he planted the five thunder sky star array on the magma giant cow!"

The generals became more and more incredible: "can the five thunder stars array be arranged on giant cattle? How is this done? "

Tang Long said: "this should be a super strong, evolved the five thunder sky star array into a death sky array, and then arranged on the magma giant cow."

After a pause, he continued: "this array should have been arranged on the giant cow before it became so powerful. This array will not affect the growth of the giant cow, but it can always control the giant cow, so that the giant cow can only move within a certain range. Beyond this range, the five thunder sky star array of the death sky array can automatically be in the giant cow The giant cow can't get out of here

After listening to Tang Long's explanation, a shock appeared in his eyes: "I didn't expect that someone could set up such a magical array of death. Isn't it an invisible prison?"

Tang Long said: "this is indeed an invisible prison. From this, it can be seen that the person who arranged the array must have extremely high attainments in the field of death sky array, but I don't know who the strong one is and why he wants to control the giant magma cow here."

The general said: "is this strong man want this magma giant cow to guard here the nine star parting flower?"

Tang Long frowned: "if things are as you guess, it will be extremely difficult to get the nine star parting flower with our current strength. However, the thing I just got is clearly a plant, and it looks like a very strange natural material and treasure!"

The general said: "it is possible that the nine star parting flower has grown into a flower, and it has changed its shape. It absorbs the power of magma from the magma giant cow. Because it takes too long, it actually grows on the magma giant cow, but the root of the divine medicine is not there!"

Tang long heard the words of the generals and ministers, and immediately felt that there was a lot of truth.

If the matter is like the generals guess, then he should be the nine star parting flower, but the root of the nine star parting flower is obviously not there.

Tang long thought that the root of the magic medicine was probably somewhere where the giant cow of magma was located.

"I hope what I get is the nine star parting flower!" Tang Long said, looking at the place where the giant ox disappeared in the distance.

At this point, there, the collapsed ground has been covered with magma, and the magma has been rapidly cooling.

However, in the center of the collapse covered by magma, there is a big big hole at this time. There is magma surging out of the big cave, and then the surging magma flows around and solidifies around the big hole.

Seeing this, Tang long could not help but say: "it seems that there will soon be a big volcano here, and that cave will become the crater of this new volcano!"

The general said, "boss, shall we leave here now?"

"Leave Tang Longdao, he doesn't want to go to the magma giant cow again. Although he is very interested in the death array on the magma giant cow, he knows that with his current strength, he wants to subdue the magma giant cow, so as to check the mystery of the death sky array, which is obviously not possible."If I can improve my strength and deal with the things I have to deal with in the future, I must come here to see how the death array is arranged. It can contain such a powerful five thunder sky star array."

"If I can control the giant magma cow and control it within a certain range, I can also take this giant cow and make it a guarding beast!"

Next, Tang Long contacted Zhong Li Xueyan with huixinmen and told Zhong Li Xueyan about the situation.

At this time, they had already flown tens of thousands of meters away, had stopped, waiting for Tang Long there.

They had been worried about Tang long before.

Now that Zhong Li Xueyan has the news from Tang long, they are all at ease.

Tang Long and his generals flew towards Zhongli Xueyan, and soon they were together with Zhongli Xueyan and dantai Shuya.

Tan Tai Shuya looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, what happened in the underground magma before? How could there be such a fierce monster in there

Tang Long said: "who is likely to control the monster there. Now, looking back, I was afraid that the news I got was half true and half false? There is a great danger in the true news. Those people want me to look for the nine star parting flower and be killed by this giant cow

Dan Tai Shuya asked, "where did you get the news? Who told you that? "

Tang Long said: "I got this news from several spirits of blood demons in the sealed magic tower of the light world. Those guys have been locked there for many years. No wonder the magma giant cow has grown so powerful!"

After a pause, he continued: "it is likely that some of the guys who gave me the news can control the magma giant bull. However, the death array planted on the magma giant bull is definitely not their means. They should not have such strong array knowledge. They probably got the death sky array at some time and under some chance Control method! "

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