Chapter 19

Name:Supreme Pet Evolution System Author:
C19 – Strange Battle

Jiao Yuanju simply smiled, his silence speaking volumes. With Eoldrai’s advancement to the rare level, the competition had lost its luster for him.

Jing Dehai’s voice was steady as he greeted, “Jiao Yuanju, here we are again.”

Once a figure of renown, Jing Dehai’s star had faded, eclipsed by Jiao Yuanju. Yet, he managed to address Jiao Yuanju with a surprising equanimity.

“Why not have another go?” Jiao Yuanju suggested with a grin.

A shadow crossed Jing Dehai’s face, betraying his hesitation. Turning to Xie Ziyu, he proposed with a sly smile, “This battle’s a free-for-all. How about we team up, Xie Ziyu? Surely you aspire to lead the contenders.”

Xie Ziyu gave him a cool look. “It makes no difference who leads,” she replied icily.

Hong Yangqiu remained silent, his gaze fixed on Jiao Yuanju.

With a snort of defiance, Jing Dehai summoned his flame tiger once more, challenging loudly, “Jiao Yuanju, let’s have at it again!”

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Jing Dehai was once again throwing down the gauntlet to Jiao Yuanju!

“Boss, take him down,” Jing Haokuo urged with fervor. “He’s already been bested by you. Second place is the best he can hope for!”

To everyone’s astonishment, Jiao Yuanju responded coolly, “He’s not even qualified for that.”

A wave of shock rippled through the crowd. Jiao Yuanju had just declared Jing Dehai unworthy of second place!

With a dismissive smile, Jiao Yuanju said, “All of you, come at once. Let’s not waste time.”

“Insolent!” Jing Dehai’s expression turned icy.

Jiao Yuanju didn’t mince words: “Haokuo, Earth Boar, consider them all foes!”

Jing Haokuo’s face turned a fiery red with excitement, his fighting spirit ignited like never before.

Pei Chang watched, dumbfounded, as Jing Dehai and his team’s brows furrowed. They began to encircle the trio from Class 7, clearly intent on putting the brash Jiao Yuanju in his place.

Pei Chang had a sinking feeling about his prize money.

Attributes: None

Skills: Roar, Bite

Combat Pet: Horn Bull

Attributes: None

Skills: Charge, Horn Attack

With just a glance, Jiao Yuanju could discern the attributes of each person within the black fog. His gaze lingered on Xie Ziyu and Hong Yangqiu, the duo shrouded in mystery.

“Lightning Leopard, charge with the speed of lightning!”

Zhen Heyi was well aware that her Lightning Leopard was the powerhouse of her team.

With a thunderous explosion, a bolt of lightning struck, catapulting the black dog through the air, rendering it incapable of continuing the fight.

The Earth Boar, too, was a force to be reckoned with. Its formidable fangs clashed with the Horn Bull’s sturdy horns amidst the ensuing chaos.

Just then, Eoldrai vanished into thin air.

Jing Dehai, with calculated precision, directed his Flame Tiger to launch a direct assault on Jiao Yuanju. His rage had been kept at bay, but his thirst for vengeance was clear—if he was to exact retribution, he would ensure Jiao Yuanju was left with broken bones and severed sinews!

“What on earth is that?”

From the shrouding fog of darkness, an immense claw emerged, overshadowing the Flame Tiger and pressing down inexorably. The Flame Tiger issued a roar of sheer terror, facing a force beyond its ability to defy.

Jing Dehai was suddenly overcome by excruciating pain, collapsing alongside his Combat Pet.

To the astonishment of all, Jing Dehai had been swiftly defeated in the veil of darkness!

Several more cries of terror echoed as the Combat Pets roared, causing the energy shield around the arena to quiver momentarily.

Shrouded in darkness, no one could lay eyes on Jiao Yuanju, yet he could see everyone else with clarity.

In an instant, only Xie Ziyu and Hong Yangqiu remained motionless on the field.

Jing Haokuo and Zhen Heyi were utterly baffled as they witnessed a claw materialize from the darkness, swatting their adversaries aside as if they were mere flies!