Chapter 956

Name:Supreme Stock God Author:Yi Ge Da La
Zhou Hao knew that the strength of the "four masters" was not the opponent of Tojo Shunichi, but he could delay Tojo Shunichi, so Zhou Hao stepped up to catch up without saying a word.

When he arrived at the door, he saw a figure flying backwards towards his side. Looking at his appearance in black, he turned out to be Shunyi Tojo. Zhou Hao was not polite. He forced him to go up without a sound. His two hands full of real power were quietly pushed out. He planned to attack Shunyi Tojo in this way and end his life in one fell swoop.

However, when Dong Tiao Shun Yi flipped over his body in the air, he just saw Zhou Hao stealthily. He was so surprised that he quickly adjusted his posture and kicked his legs toward Zhou Hao.

Now that he was found out, Zhou Hao simply confronted the enemy head-on. He raised his right fist and blasted it in the past. The roaring giant deer appeared on his head again. He bowed his head and hung his horns and rushed to the dongtiaoshun.

"Bang!" Zhou Hao's fist hit Dongtiao Shunyi's foot and beat him back.

But see Dongtiao shun a whole body a shock, but also by Zhou Hao this huge force and jump to open, back to the stone chamber. When he landed on the ground, he couldn't bear the rest of Zhou Hao's true breath and took a few steps back. After he finally stopped, his chest heaved violently and gasped heavily.

Seeing this, Zhou Hao felt a light in front of him. He thought that this guy was exhausted!

At this time, there was a figure floating into the stone chamber. It was the "four masters" that Zhou Hao had seen before in the stone chamber with the metaphysics of the book of changes as the mechanism trap. However, the camouflage military uniform of the "four masters" was damaged in several places, and the hair on his face was stained with dust, which made him look a little embarrassed.

Moreover, there is a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth of the "four masters", which should be the injury he suffered when he fought with the real Dong Tiao Shun just now. However, Zhou Hao felt a little strange. Although Dongtiao Shunyi had signs of exhaustion, his strength was still at the level of a top expert. However, the "four masters" could even bring Dongtiao Shun back.

"Four masters" also looked at Zhou Hao, and then his face was shocked. Because he saw a piece of flower on Zhou Hao's left face, it looked as if he had been deliberately painted with watercolor.

Zhou Hao noticed the strange look of the "four masters" and naturally wiped it on his face. After seeing the paint on his hand, he was dumbfounded. In order to facilitate the concealment of identity, before coming here, the red leaf chick gave Zhou Haoyi permission. It was originally used to wash off the paint with special potions, but just now the fight with Tojo Shunyi was too fierce. In the agitation of the strong genuine spirit, part of the paint faded.

But now is not the time to care about this. Zhou haoyao smiles at the "four masters" and puts his attention back on Tojo Shunyi. It doesn't matter. Zhou Hao is scared.

Because Tojo Shunyi's body seems to have recovered to its previous size, and his face is slowly recovering.

"Is there a time limit for the power of the imperial seal?" After Zhou Hao saw the situation of Shunyi Tojo, he couldn't help guessing.

On the other hand, in the face of Zhou Hao and the "four masters", Tojo Shunyi's face was very dignified. Originally, after discovering signs of exhaustion of true Qi on his body, Tojo Shun wanted to leave here immediately and take the imperial jade seal away. However, he met the "four masters" who happened to arrive at the exit.

Dongtiaoshun didn't pay attention to the "four masters". He thought that with his own strength, it was not easy to deal with the "four masters"? However, the "four masters" felt the threat to his own life as soon as he fought with shunyifu in Dongtiao. At that moment, a very powerful force broke out, and Dongtiao Shunyi was blocked by his life.

Without waiting for Dongtiao Shun to reorganize the offensive, he saw that the "four masters" rushed up with a big drink.

Looking at the figure of the "four masters" who appeared to be a little fuzzy due to the extremely fast speed, Zhou Hao was also stunned. He thought that the commander of the "first army" seemed to be too impatient. Although Dongtiao Shunyi has been exhausted, his strength is still there. I'm afraid it is not so easy to take advantage of it.

However, Zhou Hao was surprised by the strength of the "four masters". He saw that the "four masters" came up and exerted all his strength. There was an incomparable halberd on the top of his head, cutting through the air and chopping at dongtiaoshun all the time!

"Fang Tian painted halberd!" When Zhou Hao saw the halberd on the head of "four masters", he couldn't help exclaiming.

At the same time, Zhou Hao has a strange feeling in his heart. He seems to have seen this "Fangtian painted halberd" somewhere.

