"I think you misunderstood." The blue shadow said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Qiunuo frowned.

"Because this is the dark star!" Said the blue shadow.

"What?" Qiunuo suspected that he had heard wrong. "After going around such a big circle, he was looking for the entrance of the dark realm and the holy things. Now he tells me that the dark star is actually in the holy realm?"

Now, the only feeling in qiunuo's heart is that it seems that God played a joke on her.

"The more dangerous a place is, the safer it is. The dark star has existed under the emperor's eyes for so many years, and has not been found by him, which is enough to prove this. " Blue figure quite complacent said.

"All right!" Qiu Nuo said, "what about my husband? He's still in the dark? "

"No, he was sent to another place, you will get different inheritance." The blue figure explained.

"That's good." Qiu Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, "in this case, what treasure, inheritance, give it to me quickly, in order to find the dark star, I'm exhausted, I've spent half my life on it!"

Her words are true, although for most people in the world, decades, hundreds of years, or even may be just a time of seclusion.

But for her, decades is half of her life. After all, she only lived less than a hundred years.

"You are recognized by the LORD God. Of course, the inheritance of the dark star will be given to you." The blue figure stretched out his hand and knocked on the metal box on the stone platform several times, then a ball came out from inside.

This bead, like a cut gem, is shining with brilliant brilliance. There are several streamers of different colors in it, flying around along a fixed track.

"This is a fragment of plane, which contains a lot of things. After you use mental power to connect with the fragment of plane, you can learn from the guardian spirit of the fragment of plane, who will explain everything to you." The blue figure pushes the metal box in front of Qiu Nuo.

Originally, the other side had a lot of doubts.

The bit plane fragment is very powerful when you hear the name.

It doesn't mean that if you find the dark star, you will have a chance to dominate the world. Is it because of this fragment of plane? Is she able to find Qianye and fly away with him after connecting with the plane fragment?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Qiu Nuo's mind.


When she came back to herself, qiunuo reached out and grasped the fragments of the plane. She soon felt that her spiritual power and the streamers were tightly intertwined.

At the same time, a voice without any feelings rang out in her mind, "Hello, master, I am the guardian spirit of the seventy second plane fragment. I hope we can get along well in the future."

"Seventy two?" Qiunuo immediately asked: "so, there are many pieces of planes like this?"

"Naturally, there are tens of thousands of parallel spaces and planes in this world. Strictly speaking, the mainland of Kyushu, the divine realm, the three realms and the outer realm that the master has visited belong to one plane of space, which should be regarded as a whole." Said the guardian.

"I understand that, but as you say, besides this space, are there many other such spaces?" Asked tyuno.

"Yes, every space is relatively independent, and there is basically no contact. It's like the earth where the master lived before he came to this space, and the little space in the master's body now. " The guardian explained.

"Earth..." Qiu Nuo is a little distracted. She hasn't heard the word for a long time.

"However, the master has a great advantage over other people who have plane fragments. After all, the master has a space now. Although the evolution is not complete, he is also much ahead of them."

"Wait, the more I listen, the more confused I am. I have a space. That's right, but the advantage you said, and the lead, it's all about what. I'm not playing with anyone." Qiunuo is full of fog.

"No, master, you are competing with people. You are the one chosen by the LORD God. If you can win the competition, you will become the new Lord God. Then, you will be the real master of the world."

"First of all, tell me how many pieces of plane there are, and how many people in Outland have them?" Qiunuo asked one after another.

"There are 9999 pieces of plane fragments, scattered in different planes and spaces, and in different forms. The higher the ranking is, the more perfect the function is. So the host is very lucky to get the 72nd level fragment at the beginning. However, the host still needs to continue to work hard, otherwise this ranking will soon be surpassed. "

"As for Outland, this space is very lucky. In addition to the No. 72 plane fragment owned by its owner, there is also a person who calls himself Emperor, who once got the No. 7300 plane fragment. Because he was eager to upgrade the plane debris, when he learned that there was still a plane debris in this space, he was always trying to find the whereabouts of the plane debris. ""Another thing to remind the host is that the plane fragments can be swallowed. You can swallow other people's plane fragments, and other people can also swallow your plane fragments, and the person who is swallowed by the plane fragments will lose his soul."

"In the same way, if someone wins in the game, other people who have pieces of the plane will die. So the host must not slack off, we must strive to make way for the pieces of the plane to upgrade as soon as possible. "

After hearing this, Qiu Nuo's mouth twitched, "can I regret it..."

"Once bound, you can't go back." Said the guardian.

"What about the conditions for winning? What exactly is it? " Asked tyuno.

"Upgrade the fragmentation of the plane to the first level. In addition, complete all tasks of the fragmentation of the plane."

"Upgrade to number one? Isn't that guy who used to be number one lucky? " Qiunuo is speechless.

"The master should not worry too much about this. In fact, at the beginning, the master's plane fragments ranked first, but because they had not been recognized as the master, they were overtaken by those plane fragments behind. But the master has the most perfect function. "

"By the way, you just said that only me and the holy emperor have the plane fragments in Outland. What about Qianye? Isn't he sent to another place to receive the inheritance? " Qiu Nuo suddenly remembered and asked.

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