Chapter 30

Name:Supreme Pet Evolution System Author:
C30 – The Awakening of Its Bloodline

The team leader from Starlight Academy approached quickly and inquired, “What’s the situation here?”

In a state of shock, the two responded, “Mr. Yan, this youngster from Azure Academy has slain a Mutant Beast. His score has soared past one hundred!”

Yan Kun looked at Jiao Yuanju with a hint of curiosity and asked courteously, “Which squad are you with? We’ve been on the tail of Mutant Beasts ourselves, but only ran into a little over thirty before heading back. Our forces have already regrouped in the city. Did you run into a large number of them?”

Clutching Jiao Yuanju’s neck, Zhen Heyi replied with a sense of resignation, “We ran into an earth ant swarm, followed by a chase from the Crazy Lions.”

“What?” The group was astounded. How had they come across so many Mutant Beasts?

“We need to get into the city. Where’s Ke Yu?” Jiao Yuanju asked.

Yan Kun cast a glance at the closed city gates and said, “He’s not back yet, but we need to wait for the entire troop to return before we can head back.”

Suddenly, a fearsome roar echoed from a distance, accompanied by a mass of footsteps.

Turning their gaze, they saw hundreds of soldiers sprinting alongside Ke Yu.

Ke Yu bellowed, “Move quickly, the Beast King is coming!”

Panic ensued. A Beast King was a ruler among Mutant Beasts, a colossal creature capable of battling Grandmasters!

Beastmen spotted a tremendous beast in the distance, their faces blanching as they exclaimed, “We must leave; our mission isn’t complete!”

In the crowd, Jiao Yuanju spotted Jing Haokuo and the rest of the Phantom Team, drenched in sweat from their frantic running.

A lion, massive as a moving cottage with a twisted horn atop its head, charged from the distance.

“It’s the Berserk Lion King, a level four Mutant Beast and the sovereign of the Crazy Lions,” Zhen Heyi said urgently. “To my knowledge, there’s a multitude of Mutant Beasts near Krukshire, but only one Berserk Lion King, and it’s usually around Sun’s Peak, three hundred kilometers from here!”

Jiao Yuanju declared gravely, “Those Orcs must have intentionally drawn it here!”

The city gates swung open swiftly as Ke Yu bellowed, “Everyone, into the city!”

In a panic, the crowd surged through the city’s light door. Amidst the turmoil, a squad of soldiers rushed to Jiao Yuanju’s side, their concern evident. “Miss, are you unharmed?” one asked, relief in his voice.

In that critical moment, Jing Haokuo was on the verge of panic. He could only watch as the Berserk Lion King poised to strike with its massive claws, directly above where he and a few soldiers, the slowest of the group, were positioned.

They couldn’t die!

Suddenly, Jiao Yuanju’s mind seemed to pause, his blood undergoing an inexplicable transformation. His body felt as if it had been remade, leaving him with a sense of invigoration.

“Enhancement successful. Congratulations, you have become a level one Awakened. Your strongest bloodline talent, ‘Realm of Shadows,’ and the ‘Asura Body’ have been automatically awakened.”

The Realm of Shadows is a unique talent, allowing you to forcibly create a small pocket dimension with the power of your bloodline. The Asura Body is the world’s most lethal battle form, transforming you into a living weapon upon activation.

Jiao Yuanju dashed forward, positioning himself between the soldiers and the descending claw of the Lion King. With a mere thought, the Asura Body sprang to life!

Instinctively, he struck at the claw.

The Berserk Lion King let out an enraged roar, jumping back and fixing a furious gaze on Jiao Yuanju.

The force of the encounter sent Jiao Yuanju reeling, coughing up blood.

All who witnessed the scene were astounded.

Tears welled up in Jing Haokuo’s eyes as he looked at Jiao Yuanju. “Boss!”

The soldiers stood in shock, unable to believe that someone had risked their life to save them in such a desperate moment.

Without hesitation, Jing Haokuo scooped up Jiao Yuanju and placed him on the back of the Earth Boar, giving it a firm slap.

The Earth Boar charged instinctively, while Jing Haokuo ran for his life, head down.

“Jiao Yuanju actually stopped it!” Zhen Heyi was in disbelief.

Just then, a majestic golden wolf burst through the city gates. Its body was adorned with golden scales, moving with the speed of lightning. It unleashed a blast of golden thunder from its maw, striking the Berserk Lion King, which then turned its attention to the frail old man seated atop the golden wolf.

A Grandmaster Combat Pet Master had arrived!

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