Chapter 3027 Unforgivable Crime (Part 3)

Name:Supreme Magus Author:
Chapter 3027 Unforgivable Crime (Part 3)

'Can you now help me plan and fight against Leech?' Orpal asked.

'No to everything.' Night's answer made him wail in pain and despair. 'We don't even have any access to Dusk's abilities since along with his crystal I'm taking upon myself the seal mother had imposed on him as well.'

'Then why the fuck did we do this in the first place? Why do I have to suffer like this?'

'Because once I'm done fusing our crystals, once our power cores merge into one, all of our dreams will come true. Dusk's seal, my restrictions, and even the self-destruction spell will be in the past. We will be unstoppable.'

Those words made Orpal's lips curl up with joy, turning his gritted teeth into a twisted smile of fury. New novel chapters are published at

'At least in theory.' She added and he emitted a blood-curdling scream. 'Horsemen were never supposed to become one. Mother created us to be unique and establish our own bloodline.

'I have no idea how assimilating another Horseman works or how long it will take. Until we are done, we'll be in agony. Even if we succeed, until we master our new body, our abilities will be diminished.

'Yet I can promise you this. If I'm right, nothing on Mogar but the damn Guardians will be able to stop us. Maybe not even them.'

Orpal wanted to smile and laugh at the idea, but the only thing he could think of was to make the pain stop.


Garlen Continent, Verhen Mansion, dining hall.

The sun had risen for a while and the Verhens and their guests were about to have breakfast together.

It was Salaark's turn to watch over Elysia for the day and she had also helped Elina in the kitchen. There were lots of mouths to feed and some of them demanded servings big enough to need a table of their own.

"Congratulations, kid." The Overlord said while studying Nalrond's body with her Rebirth Magic diagnostic spell, Riptide. "Your life forces have merged into one and the final result is perfectly stable.

"I didn't know him. I know him and he was no man." Salaark scoffed. "If you are curious, you can ask him yourself. He loves the sound of his voice."

She pointed at Leegaain who was helping Kamila feed Valeron and Elysia while telling the kids a story in Dragontongue.

"He's the Father of Fire?" If not for the fact that he was already sitting, Nalrond would have fallen butt-first on the ground. "But I thought it was just a myth or one of your aliases. You are the god of Forgemastering and you fit the bill better than he does."

"Please." The Overlord tutted. "My elements are darkness and light. My access to Origin Flames is dependent on my connection with life, not fire. Also, do I look like someone who goes around teaching people for the kick of it?"

"No, but-" Nalrond's objection was interrupted by an emergency call on both Lith's and Solus' Council amulets.

All the magical gemstones were flaring up with elemental light, signaling the urgency of the call and that it required maximum encryption. Baba Yaga's rune flashed like a lightbulb, making things more unsettling.

Lith Hushed the kids before answering but kept everyone in the dining room.

'Even if something capable of threatening Baba Yaga is on its way here, a couple of Guardians can easily deal with it. I'm not asking for their help or putting the children in danger. They just happen to be here.' He thought.

"Solus, Lith, we need to talk." The Mother had activated the conference call mode and was clearly relieved of seeing they already were in the same place. "It's about Meln and it's urgent. Please, give me clearance to the Mansion. I'll be there shortly."

Baba Yaga had no Tower Warp but she could instantly reach any place on Mogar where one of her firstborns was. In this case, she had contacted Nandi to reach Essagor and from there to Lutia it would take her just a couple of Steps.

"Consider it done." Lith accessed the tower's mainframe and added Baba Yaga to the apprentice list.

The tower was linked with the arrays' control system, allowing Lith and Solus to restrict the use of magic only to the energy signatures of their guests. Anyone else would be considered an enemy and treated accordingly.

Lith sent the children to another room with Ryla and Garrik. The Verhens were on edge, hoping that Orpal had been caught and disposed of yet fearing he had hurt another of their friends.

They controlled their communication amulets and sighed in relief when they double-checked there was no rune missing.

Baba Yaga's hut came out running from a Warp Steps at the edge of the Trawn woods. It always marvelled Lith how something so big and heavy could be so lithe. The mage tower went from top speed to complete halt in the space of a few steps and without ruining the lawn.

"One second. You need protection." The Mother stepped out of the door, ready to use Creation Magic to alter and reinforce the arrays of the Verhen Mansion when she noticed Salaark.