There are twelve explosive bombs flying out of the explosion God box of Tongtian Laozu. They are not disappeared after one explosion.

When the explosive bomb explodes around the glass crack and the howling wind, in the burst God box, by virtue of the mysterious array in the burst God box and several mysterious rules, 12 more explosive bombs can be immediately condensed.

Then the twelve burst elixirs can fly out of the box to attack.

Now polikacha and AO Tianfeng have been bombarded by the explosive force of the explosive bomb and suffered internal injuries.

Fortunately, their combat power has been very strong, and they are all sea animals, and even they are very strong defense of the sea animals, but can withstand these attacks of the ancestors of heaven.

But if they go on like this, they can't hold on for long.

At this time, in the battle over the defensive border in batian City, the best situation is Tang Xiaohu.

Although Tang Xiaohu, together with the star troll and the five element real demons, are facing three and a half step of the mysterious dead men in the sky. Although Tang Xiaohu's current strength is only the nine levels of Tianzu, Tang Xiaohu, together with the star troll and the five element real demons, actually suppressed the three mysterious dead men who fought with them.

The three avatars of the star Troll originally flew over to support polikacha and AO Tianfeng, but they were blocked by three mysterious dead men.

The battle in the sky continues.

At this time, in batian City, some strong Tianzu people rushed out of the transmission Hall of batian City, flew directly into the air, and flew from the big hole of the defense border to resist the attack of the warriors of blood demons.

These Tianzu strongmen came from the dream city. They were Li runran. They were the Tianzu of the Southern District of the great thousand world.

Li Ran, they have long wanted to come to batian city and have a good fight with the blood demons.

Before, Meng Xiaomeng went to the ice and snow palace to find Zhong Li Cangwu and they came to support batian city. Zhong Li Cangwu immediately arranged for people to go to the dream city to find the real people burst. Then he took Tianzu from the ice and snow palace to come to batian city to support them.

Li Ran and they were in the dream city. They knew that batian city had been attacked, so they came to support them immediately.

There are quite a number of them, more than 70 Tianzu!

And one after another, from the LingXiao palace, from the other side of the ice and snow city, there are strong Tianzu rush to support.

At this time, in the sky above batian City, together with the warriors of the Dragon Guard, the number of Tang clan's warriors with the level of Tianzu has exceeded 300!

There are so many Tianzu here, and there are such powerful deities as polikacha and AO Tianfeng. Even if it is Tongtian Laozu, his eyes are shocked!

After getting the order from the Venerable Master, before he came to batian City, he had a detailed understanding of batian city's combat power. He knew that batian city was Zhongli Cangwu. Even with the Tianzu of the great world, more than 100 Tianzu could not afford it.

However, when he arrived here, he knew that the comprehensive strength of batian city was obviously far beyond what he knew.

"It seems that the problem with deception city is more serious than the situation reported by the fury demons after they return to the dark gate." Tongtian Laozu thought.

When he explored the situation of the whole war situation, he was very surprised. He found that no matter whether it was the magic incense mountain or the Zhong Li Cangwu, these people did not use the power of the blood devil.

Even Zhongli Cangwu's breath of life is very different from before!

"These guys have obviously betrayed our blood demons. They don't even use the power of blood demons. However, their spirits can't be changed. They must be the spirits of bloodthirsty masters or bloodthirsty demons."

"If we don't devour their spirits now, we don't know how much trouble they will bring to our blood demons in the future."

"The most important thing is that there are so many heavenly ancestors gathered here, more than 300 people. In the war between the heaven and beast land, are not all the strong Tianzu dead? How come there are so many strong people in Tianzu realm here! "

There was a fierce look in the eyes of Tongtian Laozu. The mind controlled his magic weapon, controlled his two God destroying hammers and a burst God box. He used these two magic weapons to attack polikacha and aotianfeng.

He himself now stopped the attack and flew over.

He flew up about 100 meters, and his eyes showed a strange blood red light: "I came in a hurry, and there were not enough blood demons' souls ready to be transferred. Now it seems that we should use this Assassin's mace to solve the problem of batian city as soon as possible!"

As he spoke, he folded his hands and quickly changed his fingerprints.

With the rapid change of his hands' fingerprints, a space above his head suddenly produced a very strange distortion.In this twisted space, there is a door of space!

Obviously, there is a different space in this place.

This dissimilarity space was prepared here in advance by the ancestor Tongtian. It is not very big. It contains the assassin's mace brought by Tongtian Laozu!

The assassin's mace is not a artifact, but twelve puppets: Blood demon puppet!

Twelve blood demon puppets are red headed demons and blood demon ancestors. They have spent tens of millions of years, used countless kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, and hundreds of thousands of various divine animals and holy animals. They have integrated the spirits of the twelve heavenly ancestors in the blood demon world, and created one variant spirit body!

this variant spirit body can be regarded as an energy life body, but it can be regarded as an energy life body There is a big difference between the general energy life forms.

Twelve blood demon puppets are very difficult to kill energy life body, and has super strong attack power, there is an eternal will to fight, and contains a spirit crystal.

As long as they are authorized by the blood demon ancestor or by the spirit of the red headed devil, the warriors of the blood demon family with five levels of strength above Tianzu can stimulate the fighting consciousness of the twelve blood demon puppets as long as they integrate their mind into the Spirit Crystal.

As long as the fighting will of the twelve blood demon puppets is activated, they will immediately attack the target enemy according to the command of the controller, and never die!

This time Tongtian Laozu came to batian City, and the blood demon ancestor asked Tongtian Laozu to bring the twelve blood demon puppets.

Originally, according to the order of the blood demon ancestor, the twelve blood demon puppets didn't need to be used here in batian city. This is when the emperor Tongtian took people to batian City, and when the time came to attack the warriors of the demon clan in the blood demon holy city, they would be called out for use.

But when he saw that there were so many strong Tianzu in batian City, he was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!