Next, the ghost suoha cancelled the isolation border in the study and walked out of the study with Tang long.

The ghost Soha still has very important things to do. He needs to send someone to report to the demon ancestor, indicating that the ghost family can not participate in the operation of batian city this time, and it is necessary to investigate the hidden people of the blood demons in the dark demon world.

Naturally, the ghost suoha would not let Tang long do it. He would arrange people who are proficient in tracking in the ghost family to go around the black hammer mountain to find clues, and then carry out further investigation.

After leaving the study, the ghost Soha hurried to arrange these things for him.

Tang Long and other ghost suoha left, and left the city Lord's house directly.

He wandered in the street for a long time. He was sure that there was no one to follow him. He was relieved. He wandered around and saw that he was outside the manor where the north wind and bright moon were.

Flying in from the courtyard wall, he soon saw in the living room the Carmichael mystery and the north wind bright moon.

He told Beifeng Mingyue and JIAYE Xuanji about the news he got in the ghost family, and then said, "I have to go back and make some arrangements in batian city now, or there will be great difficulties in batian city!"

Looking at Tang Long's dignified face, Beifeng Mingyue and JIAYE Xuanji know that this matter is very serious. Batian city must make the strongest defense in advance.

The north wind bright moon looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, since batian city is in danger, you should go back and arrange it first."

Tang Long nodded and turned into a training room in the manor.

First, he cancelled the magic skill of all kinds of changes, restored his original appearance, and then untied the sealed strength. Then he contacted Meng Xiaomeng with the wisdom heart gate in his heart: "Xiaomeng, where are you now, Xiaomeng?"

Meng Xiaomeng said, "I'm in batian city."

Tang Long said: "I want to go back right now. I have something important to discuss with you."

Meng Xiaomeng said, "come here, I'm safe here."

Tang long no longer hesitated, summoned the wisdom heart door between Meng Xiaomeng and Meng Xiaomeng, and soon appeared in front of Meng Xiaomeng.

This is Meng Xiaomeng's room for rest.

Meng Xiaomeng is chatting with Feixue.

Feixue originally went to the magic owl palace, but nothing happened recently. After Ling Qingyao came back, she went to the magic owl palace to replace her, so she came back to have a rest for a few days.

Feixue was very happy to see Tang Long come back. He looked at Tang Long and said, "elder martial brother, I'm not easy to come back. You have to stay with me for a long time."

Although Tang Long is really busy now, he still promises to fly snow with magic dance: "next, let's go to Baihua Valley first, how about?"

"Good!" "I'm going to go to Baihua Valley to find sister Qingcheng, and linger and Yueer are all back, and now they are all in baihuagu!"

Then she turned her head and looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "Xiaomeng, would you like to go with us?"

Meng Xiaomeng is embarrassed.

She is now in charge of the affairs of the whole batian city and the affairs of the city of genius. Batian city was just attacked by the blood demons. Now Meng Xiaomeng is very busy and has to arrange a lot of things every day.

Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "Xiaomeng, you can go to Baihua valley with us. Let Xiaohu arrange the affairs of batian city!"

Meng Xiaomeng hesitated a little, and finally agreed: "well, let's go to baihuagu together."

Now, where do they arrange things before I go

Meng Xiaomeng said: "they are in the ninth emperor's mansion."

Tang Long said: "in this case, we will go to Jiuhuang Tianfu first."

With Tang long to go to the Nine Emperor's Tianfu, fantasy dance flying snow is naturally very willing.

She hasn't seen Tang Long for a long time. She has been missing Tang Long for a long time. Now that Tang Long comes back, she wants to stay with Tang Long for a while.

Meng Xiaomeng and Feixue are in the same mind. What's more, she wants to relax and accompany Tang long.

Three people together, not long have been to the Nine Emperor Tianfu.

Tang Long first went to Tang Xiaohu, Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, who were practicing in the ninth emperor's palace, and told them about the demon family's attack on batian city. He asked them to send news to the ice and snow palace and LingXiao Temple immediately, and let Meng Haoran make arrangements.

In addition, he asked Tang Yang to go to baihuagu first, and then to the pocket world to gather the mythical beasts whose combat power has reached the level of Tianzu, and let all of them go to batian city for support.

Tang Long knew that this time the demons came to attack batian City, it would not be a simple attack.

He must be well prepared in advance.

After these arrangements were completed, Tang Long summoned the tower of time in the ninth emperor's palace and went to the tower of time with Meng Xiaomeng.

The reason why Tang long wanted to summon the tower of time first was that he wanted to refine the ten mutated dragons and phoenix that he had captured in the black hammer mountain.Seeing that there is a big war in the city of heaven, the ten variant dragons and Phoenix can play a great role.

Tang dragon has been greatly improved now, and the means of refining spirits have become more and more skilled. It doesn't take him too long to quench these dragons and Phoenix.

In the tower of time, he spent less than two hours refining all the ten beasts.

Tang dragon takes responsibility for the ten variant dragons and Phoenix, and the five changed Phoenix to Meng Xiaomeng. In addition, the five changed dragons are responsible for the magic dance flying snow.

With these variations of dragon and Phoenix, the sprouting of small sprouts and dancing snow can become more secure, and once something happens in the overlord or the lord lord's palace, they can also help a lot.

After these variant dragons and Phoenix gave Meng Xiaomeng and magic dancing snow, the three did not leave the tower of time immediately.

Now Tang Long has arranged all the things to be arranged, and he knows that he was too busy in the past period, and has been dealing with various things, and has not been with Meng Xiaomeng for a long time.

In the tower of this time, for a long time, he planned to stay with them for a while, and then go to Baihua valley.

In addition, he also wants to ask Meng Xiaomeng something during this period of time, and to know more clearly the situation of the city of genius and the situation over the Lingxiao temple.

At the same time, he also needs to tell Meng Xiaomeng and fantasy dancing snow clearly about his whole plan.

Time is in a hurry. They have been in the tower of time for two days. Outside the tower of time, it has passed for nearly two hours.

In the two days in the tower of time, Tang Long accompanied Meng Xiaomeng with them, said to speak, play and make a noise, it is very difficult to relax.

Meng Xiaomeng and fantasy dancing flying snow have been happy these two days, but also a little helpless.

Tang Long is a bit greedy, and in some ways, it is very strong. For most of these two days, Tang Long is doing bad things to them, and they are all lazy all over the body.

But again in their hearts, they are still very sweet and happy, all with the thunder to greedy.

Tang Long has done something serious these two days.

First, he told Meng Xiaomeng about the great method of soul removal of the blood demon family in detail. In addition, he also discussed the next defense issues of batiancheng with Meng Xiaomeng and Fanwu Feixue.

And he also studied a soul moving crystal.

Soul shifting crystal is a very strange crystal. It is not strong, and it will break with some force.

Tang dragon tries to condense the spirit into the soul shifting crystal, and explore the mystery of the soul moving crystal. However, Yuanqi has just been integrated into it, and the soul moving crystal will be broken into fly ash immediately, so that Tang dragon can not get any harvest!

Tang dragon is aware that these soul moving crystals are all arranged with very special techniques, and very fine destruction formations are arranged. People who don't know how to arrange the array. If the spirit is integrated, a touch of destruction formation will be launched and the soul moving crystal will be destroyed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!