"How can I suddenly reach the triple heaven state of banbu zushen? What's the matter? I haven't taken any Tiancai Dibao to improve my strength recently. Moreover, the level of banbu zushen is not so good even if I take ordinary Tiancai Dibao! "

"How could my strength be improved without any reason?"

Tang Long really can't think of it. How can he be promoted all of a sudden!

Ice fire old man also can't understand, but he looked at Tang Long and said: "anyway, it's a good thing for you to improve your strength. Now go to practice now. Maybe you will miss this opportunity and you won't be promoted!"

"What the elder said is right. I must grasp the opportunity to improve my strength in any case!" Tang Long didn't have time to choose the place to practice, so he sat down on his knees and entered the state of cultivation.

After practicing for more than three hours, he just stopped.

At this time, his strength has been greatly improved, from the previous banbu zushen to banbu zushen triple.

With such a powerful promotion, Tang long felt as if he was dreaming. He had no idea that his own strength had been promoted for no reason!

This situation makes him feel strange!

His strength suddenly improved, which is certainly a good thing for him, which makes him more confident about the war to be launched in the future.

However, he is still very cautious, carefully explore his own vitality, to see if his vitality is abnormal.

After a long exploration, he was relieved that everything was OK.

Then he said goodbye to Binghuo old man and contacted Beifeng Mingyue with huixinmen. Through huixinmen, he appeared in front of Beifeng Mingyue.

Seeing Tang Long coming, the north wind and bright moon asked, "husband, have you dealt with the affairs of the ghost family?"

Tang Long said: "I have to go to the ghost family now. I have to show up in the ghost family to explore the recent situation of the ghost family, and let them know that I am not dead."

Beifeng Mingyue said: "the people of the ghost family will certainly ask you about the black hammer mountain when they see you go back safely."

Tang Long said: "I have already thought about these things."

When the voice dropped, he sat down on his knees and used his magic power to make himself look like No. 1 Tang long in the sea of spirits. Of course, this is the appearance of the little ghost demon.

Then he sealed his own strength to the level of Tianzu's nine levels.

When he was ready, he said goodbye to the north wind and bright moon, quietly left the manor and headed for the Lord's house of orgrima.

Seeing that there was less than 100 meters away from the gate of the Lord's house of orgrima City, a very surprised voice suddenly came into his ears: "elder devil? Is it really you? You are back

Hearing the sound, Tang Long was speechless.

The voice was very familiar to him, but it was the ghost Blue Shield.

The ghost Blue Shield was originally drinking tea in a teahouse on the street. After looking out, he unexpectedly saw the little devil elder.

He ran out in a hurry, looking at Tang Long's face full of surprise: "little devil elder, we thought you were in some big trouble, but I didn't expect that you looked intact!"

Tang long curled his lips: "who said I was intact? I met a lot of trouble when I went out this time. It was a near death. After I escaped from danger, I found a place to practice and recovered some internal injuries, and then I came back. "

Ghost Blue Shield doesn't know what Tang long did this time.

Only some very important figures in the ghost family know that they are going out to get a mineral vein of space crystal. Most people only know that they go out to carry out the important task of the family.

However, the ghost Blue Shield heard yesterday that the little devil elder went out this time and met with a lot of people from the blood demons. In the end, only the ghost Jiaohua escaped.

Originally, the ghost Blue Shield thought that the little devil elder was dead, but unexpectedly he came back safely. At this time, he did not have time to drink tea, and went back to the city Lord's house with the little devil elder.

He and Tang Long go back together, the biggest reason is to show off.

Of course, he also wanted to take advantage of it.

Tang Long doesn't care about this guy's show off, and he doesn't care about this guy taking credit.

As they spoke, they walked forward. Seeing that they had already entered the city Lord's house, they saw the ghost suoha who was rushing out!

When the ghost suoha saw Tang long, he was stunned. He followed him with a deep surprise: "little devil elder, you are back. You are back. This is really wonderful!"

Tang Long sighed: "I can come back, this is really very lucky!"

"Just come back, just come back!" Soha, the ghost, was very happy. He was obviously going out to do business, but he did not go out now.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "let's go in and say, I've been worried about you these days."Tang Long followed the ghost suoha, and soon went into a very spacious study.

Of course, ghost Blue Shield didn't follow up the study, but he didn't go out for tea. Instead, he went to some people in the ghost family to show that he had brought the little devil elder back!

The ghost Soha and Tang Long sat down on two opposite chairs in the study. The ghost suoha looked at Tang Long and asked, "little devil elder, how's the black Chui Chui mountain?"

Tang long looked very depressed and said: "this thing is of course the worst result. There is no crystal vein in the space. It is occupied by the blood demons."

Tang Long's answer is completely predicted by the ghost suoha.

He looked at Tang Long and continued to ask: "little devil elder, tell me how you escaped. How many warriors were there at that time? How did they appear? "

Hearing these questions from the ghost suoha, Tang Long suddenly remembered that he had captured ten mutated Shenlong and Phoenix in the black hammer mountain before.

All of these ten beasts have reached the seven level and eight level combat power of Tianzu. Tang Long has not had time to refine the spirits of these gods and beasts!

"Wait a minute, I have to deal with this matter. Fortunately, these gods and beasts have been cut off, and they have set a strong seal. There will be nothing wrong for the time being."

Tang long thought, looking at the ghost suoha, he said, "there are more than a dozen warriors of blood demons on the side of blackhammer mountain, and then more than a dozen have gone. In addition, there are more than a dozen mutant beasts with strong fighting power."

The ghost suoha frowned fiercely: "are there so many blood demons in the black hammer hammer mountain?"

Tang Long sighed: "I really didn't expect that there would be blood demons in black hammer mountain, and there were so many people, they suddenly appeared to attack us, and the poor people of the Bandung family were killed."

The ghost suoha said: "this matter is really too unexpected. I have asked elder Jiaohua to explain it to the Wanlong family. Otherwise, the Wanlong family will think that we killed the people of their family."

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