Vatian looked at Tang Long and said, "use your power of holy light to control the spirits of these blood demons. It should have a good effect. We don't kill those who can use the soul moving method. We will knock these people into coma and control them!"

Tang Long agreed: "it should be the safest way to control these people's stupidity." The voice dropped, frowned and said, "now the problems in the blood demon world are much more serious than I had imagined before!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, vatian and they looked at each other with a look of dignity in their eyes.

Although they all know that the blood demons can devour spirits and perform weird soul transfer by virtue of the soul removing method, what they don't know is that this kind of transfer can be used infinitely!

that is to say, as long as there are people of the blood demon clan who have been using the soul moving method, as long as there are enough "containers" in this place for the blood demon clan Use by human, after the blood demon clan's people are killed, the blood demon's soul can immediately find a new container, and then immediately reborn!

"If the final war starts in the blood demon world, the blood demons will be almost invincible here by virtue of these innumerable containers!"

"Originally, I planned that the battlefield of the ultimate war between me and the ancestor of the blood devil should be carried out in the blood demon world. Now, it seems that this war can never be put in the blood demon world, but must be in the blood soul world!"

Tang Long knows that only when the ultimate war is launched in the world of blood and soul, these guys of blood demons will not have so many "containers" that can be used at any time. After they are killed, the spirits may not be reborn immediately.

Of course, the battlefield of the ultimate war can also be chosen in the great thousand world. After all, there are not many ghost people with bloodthirsty masters and bloodthirsty demons.

Tang long does not want the ultimate war to be carried out in the whole world, it can only be in the blood soul world!

However, it is very unlikely to let the blood demon ancestor go to fight with the demon ancestor in the blood soul world, which is almost impossible, because the blood demon ancestor has to go through many places in the blood demon world when they go back to the blood soul world!

The most important thing is, the blood demon world is such a suitable battlefield, how can they not make good use of it?!

Tang Long knew that for the coming ultimate battle, he had to make a good plan to attract the ancestor of blood devil and devil to the blood soul world.

He looked at the vatian and sighed: "now I finally know how terrible the blood demons are. They have used so many years and cultivated so many containers, which will enable them to be unscrupulous and fearless of life and death when attacking any place in the future."

Vatian looked at Tang Long and said, "no wonder they want to catch you. Obviously, they are worried about your Jiuyou heaven prison. If they are locked in the Jiuyou heaven prison, even if they use the soul moving method, they will not escape!"

The king of the abyss said: "the blood demons can cast their soul moving skills. I wonder if the demons will use this method!"

Tang Long said: "the demons should not be able to use the spirit moving method. Although they can also devour spirits, and the method of swallowing spirits seems to be better than that of the blood demons, I have killed many warriors of the demon clan when I was in the demon clan, and I have never seen them use the soul moving method!"

The king of the abyss said: "in the past, when we dealt with the blood god, we were basically dealing with the people who had the bloodthirsty Lord and the bloodthirsty demons. Although we caught several real blood demons' spirits, we didn't give them a chance to use the soul removing method at that time. It seems that we should pay special attention to this point to the people of the blood demon clan in the future."

Tang Long said: "we have to find out more secrets of the blood demons. I have already known that only the warriors of the blood demons above the ancestral level can use the soul moving method. But I think there will be more restrictions."

The king of the abyss said: "we have to find out all kinds of weaknesses in using the soul moving method, in order to defeat the blood demons in the final war!"

Tang Long turned his head and looked around him: "don't talk about it, but solve the problems in the city before you."

With that, he flashed and rushed to Gongsun lie, who was bombarding the ice cold defense border.

Now Gongsun lie, the spirit is already the soul of blood demons. He is the one who can use the spirit removing method.

Therefore, Tang Long now wants to solve gongsunlie first and stop him from using the soul removing method. Then they carefully search for the remaining blood demons who can use the soul moving method.

These people's movements are very obvious when they use the soul moving method.

When casting the soul moving skill, these warriors of the blood demon clan will close their hands and quickly change their fingerprints. With the change of the fingerprints, there will be blood red runes flying out of their hands.

With this, they can easily find out who is using the soul moving method.

In a flash, Tang Long flew towards Gongsun lie. In a flash, he had already rushed to Gongsun lie.

Gongsun lie didn't expect that Tang long could defeat the king of fury. Even the fury demons ran away so quickly.At this time, Gongsun lie is frantically bombarding the ice cold defense border.

While he was playing with his life to bombard the defense barrier, he was still waiting in his heart. When the fury demons came to help and bombard the defense barrier, a powerful energy suddenly swept over him.

When he explored this energy, he immediately knew that it was the power of the light!

He was afraid of the power of the light!

After finding out that the powerful power of the Holy Light swept over him, Gongsun lie stopped the bombardment and turned around quickly. He saw the Tang dragon not far in front of him, staring at him.

Seeing Tang Long coming to deal with himself, gongsunlie felt "cluttered" all of a sudden, knowing that the situation might be worse.

He quickly explored the surrounding area, found that the fury devil and the fury King's breath all no longer exist!

"Well, how could this be possible?"

Sun gonglie was shocked.

He didn't expect that the fury king and the fury devil were such super powerful warriors of banbu zushen triple heaven. Under the condition that some people were constantly using the soul moving method, these two people disappeared!

These two people are not here, what do they do?!

Gongsun lie realized that something was wrong, so he wanted to run away immediately!

How can Tang Long let Gongsun lie escape from his eyes? He has launched an attack on Gongsun lie.

He used the power of the light.

The power of the holy light turns into an energy giant hand and grabs Gongsun lie fiercely. He wants to hold Gongsun lie in the great energy hand!

Although Tang Long's strength is the same as gongsunlie's, Tang Long's power of holy light is obviously much stronger than gongsunlie's blood devil power.

In addition, Tang long had already exerted his spiritual power in the field of limits and divine power, and was already suppressing Gongsun lie's fighting power.

Moreover, Tang Long not only inspired the power of the universe, but also used the means of sealing the sky flag to assist the combat power.

In the face of Gongsun lie, his fighting power was completely suppressed.

Gongsun lie explored the power of the holy light that attacked him. There was an extremely powerful energy in the hand. He was extremely nervous. He was in a hurry and turned into a blood red light. He wanted to run away towards the distance!

"It's just a dream to escape!"

Tang Long snorted coldly.

He knew that although he was much more powerful than gongsunlie, it was obviously impossible to control gongsunlie easily.

In order to control gongsunlie as soon as possible, he made all kinds of preparations when he flew here.

The first preparation he made was the preparation of the gourd of light.

The second is the preparation of the holy light God cow.

The third is the preparation of dragon spirit!

With these three preparations, he can make sure that he can take Gongsun lie as quickly as possible, and he will never let Gongsun lie have the slightest chance to use the method of moving souls.

However, Gongsun lie can't use the soul moving method. There are other blood demons who can do it here.

Tang Long wants to control all these people who can use the soul moving skill. , the fastest update of the webnovel!