Chapter 560

Another Encounter with Ghost Gate

The dragon vine vexingly charged at the ghost qi barrier to no avail. Every time it hit the barrier, it’d bounce off and feel disgusted.

The dragon vine noticed Ghost Gate’s members when it was about to return after collecting bamboo shoots and decided to tail them. Alas, they somehow discovered it on their tail and captured it. In terms of combat prowess, the dragon vine outclassed them. Their ghost qi, nevertheless, was potent enough to restrain it. Its desperate cries for Mu Yu went unheard due to some inherent feature of the ghost qi muting it.

Suddenly, Gui Hongyu rocked up, startling it with her Spirit Severing Realm cultivation. She cast away her red mist and scrutinised it with her eerie scarlet eyes and revealed her pearly whites. “A ten-thousand-year-old dragon vine? Wonderful!”

“We could use it to treat damage to souls or refine it to be used for a life prolonging pill. We have a better chance of completing our mission with it,” added Gui Xuesong, a Body Severing Realm cultivator.

“Gui Xuesong, go scout the surroundings. While you’re at it, have someone summon Gui Xiuluo here. I have a hunch there’s more to this situation.”

“What do you mean? Are you saying that you can’t capture the dragon vine even with your cultivation, Senior Sister? Why do we need to bother Gui Xiuluo?”

“The only evolved dragon ever sighted in the world of cultivation was the one accompanying Mu Yu. I can’t tell if this is the same one. If he’s nearby, we need to be wary.”

“Mu Yu” got a jerk reaction out of Gui Xuesong, but he brushed it off, contesting, “We do not need to worry about him, do we? We are not here for him but f-”

“Shut up,” brayed Gui Hongyu. “Do as you’re told.”

Gui Xuesong scurried off, leaving three Primordial Infant Realm disciples with Gui Hongyu.

Mu Yu used Heavenly Star Formation to teleport behind Gui Hongyu and then drew Shadow Splitter Sword. She formed a shield from her red mist to defend herself from his thrust, but it managed to pierce her shield and dig into her. She groaned and tried to heal, but his sword’s spiritual energy absorbed her red mist, cutting her endeavour short.

Gui Hongyu summoned her twin back with a hand seal and forced Mu Yu’s unusual spiritual energy out of her body. As her twin came back, she hopped away, only for him to catch her again and lop her entire arm off.

“Return my dragon vine!”

Gui Hongyu bit down on her lips to stop herself grunting and hotfoot it. Mu Yu’s Wood Spirit Sword absorbed all of the ghouls she tried to stall him with as she hid in red mist and went hell for leather. Thanks to her style, she was able to use void travel without leaving traces.

Mu Yu sheathed Shadow Splitter Sword into a void and teleported to a tree branch, slamming his foot into Gui Hongyu, who couldn’t stop her forward momentum. She bounced off the tree behind her and landed on the ground, lying defenceless before Xiaoshuai, who had dispatched his three opponents. Mu Yu dove off the tree branch and drew Shadow Splitter Sword for another thrust.

Clang! A red scythe deflected Mu Yu’s sword, and the young owner descended.

“Tsk, tsk, Mu Yu, Mu Yu.”

“Gui Xiuluo, I caught an evolved dragon vine. We need to deliver it to His Lordship right away,” informed Gui Hongyu, crawling to her feet.

“Oh, nice catch. Leave this to me, and go on ahead.”

Gui Xiuluo flaunted his Spirit Severing Realm Ninth Layer cultivation and licked his red lips.

Mu Yu teleported and slashed at a fleeing Gui Hongyu, but Gui Xiuluo forced Mu Yu back and cackled. “I haven’t had a chance to get some pointers out of you.”