Time flies, the three realms of gods, demons and demons have undergone earth shaking changes. At the same time, a new era is coming.

This era, after a long time, was called the era of blood shortage!


in the second year of the discovery of the energy space, a large number of cracks appear in each heavy day, and countless demons and monsters from the outer world rush into the three realms of gods, demons and demons.

Because of the sudden arrival, all the people were caught unprepared, and even lost 20% of the population in the third sector.

For a moment, the whole divine world turned from heaven to hell.

In particular, some villages and small towns without much defensive power have suffered a devastating blow.

There are only some large cities, main cities, Fu cities, and some powerful sects with a lot of information left. They still have a certain fighting capacity and can struggle with foreign demons.

Ten years later, the offensive of Outland has only increased. It seems that there are more demons in Outland that can't be killed. The cracks in the sky have never even been closed.

These ten years, it's like a nightmare.

During the past ten years, a great event happened in the demon world.

When the whole three worlds are united to deal with the invasion of Outland demons, in order to get rid of the demon God Qianye, the three sects in the demon world help the Outland demons attack a war fortress in the three worlds.

The reason for the last three cases to do so is only because the demon God Qianye was also in this fortress at that time, and the last three cases wanted to drag everyone to die.

This war is very fierce.

The whole fortress lost more than 90% of the experts, but the last three sects were hanged by the three circles because they aroused the group's anger.

Shangsanzong, who once dominated the demon world, disappeared in this world, and Qianye, the demon God, once again took the position of Lord of the demon God.

After several years of consolidation, the internal chaos in the demon world has completely subsided, and the fighting capacity of the demon world is even better than before.

After more than ten years of chaos, the Three Kingdoms have established a large number of war bases and fortresses. In addition, the combat effectiveness of the demon Kingdom has soared all the way, and the Three Kingdoms have gradually begun to have the ability to fight back against the invasion of foreign demons.


"Lord, we will reinforce the 30th supporting wall according to your method." A guard knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

At the front, a cold and delicate woman in a long red dress is sitting on a chair made of blue gold and blood wood with a faint smile on her mouth.

"Good." Qiunuo said with a smile: "the 30th ring has just been built. Remember that there should be no accidents. The forces of jiuchongtian are waiting to see my jokes!"

In the past ten years, because of the unexpected occurrence, she gave up the idea of building a building outside the city in every chongtian. Instead, she expanded the existing building outside the city in sanchongtian into such a huge building.

Today, all the towns near the thousand poison forest, even several main cities, have been annexed by the city.

Because the defense of leaving the city is notoriously fierce. The Outland demons have invaded the city for so many years, but the city has never been broken. It's like a war fortress.

However, life away from the city is much better than that of the war fortress.

First of all, not everyone can enter the war fortress. It must have a certain strength or background.

Secondly, after entering the war fortress, almost most people have to take part in the battle.

Only when they leave the city can they lead a normal life before the outbreak of the war.

However, it is not so easy to be a resident away from the city. At least one member of the family should join the city defense forces and regularly clean up the demons outside the city.

Otherwise, when the number of Outland demons accumulates, leaving the city will become a prison that can't enter or leave. It's not so easy to break through.

It is precisely because of the particularity of leaving the city that the reputation of leaving the city soon spread all over jiuchongtian.

In the end, the greater the power of the family, the more surprised they were.

First of all, they found that there are many powerful people far away from the city. The tens of thousands of core troops in the inner city even have the power of God or the true God.

This is the city that has almost overtaken all the three heavens. After all, the God level strongman is the top expert in the three heavens, but he is only a member of the core army when he leaves the city.

Besides, there are also some masters at the level of God King or even God Emperor. You know, it's triple heaven. With so many talents, you can make the city walk horizontally in triple heaven.

Who dares to imagine that such a force has only appeared for more than ten years?

If you give it hundreds of years, thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, will it rush directly to the Ninth Heaven and become the enemy of these forces?

Now, they can not pay attention to leaving the city, but the thought of the growth rate of leaving the city will make people feel cold at the bottom of their hearts.But now it's a special period, and no family has the strength to send people to kill those who have not yet fully developed out of the city.

PS: don't miss the plot right now^_ ^~

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