Chapter 40

Name:Supreme Pet Evolution System Author:
C40 – Members of the Jing Family

Jiao Yuanju felt a surge of warmth. At the academy, the only person who seemed to treat him with genuine care was this seemingly goofy, chubby guy. Despite his penchant for food and a bit of laziness, his heart was in the right place. Jiao Yuanju truly valued this kind of friendship.

“Fatty, here’s your money!” Jiao Yuanju said with a smile to Jing Haokuo.

Jing Haokuo was puzzled by Jiao Yuanju’s remark when his phone suddenly rang. He checked it and found a deposit of forty thousand Alliance Coins.

“Boss!” Jing Haokuo gasped in astonishment.

“You’ve earned it,” Jiao Yuanju said with a grin. “Treat yourself to a nice meal at home. We’re going to make even more money in the future!”

Moved to the brink of tears, Jing Haokuo realized he had never experienced such genuine kindness in his life.

After wiping away his tears and nodding firmly, Jing Haokuo bid farewell to Jiao Yuanju and headed home.

Strolling through the streets, Jiao Yuanju quietly monitored the blood points accruing in his system. The pace of earning them seemed painfully slow.

He pondered when to take on missions from the military, hoping to venture beyond the city walls with Shadow Tiger and Eoldrai to hunt Mutant Beasts.

“Go and tie her up!”

As he passed a side street, Jiao Yuanju’s attention was caught by a man’s harsh shout echoing from a distant alley. He halted abruptly.

“Who’s there?”

Xie Ziyu, who had been on the brink of despair, watched the scene unfold with astonishment. Someone was rescuing her!

Despite her young age, Xie Ziyu’s mind was astoundingly mature. Seizing the moment of chaos, she swiftly stowed her Combat Pet into its bag. With a burst of speed, she pressed her hand onto a Jing family member’s head and, like a graceful butterfly, flitted past their defenses and out of the alley.

Outside, she encountered an unexpected ally and exclaimed, “Jiao Yuanju!”

Jiao Yuanju offered her a reassuring smile and said firmly, “Leave them to me.”

Xie Ziyu quickly cautioned him, “Jiao Yuanju, please, don’t act rashly. They’re from martial families with formidable individual strength, on par with Mutant Beasts. Eoldrai won’t be able to handle them!”

Jiao Yuanju didn’t reply but strode forward with determination.

Meanwhile, the six men, grappling with the Shadow Tiger, realized the truth amidst their shock. “The Shadow Tiger! Can it really contend with all of us at once? It must have a shadow clone. Someone’s helping that girl escape. Don’t let her get away!”

Two individuals immediately dashed out of the alley, intent on pursuing Xie Ziyu.

Yet, they came to an abrupt halt, eyeing Jiao Yuanju with suspicion as he strolled in at a leisurely pace. They scoffed, “Kid, who do you think you are? If you value your life, you’d better beat it!”

With a devilish grin, Jiao Yuanju stretched his newly toughened frame, the result of evolving into the Asura Combat Body, and replied coolly, “Apologies, but I’m actually in the mood for a near-death experience. How about we throw down?”

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