Chapter 98

Dragon Searching Formation

According to Elder Xun, the twenty purple-gold stones Mu Yu brought back would last, at least, a year.

After switching the ordinary spirit stones for the purple-gold ones in the four formations, he stood up and said, “Let’s go with this for now. Give me a few more days, and I’ll be able to use two purple-gold stones to set up a spirit collection formation. That’ll magnify its results two folds.”

‘What did you mean when you said there was a large-scale formation protecting Mount Dustfallen?” inquired Lan Ling’er.

Elder Xun spent a moment to phrase what he said in his mind prior to explicating, “Dustfallen Sect’s formation is high level. I’ve never seen it before. I’m guessing it locks the outside spiritual qi on this mountain to amplify the spiritual qis’ potency. It’s similar to the spirit collection formation, except that it’s much higher level. If you can control it, you can keep track of every single thing everyone on the mountain is doing. By the same vein, you will be able to ward off invaders and attack anyone on the mountain.”

“Sheesh,” remarked Mu Yu.

“It requires more spirit stones, then, does it not?” followed up Lan Ling’er.

“Strangely, it doesn’t appear to use spirit stones as its foundation but something else. Perhaps it’s a magical item. I can’t say for sure. If Patriarch cast the formation, he clearly knows more about formations than I do.”

“Elder Xun, Jiuhua Sect also has a large-scale formation protecting their mountain. Could they also have a similar magical item?” asked Mu Yu.

“I’ve been to Jiuhua Sect numerous times. Their large-scale formation is merely a simple alarm. It doesn’t have an offensive ability as this one does or the ability to collect spiritual qi. Their formation warns them if somebody trespasses via incorrect means. That would only cost them several hundred spirit stones monthly, which is the equivalent of what is used at every sect’s courtyard at the academy.”

Mu Yu had more questions, but Elder Xun suddenly started panting and convulsing. Seeing him grab his chest tight, Mu Yu queried, “Elder Xun, what’s wrong?”

“It’s my bloodlust. Bloodlust. I... I haven’t eaten in days. I... I...” Elder Xun dropped to the ground and continued convulsing. His eyes turned red, while his bones and joints bulged.

“Elder Xun’s soul-devouring wolf instincts have been triggered. Ask Uncle An for a suppression method,” instructed Mu Yu.

Lan Ling’er soon brought Uncle An back. Uncle An had been treating Elder Xun’s injuries and purging the underlying condition. Elder Xun was able to recover from physical injuries fast thanks to the fiend spirit he consumed; however, he still struggled to control his bloodlust.

Uncle An ground a black herb then shoved it into Elder Xun’s mouth.

“Wolf poison herb is the wolves’ weakness. It suppresses their urges as wolves. Patriarch still has some growing in the herb garden. Just consume one serve every seven days,” Uncle An calmly directed.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Though Feng Haochen often had his disciples add herbs to their baths, they never delved deep into the herbs.

Uncle An always kept to himself but was even more quiet than usual after Feng Haochen went missing. At the same time, Uncle An blamed himself for Feng Haochen’s disappearance.

Mu Yu: “Elder Xun, how confident are you?”

“The materials required are complex. Its foundation isn’t spirit stones. You need five items: ten thousand year old greenwood, mystic sea ice, ancient spirit elemental fire, transcendent iron, and sunken frozen earth. From their names alone, you can tell they are anything but ordinary. Apparently, the elemental demons invented the formation, therefore the link to the five elements.”

Mu Yu hadn’t even heard of the five items.

Lan Ling’er asked, “How do we find them?”

Elder Xun expressed, “I have never seen them myself.”

“I have all of the items listed. You just need to set up the formation,” stated Uncle An.

“What? You do?” asked Elder Xun, astonished as Mu Yu was.

“That’s my business. I will gather the materials and see you in two days,” announced Uncle An, departing aferwards.

Similar to Feng Haochen’s case, Mu Yu realised he didn’t really know much about Uncle An at all.

Mu Yu tucked Elder Xu into bed, then went out with Lan Ling’er, albeit focusing on Dragon Searching Formation. He was more than happy to be the catalyst if he could find his shifu. Uncle An wouldn’t approve, having said that.

“Ling’er, I never knew you were interested in formations.”

“I’m not, Stupid.”

“If you’re not interested, why did you follow us around all afternoon?”

“Because you thoughtlessly brought someone back and had him join our sect, Dullard. You think we genuinely accept him? He killed so many people. Yes, they deserve punishment, but they didn’t deserve a death sentence. I can ignore that, nevertheless. I’m worried about the soul-devouring wolf in him. I’m not worried about him transforming and attacking you or I. Did you ever consider the gullible twins, though? They haven’t started cultivating. If Elder Xun attacks them, they’ll be totally defenceless.”

Mu Yu had to admit he was careless and failed to factor in the potential problem. He was the only one who knew Elder Xun didn’t go on random rampages even if he transformed. Just because they were returning the favour for helping Mu Yu didn’t mean they genuinely trusted the elder.

Lan Ling’er elaborated, “I don’t think he seems to be a bad man. He was once the academy’s general manager and is humble. I joined you in the afternoon to learn more about him. I’m still impressed he discovered the formations we were oblivious to. I’m only just realising Shifu hides many secrets from us. I don’t know if he’s going to be happy to know we’ve dug around so much.”

Mu Yu, eyes on the empty courtyard his shifu often meditated in, replied, “Let’s find out whether he’s safe or not first and foremost.”