Qiu Nuo learned to be smart this time and didn't agree directly.

Sure enough, the voice soon continued to ring, "assessment content, continuously tame a hundred monsters."

"What will happen if the assessment fails?" Recalling the expression of those students just now, Qiu Nuo asked.

"Forcibly deprive 20% of cultivation."

"Deprive cultivation?" Autumn Nuo mouth corner smoked to smoke, this punishment is also too serious!

There is no doubt that those guys downstairs failed in the examination, so they all look so ugly.

They must not have known in advance that there was such a punishment for failure, otherwise they would not have agreed so easily.

"But many people don't know how to train animals. Is this assessment only for trainers?" Qiu Nuo doubts a way.

"Real animal training doesn't need any complicated skills. It only needs to appease, communicate or exert pressure with mental strength. It depends on each person's talent. It's up to you when and in what way. "

"If you tame one hundred heads in a row, you can't even defeat one!" Qiu Nuo grew an airway: "then try it!"

The next moment, qiunuo's consciousness appeared in his spiritual world again.

It's the same prairie, the same sunshine and breeze. However, those ferocious beasts are all lying on the ground quietly at the moment, and have no intention to attack.

Qiunuo goes to the nearest monster. As soon as she gets close, the monster raises its head and roars at her.

"Be quiet, my dear." Qiu Nuo's mental power releases a kind mood to this monster. After many attempts, the monster finally calmed down, at least not so hostile to her.

Half an hour has passed since the first monster was successfully tamed.

Qiu Nuo wiped the sweat on his forehead and stood up.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this test. Otherwise, at her present speed, she will definitely fail.

What qiunuo didn't know, however, was that many of the people downstairs failed to tame the first monster.

It takes a lot of patience to do this kind of thing. Maybe they have a chance to succeed, but they lose their confidence and patience to continue because they spend too much time.

If they are willing to try again and again like Qiu Nuo, even if they are anxious, they will not release any malicious emotion to the tamed monster. Maybe they have a chance to succeed.

Because as long as they succeed for the first time, they will find that the process of taming will be tens of times easier than they imagined.

However, this process lasted for a whole day.


"why can't qiunuo come down? She's not going to sleep on the second floor, is she

"I think she failed in the test and couldn't bear the blow, and knew that we didn't welcome her, so she didn't come down at all!"

A few students are idle and bored, so they chew the tongue of Qiu Nuo there.

In fact, it's not that they hate to see low-level practitioners. The key is that Qiu Nuo gets too many privileges, which makes most people feel unbalanced.

How many students of the temples can become full members of the temples within 100 years old?

Who can be directly promoted to triple heaven by virtue of the cultivation of the lower God?

This time, they even perform mandatory tasks with them. Sometimes, they really don't understand what the people above think!

Just then, a sound of footsteps came from the direction of the stairs. People have looked at the past, they see autumn from the second floor slowly down.

"You look calm, don't you? In fact, you don't have to bear it. At least you have lost 20% of your accomplishments! "

"Yes, don't blame us for not reminding you, but since we want to go out, everyone should contribute. Maybe someone will succeed all of a sudden!"

Because there is nothing to see from Qiu Nuo's face, they still think Qiu Nuo is trying to calm down, even if he persuades them in a few words.

"You're right, elder martial brother. If you tell me in advance, maybe I'm really afraid, but fortunately I tried, so I got away with it. We can go out now." Qiunuo said with a smile.

When they heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

"You said it worked?" Someone said unbelievably.

"Well." Qiu Nuo nodded, do not believe you look at the direction of the gate do not know.

Wen Yan, we just remember to check the exit. Who knows that all the runes blocking the outside have really disappeared.

"My God, we're out at last."

"I can't imagine that every one of us tried, but we didn't succeed. Why did Qiu Nuo succeed?"

"Who knows, but just come out. I will never enter this kind of crystal building any more!" The female student named Xiao Ye said with a face of frustration that she didn't want to lose more accomplishments."Qiunuo, since you passed the test, did you get the Phoenix kindling?" Someone asked tentatively.

"No, I didn't get the reward of Phoenix kindling because I spent too much time to finish the task at the lowest level." Qiu Nuo said lightly.

Of course, she is not stupid enough to admit that these guys have not really passed the test anyway. It is not up to her to make up what they will look like after the success of the postgraduate entrance examination.

"That's true. Just like you, it's good to get some basic rewards." Xiao Ye said immediately.

She doesn't even have a basic reward. If she can get the essence and blood of the beast, she can even summon the blood of the beast to a higher level.

Ordinary monster, as long as the fusion of the spirit of the beast enough blood, it may even evolve into a god beast.

"So you've got the beast elixir?" Some people are reluctant to ask.

"Is yuhuodan good? I've never heard of it. As early as I came out, I had already used all the Yushou pills in exchange for the spirit and blood of the divine beast. It happened that my Summoner could use it! " Qiunuo continues to make up the road.

If she wants to say that she didn't get yuaudan, these guys certainly don't believe it, but she takes it as an excuse that she doesn't know what yuaudan is, which is much more credible.

After all, in these people's eyes, she is a country girl, I don't know these high-grade goods are normal.

Sure enough, as soon as Qiu Nuo said this, many people looked at her angrily.

"It's stupid of you to exchange Yushou Dan for the essence and blood of the divine beast. Are these two comparable?"

"That's to say, I can exchange things with you. Why do I have to use the Yushou pill to exchange the essence and blood of the divine beast?"

Everyone thought qiunuo was stupid, but she didn't know that this time she just got two bottles of yuhuodan, but how could she give these guys a chance?

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