Fengmuying took them to a black pool with a diameter of several hundred meters and stopped.

From the position point of view, the black pool should be in the middle of those statues, and the surrounding runes are also the most dense.

At this time, Feng muying suddenly took out a sharp knife and carved a new kind of Rune on the basis of the original one.

His speed was very fast, and there was no pause in his movement. But in a moment, a complete Rune appeared in front of everyone.

Because it is engraved with a knife, there are concave lines on the rune, and there is a very deep cave in the middle. I don't know what it is for.

Feng muying took a breath, stood up, looked up at them and said with a smile: "next, it depends on the role you play. Although there is one less person, it has little impact."

Just when everyone was puzzled about the meaning of Feng muying's words, he suddenly raised his hand and cut the neck of the recent student. A lot of blood gushed out and spilled on the rune. Then, along those concave lines, he slowly flowed to the small hole in the middle.

The wind Mu shadow looks at the blood on the hand, the corner of the mouth shows a trace of evil smile, and then moves towards the next person.

"See, he's going to use your blood to release the seal of the summoner." Jing Li sneered and said.

Qiunuo is also afraid at the moment. If it wasn't for youjingli, she would end up in the same situation as others.

Although their bodies and behaviors were controlled, their brains were very clear. Now seeing this bloody scene, everyone's eyes are full of horror.

Feng muying didn't stop at all, and soon killed seven or eight students and came to qiunuo.

He reached for Qiu Nuo's chin and gave a faint smile. "In fact, I don't want to kill you that much, but if you kill one of my sacrifices, you can only make it up with you."

These students were carefully selected by him, and then reported to the temples. The attributes in their blood are different, but when they are combined, they can play a miraculous role.

And Qiu Nuo is just a substitute. It's just good to use her to replace the position where she got angry.

Just as the hand of Feng muying slowly stretched out to Qiu Nuo's neck, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him.

The wind Mu shadow backed one step back in embarrassment, a light bloodstain appeared on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" Feng muying's face is full of shock. Who is he? He is one of the strongest people standing on the top of the world. It's incredible that he would be hurt by a little girl of the lower God's cultivation!

Jing Li did not say a word, just a cold smile, immediately body micro motion, directly disappeared in place.

Since you want to get the things under the black pool, these sacrifices are also essential. However, it is obvious that you can use the blood of demons and beasts, but fengmuying wants to live. It is really a disgrace to God.

Wind Mu shadow see scene from hide, also have no mind to look for, because he knew thousand night also quickly arrived, his speed must be fast!

The rest of the students were all buried in the hands of Feng muying, and a large amount of blood dyed the ground red.

As all the blood gathered together, the rune suddenly emitted a faint light.

Feng muying frowns. Because of the lack of Qiu Nuo's fire attribute, the rune array is not fully activated.

After thinking about it, he could only cut his wrist and let the blood drip into the small hole. Immediately, the wound on his hand healed directly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Qiunuo, you should use your own blood to kill me. You're dead!" The wind Mu shadow ruthlessly saw the direction that the scene leaves to disappear one eye, this account, he remembers first.

The Fu array is bright, and a large number of bubbles come out of the black pool. Feng muying takes back his eyes and turns to look at the black pool.

At the bottom of the black water pool, a deeper shadow is rapidly enlarging, and then there is a loud bang. An ancient giant animal with fierce breath splashes directly out of the water.

His body was covered with black scales. One head alone occupied most of the black pool. Two pairs of dragon horns on his head were emitting strong black air.

Yes, this is a black dragon!

It a pair of blood red eyes scan around a circle, and finally fell on the wind Mu shadow body.

"You let me out?" The black dragon mouth asks a person's voice.

"Yes, I offer you a sacrifice, but I still like it?" Wind Mu shadow light smile way.

"The blood of God in it has restored my strength a lot." Black Dragon nodded with satisfaction, "say, what do you want?"

"I heard that in the hand of the beast God, there is a spiritual treasure called reincarnation mirror. Through the reincarnation mirror, you can see anything you want to see, or something that has happened." The wind said.

"Yes, it is. After the old man died, all his relics were with me. He wanted to pass them on to his disciples and descendants, but I killed them all. I know that there is this relic, and someone will break in one day. If they want to get the relic left by that old thing, they must let me out. " Black Dragon said with a gloomy smile."Then please hand in the reincarnation mirror. I believe it's of no great use to you." Wind Mu shadow said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's the reward you deserve." The black dragon opened his mouth, and a purple and golden mirror flew out.

Qiunuo in the sea of knowledge found this scene and quickly said: "now, go and grab it!"

Jing Li's body suddenly moved and rushed out from behind a stone statue. In his hand, there was a mass of black air visible to the naked eye. He raised his hand and attacked Feng muying's back.

Wind Mu shadow despised a smile, with a wave, there is a puppet behind him.

Jingli's attack fell on the puppet, which immediately melted into a pool of black water.

Seeing that he didn't succeed in a blow, Jingli didn't stop at all. He turned around and jumped into the air, reaching for the mirror.

But Feng muying was still frightened by the breath of Jing Li just now. When he came back, Jing Li had already run in front of him.

Feng muying, who can allow his plan to be destroyed, flies into the air.

But he found that his speed was a little slower than that of Jingli. In addition, Jingli started his work first, and the reincarnation mirror fell steadily in Jingli's hands.

"Who are you?" The wind Mu shadow floats in the air, looking at the scene which retreats a long distance in an instant, asks in a deep voice.

"You've already guessed, and asked me what to do." Jing Li plays with the mirror in his hand and laughs sarcastically.

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