Tang Long is fighting with Tongtian Laozu. He just chopped Tongtian Laozu back. Unexpectedly, twelve blood demon puppets attacked together. He was extremely shocked!

In a hurry, he didn't think much about it. He tried his best to gather energy and prepare to resist the attack of these blood demons.

At this time, Tongtian Laozu controlled his magic weapon and attacked Tang long.

The two God killing hammers of Tongtian Laozu burst out with powerful blood Demon power. With the roaring wind, they hit the Tang dragon fiercely. At the same time, the twelve explosion God bombs have been reconsolidated in the burst God box, flying out of the burst God box and attacking the Tang dragon.

Moreover, the nunchakus of Tongtian Laozu was wildly waved, and the power of rolling blood demons broke out in the nunchakus, which turned into blood red energy cross wind blades one by one.

These energy cross blades attack the Tang dragon with a sharp sound of breaking the sky.

Tang Long didn't care about the attack of the cross blade.

And he doesn't care about his magic weapon.

He controlled the Holy Light holy cow and the Holy Light gourd to resist the attack of mietian God hammer, and the meteor throwing knife to resist the attack of the burst divine bomb.

At the same time, with a direct roar, his sword in his hand broke out the most powerful power of stars, which contained the power of blood devil and devil, and the power of chaos fire. He slashed the sword toward the ancestor in front of him.

Under the knife awn split, the space was chopped, tearing out a dark crack.

In a twinkling of an eye, the blade was chopped on the cross energy wind blades flying rapidly, and these energy wind blades were all smashed by the knife awn.

By this time, the twelve blood demon puppets were less than 10 meters away from the Tang dragon.

Moreover, the attack of the blood demon puppet has been from 12 directions behind the Tang dragon, all of which are attacking the Tang dragon together!

Tang Long explores the danger behind him, and in a hurry, he uses the means of absolute defense.

He suddenly a big drink: "blood god cover!"

The defense of the blood god shield is the magic weapon Ruyi Demon Armor. It has a very powerful defense magic power, which can be equal to 100 times of the Tang dragon's strength at this time. This is an absolute defense method.

However, this kind of defense method has great limitation, it can only be used once a day!

When the defense means of Tang Long's blood god mask were displayed, a dazzling golden energy mask appeared on his body.

The energy shield completely enveloped him.

He has just been protected by the blood god mask. Behind him, an extremely powerful force of blood demons is constantly bombarding on the blood god mask, breaking the space where the blood god mask is located.

This force of blood demons is exactly the attack of the twelve blood demon puppets on Tang long.

Although the attack power of the blood demon puppet is indeed powerful and frightening, it does not break the blood god shield that protects Tang Long from bombardment.

Protected by the blood god shield, Tang Long flew forward.

The ancestor in front of him, at this time, the ancestor has already used the skill of space transfer, and is moving towards the sky.

Tang Long was bombarded and flew over a hundred meters, which just barely stopped. But at this time, the attack of the twelve blood demon puppets arrived again as quickly as lightning.

Tang Long originally wanted to catch up with Tongtian Laozu, but he couldn't catch up.

The twelve blood demon puppets attacked the blood red energy lightning condensed by the power of the twelve blood demons. The attack power of these energy lightning was incomparably powerful.

In a hurry, Tang Long cast out the curse of natural disaster: luoshengmen!

Eighteen Luo Shengmen gathered behind him to resist the bombardment of blood red lightning.

With all his strength, he resisted the twelve blood red lightning.

At this time, the ancestor of Tongtian has already flown out of thousands of meters!

At the speed of Tongtian Laozu's flying speed, there are twelve blood demon puppets blocking Tang Long's pursuit. Tang Long knows that it is impossible for him to catch up with Tongtian Laozu today.

"Since we can't catch the ancestor of Tongtian, we must find a way to control these twelve more powerful guys!"

Tang long thought in his heart that he would no longer pay attention to the escaping ancestor.

He directly gathered his energy, controlled the magic weapon, and turned to attack the twelve blood demon puppets.

Just now, the blood demon puppets all tried their best to attack the luoshengmen of Tang long, and smashed the luoshengmen. But at that time, they had already flown over to attack the twelve blood demon puppets directly.

In addition, more than 50 purple fire wolves also took off, and together with them, they surrounded and killed the twelve blood demons!

Tang Long's mind moved. He controlled the magic weapon wanhun tower and Zhentian tripod, and flew to the top of the twelve blood demon puppets. If you want to control the twelve blood demon puppets, you have to solve at least a few!

Vartian, they think the same thing.

Together, they all tried their best to bombard the twelve blood demon puppets.The fierce energy constantly bombarded the twelve blood demon puppets. Although the twelve blood demon puppets were indeed super powerful and their defense power was also very strong, they were obviously extremely embarrassed at this time.

However, it is not easy for Tang long to kill the twelve blood demon puppets.

The attack lasted almost two minutes, and Tang long had already controlled the wanhun tower and covered the heads of the twelve blood demon puppets.

Tang Long is planning to use the eternal star in the soul tower to deal with the twelve blood demon puppets, but at this time, the space where the twelve blood demon puppets are located suddenly has a violent distortion!

Seeing the distorted situation of the space, vatian and they all know that the twelve blood demon puppets obviously want to escape.

"Quickly, use the space law to control the space where they are, and prevent them from using the means of space transfer to escape!"

At this time, vatian has applied the space sealing rule to the twelve blood demon puppets.

Xuanyuan sky array and all of them have exerted their most powerful means of control. To control the twelve blood demon puppets, Tang Long has done his best to exert the law of space distortion.

What they didn't expect was that they used this method of control, which was totally useless to the twelve blood demon puppets.

The space where the twelve blood demon puppets are located is still twisting violently. Then, in this twisted space, there are twelve small black holes in space.

Twelve blood demon puppets all flew into the space black holes one by one, and disappeared in an instant!

Tang Long is very angry, depressed way: "unexpectedly let these 12 guys run away!"

He wanted to get rid of at least three or four.

Vatian looked at Tang Long and said, "the situation of these twelve guys is very special. They are similar to energy life bodies, but they are different. They should be some kind of very strange puppet, and they should be tempered by some means."

Xuanyuan Tianzhen frowned: "I think of one thing!"

Tang Long asked, "what do you think of?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "three hundred thousand years ago, when the blood demon Kingdom attacked the whole world, I once heard that the people in the blood god temple found a secret way to refine puppets in a place in the great thousand world. It was a kind of ancient forbidden art. Later, the forbidden skill was obtained by the blood demon ancestor."

Tang Long asked, "do you mean that the twelve powerful guys just now are puppets made by the blood demon ancestor?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "the blood demon ancestor knows a lot of strange means, and he has long been able to make some puppets with strong combat power. I think that after he gets the ban, he will definitely become stronger in refining puppets."

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