Chapter 7

Name:Supreme Pet Evolution System Author:
C7 – The Public Competition

Zhen Heyi surveyed the raucous classmates and rapped the table authoritatively. Her voice was cool but stern, “This concerns Jiao Yuanju. Stop the commotion. If things go south, who among you will step up to take responsibility?”

The room fell silent at once. Azure Academy encouraged the development of combat skills and character by allowing students to compete in the arena, but only under the condition that they fought fairly, without the influence of powerful backers or underhanded tactics. The school turned a blind eye as long as no serious injuries occurred.

Yet, combat was inherently ruthless, especially when it involved pets from Mutant Beasts, known for their ferocity in battle. Accidental injuries or even deaths were common. With teachers present, incidents were rare, but in unsanctioned duels, the rate of serious injury soared to sixty percent. Consequently, open challenges in the arena were rare, as the heat of battle could lead to accidental killings.

Jiao Yuanju remained quiet. He wasn’t naturally aggressive, but Jing Mowen bore a grudge against him, and now his cousin had joined in the antagonism.

Far from being timid, Jiao Yuanju’s courage was evident from his willingness to risk hunting in the wilderness, a resolve that only strengthened with his enhancing system.


Jiao Yuanju’s response was calm and succinct, and he fell silent again.

The crowd erupted in excitement at his acceptance of the challenge.

“The class president has guts, taking on Jing Dehai from Class One. Jing Dehai is notorious, a formidable fighter who’s already a legend on our school’s leaderboard. Do you think our class president stands a chance?”

“Keep it down. He’s our class president, after all! If he gets thrashed, it’s on him.”

The classmates whispered among themselves, their expressions mocking.

Jiao Yuanju’s expression chilled, yet he held his tongue. He had quickly discerned the lack of unity and disregard for rules among his peers—both the people and the class were a mess.

The only one unphased was Xie Ziyu from Class Three, seemingly indifferent to the whole affair.

Regardless, Jiao Yuanju’s reputation had soared. A post titled “Jing Dehai’s Battle” had emerged in the school’s group chat, garnering immense attention. Everyone was eagerly anticipating the afternoon’s showdown.

Before the afternoon classes began, the largest public arena at Azure Academy was nearly encircled by students from every class, all eagerly anticipating the upcoming match.

Every member of Class Seven had made it. Truthfully, it seemed as though the entire school had turned out for the event!

A figure emerged slowly from the throng and took his place in the arena. Dressed in a simple white shirt and trousers, he exuded an air of gentlemanliness. This was Jing Dehai.

Surveying the empty stage, Jing Dehai felt a twinge of displeasure. It appeared that the Class 7 monitor hadn’t given him a second thought. Clearly, Jiao Yuanju was in need of a lesson.

Just then, Jiao Yuanju strolled in through the main entrance, composed and unruffled. A plump figure in the crowd perked up, dashed forward, and bellowed, “Boss!”

Jiao Yuanju cast a surprised glance at Jing Haokuo but remained silent.

Jing Haokuo trailed behind Jiao Yuanju, watching him make his entrance. With a booming voice and unabashed enthusiasm, he cheered, “Boss, you’ve got this!”

All eyes turned to the bold, self-assured fat man.

Facing Jing Dehai, Jiao Yuanju spoke with a serene tone, “So, you’re challenging me?”

With a smug grin, Jing Dehai responded, “Shouldn’t you be flattered? I’m here on behalf of my cousin. Don’t worry, I won’t go too hard on you.”

As if a public challenge from Jing Dehai was, in itself, an honor for Jiao Yuanju.