"Xuanjia magic skill!" In the face of the fierce attack of the "four masters", Dongtiao Shun did not show weakness, and immediately used his own housekeeping skills. The head of Xuanwu immediately appeared on top of his head, just blocking the attack of the "four masters".

Zhou Hao also rushed up at this time. After all, he didn't want to give Dongtiao Shunyi any chance to escape.

When he appeared in front of Shunyi in Dongtiao, he waved his palm without hesitation, and took the key to his chest.

Dong Tiao Shun, who had just escaped the attack of "four masters", wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. However, he saw Zhou Hao suddenly appearing in front of him. It was too late to hide, so he had to brave his head to meet him.

However, when Shunyi Dongtiao pushed his hands half out and did not meet Zhou Hao, a strange blue color appeared on his face. The "meaning into shape" Xuanwu on his head suddenly disappeared, and the palms that hit Zhou Hao were already soft and soft.Zhou Hao was sensitive to feel that dongtiaoshun's palms had lost any real spirit, and he fell to his side in exchange. If he took this palm down, he would be killed immediately. At the moment, Zhou Hao hastily restrained his real strength, and his hands, which were supposed to attack Tojo Shunyi, temporarily became to hold him.

Look at Dong Tiao Shun's face, there are wrinkles, even older than his original appearance, breath has become very weak.

Dongtiaoshun was also surprised. However, because he was too weak, he could not even speak. He was just full of confusion and bewilderment. Just now, he was full of strength. Even Zhou Hao, a top expert, did not dare to take advantage of him. How could he become an old man?

"Ah Oh Ah... " Dong Tiao Shun gasped hard, and the skin on his face was drying and shrinking at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even appeared pieces of age spots.

It turned out that Shunyi Tojo, who was only in his forties and fifties, had become an old man of seven years and eighty in a few minutes. Moreover, Zhou Hao could feel that the vitality of dongtiaoshun was rapidly disappearing, as if absorbed by something, and seemed to have been completely consumed in a short time.

The "four masters" over there also saw the situation of Shunyi in Tojo, and was also puzzled: "what's wrong with him? Is he possessed by the devil?"

Zhou Hao shook his head. "Four masters" didn't see Dongtiao Shunyi's absorption of the power of the national jade seal, so he didn't know the situation. At this time, Zhou Hao thought of those big trees on the island that were unusually thick but only had more than 10 rings of rings.

If the animals and plants on the island are so huge and ferocious because of the strange energy of the imperial seal, it means that they are not the products of biochemical experiments. At the same time, none of the giant trees on the island are more than 20 years old.

Is it possible to speculate that the animals and plants on the island are so huge and ferocious because they are affected by the energy of the zhuangguo Yuxi. However, there is a price to absorb the energy of the Chuanguo Yuxi, that is to say, their lifespan is greatly shortened. Take trees, for example, which could have survived for a hundred or even thousands of years, but now none of them can live beyond the age of 20.

If you think about the situation of Shunyi Tojo at this time, can't you explain it?

Dongtiao Shunyi absorbed the energy of the imperial seal, and his severely injured body recovered rapidly. He also recovered his youth. He even broke through to the level of a top expert in martial arts.

But this is at the cost of consuming vitality, especially in the face of Zhou Hao, a powerful enemy, Tojo Shunyi had to exert all his strength, that is to make his own vitality consumption faster.

This is the "time limit" of the strange energy of Chuanguo Yuxi.

Look at Tojo Shunyi, his face has become more and more old and unbearable. He still looks at Zhou Hao with doubts and fears, but he can't say anything.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Hao knew that even if he didn't do it himself, Tojo Shunyi would not live long. Zhou Hao put him on the ground, and carefully put the bag containing the imperial seal on his waist. Next, he never touched the imperial seal directly, so as not to trigger the strange energy.

Today's Zhou Hao, is how will not want that kind of side effects of great energy.

When the "four masters" over there saw Zhou Hao unpacking Shunyi's bag in Tojo, he immediately knew that there was a jade seal. He immediately went up to Zhou Hao and asked, "is that the imperial seal?"

Zhou Hao didn't say anything. He continued to take the bag off his waist, but it was also the default of "four masters".

"Give it to me." Only listen to the "four masters" indifferent to say.

Zhou Hao is still silent. Although he has basically affirmed that the imperial seal is more harmful than beneficial to people, it does not mean that he will let it out.

Looking at Zhou Hao, who did not speak to himself, "four masters" took a deep breath and said, "I repeat, give it to me, otherwise..."

Zhou Hao suddenly got up and faced with the "four masters", tightly fixed his eyes and sneered: "otherwise, what do you want to do?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!